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Hate-Speech Hypocrites

Movies on Homosexuals are not made in India nor noticed. Don't know about your country ?

If someone has sexual preference different, what's your problem? D

God said love humans, did he mentioned men or women ?

There are many examples of homosexuality in animal kingdom, so its not against nature too.

Targeting a certain sect,group, segment,caste,religion and discrimination is what you are doing. So you are in the same group of hate spreading people. You are among the people who bring bad name and malign the image of Islam.

tu bhi hadd hai:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hindus are dirty pagans, Hinduism is an insult to human intellect. Those backward cow worshippers (No hate speech of course, don't take it personally).

And India is one of the dirtiest countries on earth with dirty people everywhere....

Mohammed has sex with 9 yo Ayesha. Islam is a religion of violence lead by the paedophiliac mass murderer pervert demon moohammed. The muslims are indoctrinated by the mindcontrol hut in Mecca. (No hate speech of course, don't take it personally)
I have a very good answer for that.

Insulting Prophet Mohammed, even though it maybe in a bad taste, does not hurt anybody physically. The only people that harm anyone physically when Mohammed is insulted, are Muslims. Also, it does not particularly point to a tragedy that happened in the past.

However, the Holocaust ACTUALLY happened. 6 million innocent people died. The Holocaust was not a religious event, it was mass murder. A lot of present day Israelis might have had some of their relatives killed in that event, so it is insensitive and barbaric to bully and mock the Holocaust.

Lastly, the Holocaust is a historic event. Jews do not go around burning buildings when someone denies the holocaust.

But Mohammed is a religious figure, and Muslims will go around burning buildings and attacking **** if someone talks trash about Mohammed.

A historic event and a religious figure are totally different. And the historic event has more credibility and deserves more respect.

if I may ask, when you lean on your desk do you put your weight on your elbow or your a$$, I ask because you obviously dont know the difference between them

dont say something about something that happened in the past (its done and cannot do anything about it), but you can say thing about something that will make some bad things happen in the future. thats what you said right??? a$$ or elbow

If Mods give me a free pass for a day, I will prove how flawed Indian's logic is regarding this issue...thats If i get total freedom of speech
and? they also allowed you in... the great conspiratorial mind of " Zionist have a hold on everyone" . Maybe they were doing a balancing act, no different than the OP allowed in Netherlands .

You guys use free speech laws to spread your hate while cribbing about others... funny! Can we live in your lands( other than convenient adopted Christian lands)and use free speech to slam Muslims or Islam?

Spare me your tantrum.

America allowed hatemongers like you into their midst. Hindu fanatics who hide behind the labels of "atheist" to attack Muslims and Indian jingoists obsessed with their hatred of all things Chinese.

America, however, is consistent. They allow the Nazi party, so why not people like you?

You have trouble understanding the basic principle of free speech and the hypocrisy in the Australian decision. Given your prejudices, that's understandable, but educated Australians are debating the Immigration Department's decision -- something that would elude your hate-obsessed mind.

I have a very good answer for that.

No, you don't.

No one is defending Holocaust denial. People like David Irving and others question the specifics and numbers in the Holocaust. We may not agree with them, but the issue is freedom of speech. It should apply equally across the board.

This author does not know about Islam and neither do his supporters including the person who posted this.

No, you don't know what you are writing about.

Please read the part of my post above. The issue is not Holocaust denial, but any attempt to investigate and debate the specifics. Also, no one is defending calls to violence by anyone.

Once again, the issue is not any specific subject, but the principle of free speech. Why is some free speech celebrated while others are censured? The issue of the Holocaust is brought up, not because anyone is defending any position, but simply because it is the most visible and extreme example of the Western double standards.

Once you can wrap your head around that fact, feel free to respond.
Please read the part of my post above. The issue is not Holocaust denial, but any attempt to investigate and debate the specifics. Also, no one is defending calls to violence by anyone.

Once again, the issue is not any specific subject, but the principle of free speech. Why is some free speech celebrated while others are censured? The issue of the Holocaust is brought up, not because anyone is defending any position, but simply because it is the most visible and extreme example of the Western double standards.

Once you can wrap your head around that fact, feel free to respond.

Let me understand what you saying.

1. You do not support violent reaction to Mohammad pbuh related cartoons or movies. Correct?
2. You do not deny Jewish holocaust. Correct?

Let me know and we can discuss it further.

peace to you
It deeply hurts religious people when their saints are insulted. If you didnt knew - words can sometimes hurt more than physical harm.

Oh please. Then those people need to grow the **** up.

1. Nobody gets physically hurt if someone question Holocaust, thats your own logic from above. These people dont commit genocide or anything.

Nonsense and poppycock. So according to you, its violence only if its a Genocide :lol: Please. Jewish people wont go around attacking stuff if someone questions the holocaust. They might argue, explain, but they never attack. Thats never happened. Ever.

2. Holocaust of 6 mln. is arbitrary and nonetheless wrong figure. You would know if you would do any research in this matter.

I've done more research than you know. All of those revisionist views, are actually wrong and have been proven wrong as well.

3. US denies genocide against Indians, Turkey against Kurds and Armenians, ets. etc. Why the ONLY genocide which is punishable by law and even jail-time is Holocaust? In my country you can deny any other genocide as much as you want, but God forbid you deny Holocaust... Is Jewish life and history are worth more than anyone else? I dont think so.

Getting countries to accept other genocides, and denying the Jewish genocide are two different things. Jewish life and history are indeed very important. Not because they are superior or whatever, but cuz they are people just like the rest of us. If you want your govt to accept the Armenian genocide or any other Genocide then you should work towards it. Its also not easy for countries to brand something as genocide.

In order for it to be genocide, there should be motive, there should be effort and there should be result. Countries may often deny to accept something as genocide for political reasons as well. The US is a close ally of Turkey, so it wont accept the Armenian genocide. Israel, hasnt openly accepted the Armenian genocide, but everything they have done has shown that they actually think its genocide. Turkey had to threaten Israel and warn it of severe "reprisals" if Israel recognized it as genocide, even though Israel Charny (executive director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem) has himself accepted it as genocide.


Actually Jewish organizations make sure that Holocaust denials are either in jail, or their life are destroyed. Like Jewish professor wrote "The Holocaust industry" about how Jews profit from it, and Zionists made sure he got fired, even though he wrote the facts and is a Jew himself.

You can indeed make an industry out of any historic event. Going by the same argument, how many movies have been made based on WW2? So that becomes WW2 industry.

As for the holocaust, OF COURSE!! The Jews will indeed profit, as they rightly should. They lost 1/3rd of their generation due to mindless killing. What have they profited anyway? Israel being formed? I Am damn sure most of the achievements by Jews and Israelis are because they actually qualify not because of the holocaust.

Holocaust deniers are not jailed for denying the holocaust. Those people deny the holocaust because they hate Jews. THey are anti-semitic people. A lot of em either turn out to be radical muslims, or neo-nazi morons. These people belong in jail.

Questioning events in the holocaust, or asking for proof for something is however not wrong. You can investigate any historic event. And if you indeed investigate the holocaust, you'd find that these revisionist views are ****.

Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'. BTW, this modi guy is another faggot who should be in that movie, in that case the movie will transform into a homosexual orgy. I'm sure it will be a super-hit movie in the world.

Am not sure why you are so obsessed with homosexuality, but hey, its not wrong to be gay. We accept you. Can you accept it? :lol:

BTW if Gandhi was indeed gay, I say thats a great thing! Whats better to get LGBT people full rights in India? Secondly, it makes him even more greater, cuz not only he had to bear the expectations of so many people, but also stay celibate and torture himself for the rest of his life ^^

No, you don't.

No one is defending Holocaust denial. People like David Irving and others question the specifics and numbers in the Holocaust. We may not agree with them, but the issue is freedom of speech. It should apply equally across the board.

David Irving has been caught red handed, sympathizing with white nationalists and neo-nazis. He is not a historian. He is a red neck. We dont take red necks seriously.

One example brought was his diary entry for 17 September 1994, in which Irving wrote about a ditty he composed for his young daughter "when halfbreed children are wheeled past":

I am a Baby Aryan
Not Jewish or Sectarian
I have no plans to marry an
Ape or Rastafarian.

David Irving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks for such clear distinction between what is a hate speech and what is not. Now I can freely express that Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'. BTW, this modi guy is another faggot who should be in that movie, in that case the movie will transform into a homosexual orgy. I'm sure it will be a super-hit movie in the world.
Now let's see if your embassy gets burned and your diplomats murdered. If not...we know who the nuts are.
Let me understand what you saying.

1. You do not support violent reaction to Mohammad pbuh related cartoons or movies. Correct?
2. You do not deny Jewish holocaust. Correct?

Let me know and we can discuss it further.

peace to you

Correct on both counts.

My point is that, however deluded Holocaust revisionism might be, there is no justification for laws outlawing it. Truth stands on its own merit; it does not need to be protected by laws.

So, when Western countries enact laws prohibiting certain topics which offend their sensibilities, but allow others under the rubric of 'free speech', then they are being hypocritical. When Muslim extremists spout crap against others, it is called 'hate speech' and censured, but when Islamophobes spout their nonsense, it is called 'free speech' and celebrated by mainstream media as intellectual discourse.

It is this fundamental double standard which is the issue here.
David Irving has been caught red handed, sympathizing with white nationalists and neo-nazis. He is not a historian. He is a red neck. We dont take red necks seriously.

One example brought was his diary entry for 17 September 1994, in which Irving wrote about a ditty he composed for his young daughter "when halfbreed children are wheeled past":

I am a Baby Aryan
Not Jewish or Sectarian
I have no plans to marry an
Ape or Rastafarian.

David Irving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again, I am not defending David Irving, but pointing out the hypocrisy in legally banning one viewpoint while allowing others. As far as I know, David Irving doesn't advocate or promote violence, and his views can be debunked with plain facts without needing legal crutches.
Spare me your tantrum.

America allowed hatemongers like you into their midst. Hindu fanatics who hide behind the labels of "atheist" to attack Muslims and Indian jingoists obsessed with their hatred of all things Chinese.

America, however, is consistent. They allow the Nazi party, so why not people like you?

You have trouble understanding the basic principle of free speech and the hypocrisy in the Australian decision. Given your prejudices, that's understandable, but educated Australians are debating the Immigration Department's decision -- something that would elude your hate-obsessed mind.

hahaha the guy who is " Zionist are everywhere and have hold on america" now is predicting my mindset as being anti muslim . based on what? show me one instance I have ever said " Muslim terrorists run Pakistan govt". On the other hand I have made plenty statements about not broad brushing of all Muslims. I've taken on Hindu zealots on these boards , spoken up against MODI and supported civil rights for all in India" . You on the other have kept your mouth shut while your ( i suspect similar thinkers) have spewed the exact attack you have done on me .
Once again, I am not defending David Irving, but pointing out the hypocrisy in legally banning one viewpoint while allowing others. As far as I know, David Irving doesn't advocate or promote violence, and his views can be debunked with plain facts without needing legal crutches.

And they have been. But expressing views, and educating people based on false information are two different things. The latter is indeed a crime. And he was arrested in Austria, because he denied the holocaust because of his RACISM. Not because he was going around looking for all the proof he can get about the holocaust.
Let me understand what you saying.

1. You do not support violent reaction to Mohammad pbuh related cartoons or movies. Correct?
2. You do not deny Jewish holocaust. Correct?

Let me know and we can discuss it further.

peace to you

Let me tell you who he is . He is the guy who sits here ranting about Jews, Israel and Zionist, lumping them together only to cleverly separate his antisemitism when called on the mat.

I quote him " Zionist have a hold on all of america". That's revealing is it not? To him he has concluded that one set of a group he despises is running the country policies. When asked if Zionist have a hold on all of america how come we have not yet gone to war with Iran a decade ago? He has no answers. When asked If Zionist had a hold on all of america, how come not one single soldier from the US set foot on Israel grounds, hand in hand with Israelis during the 6 day war- he has no answer. When asked if Zionist have a hold on all america , how come Israeli PM dislikes Obama, he has no answer or the fact that Jews in the US vote democrats ( the most non ' let's go to war' party in the US)- he has no answer.

So watch him change like a chameleon on his answers but I wouldn't fall for it... This guy is a subtle hatemonger who loves his free speech in Australia, choose to leave his country to enjoy those freedoms , but rallies people back in Pakistan to fight the good fight- while he sips his Australian for beer " fosters" and covets with folks in the comfortable circumstances in Australia.

and oh - he is a" think tank" oh yeaaaahhh....:)
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