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Hate-Speech Hypocrites

you see we dont care if you abuse us as muslims everyone is a witness to what we have become (what we were is better left unsaid cause we weren't a party to it) plus most of us can take criticism......muslims dont even joke about Hazrat Musa Hazrat Esa not even in the most positives of meanings. it would be hard for people to understand this because it requires the study of tradition and comparison between the truth and outrageous accusations.
^^^ I for one think holocust denial should not be consided a big criminal offence, it should be consided mild anti social behaviour and those who do so should be asked to write a 10 page essay on history of jews. (like the US judge did about hate crime)

whats the commonality between Holocaust deniers? They are all viewed as nut jobs by the 99%. Like they say if it walks like a duck and quacks a like duck- it is a duck. A Holocaust denier is a fundamentalist who will also deny 911, deny anything and everything that has to do with historical sanity.
^^^ I for one think holocust denial should not be consided a big criminal offence, it should be consided mild anti social behaviour and those who do so should be asked to write a 10 page essay on history of jews. (like the US judge did about hate crime)

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION GO TO HELL. . When you attack black people, They call it RACISM, . When you attack Jewish people, They call it ANTI-SEMETISM, . When you attack Women, They call it "Gender discrimination", .When u attack homosexuality they call it Intolerance...When you attack your Country, They call it Terrorism, . When you attack a Religious sect, They call it HATE SPEECH, . But. . . . when They attack at the dignity of Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAWW) they call it Freedom of speech.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION GO TO HELL. . When you attack black people, They call it RACISM, . When you attack Jewish people, They call it ANTI-SEMETISM, . When you attack Women, They call it "Gender discrimination", .When u attack homosexuality they call it Intolerance...When you attack your Country, They call it Terrorism, . When you attack a Religious sect, They call it HATE SPEECH, . But. . . . when They attack at the dignity of Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAWW) they call it Freedom of speech.

The dignity of your prophet is not fragile to be hurt by mere words or cartoons / movies made by a few. Else your religion would not have stood up to the test of time. What about the dignity of other religions that you attack , burn and kill among- as a result of your false sense of dignity being disturbed?

what was your prophets attitude to the indignity of garbage being thrown at him per your famous fables? Did he behead the lady?
whats the commonality between Holocaust deniers? They are all viewed as nut jobs by the 99%. Like they say if it walks like a duck and quacks a like duck- it is a duck. A Holocaust denier is a fundamentalist who will also deny 911, deny anything and everything that has to do with historical sanity.

The Lololololocaust, lol....

It's almost effortless now to predict the nut jobs...:enjoy:
I think if somebody spreads hatred against a group/tribe/race of people, it should be consided hate speech.
However lampooning/criticizing/mocking a dead person/ an idea / a work of art / literature/ a religion is not hatred.

Making fun of yahweh , moses etc is not hate speech. Nor is making fun of prophet mohammed or allah.

However spreading hatred against jews/muslims is hate speech.

Saying communism have got it completely wrong because.... is not hate speech.
Saying communist party members should be taken out and shot infront of others is hate speech (unless you are Clackson)

Thanks for such clear distinction between what is a hate speech and what is not. Now I can freely express that Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'. BTW, this modi guy is another faggot who should be in that movie, in that case the movie will transform into a homosexual orgy. I'm sure it will be a super-hit movie in the world.
^^ Hindus are dirty pagans, Hinduism is an insult to human intellect. Those backward cow worshippers (No hate speech of course).
Thanks for such clear distinction between what is a hate speech and what is not. Now I can freely express that Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'.
It might not be hate speech (although historically incorrect as he was married and had 4 children) but might be against forum rules. (Say like me expressing mohammed being gay!! which I agree is historically incorrect, but thats just a small detail, why bother about details :) )
Hindus are dirty pagans, Hinduism is an insult to human intellect. Those backward cow worshippers (No hate speech of course, don't take it personally).

And India is one of the dirtiest countries on earth with dirty people everywhere....
Hindus are dirty pagans, Hinduism is an insult to human intellect. Those backward cow worshippers (No hate speech of course, don't take it personally).

And India is one of the dirtiest countries on earth with dirty people everywhere....

A good test to check whether it is hate speech: replace hindu with your own people, say muslim, and cow with pigs.

Hinduism is open to debate/criticism as islam is. :)
Thanks for such clear distinction between what is a hate speech and what is not. Now I can freely express that Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'. BTW, this modi guy is another faggot who should be in that movie, in that case the movie will transform into a homosexual orgy. I'm sure it will be a super-hit movie in the world.

there are books written about it and not a single person was killed over it. That's the point. Albeit an educated point that is above your pay grade. You see in the whole equation, nobody has singly handily harmed, denigrated Islam more than so called Muslims like you.

You can have 1000 idiotic REX's that won't make others jump, as easy as one or two movie makers that makes 100,000 REX's jump.:wave: although as history shows not brave enough to gain it's own independence, on it's own. Typical though...
Thanks for such clear distinction between what is a hate speech and what is not. Now I can freely express that Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'. BTW, this modi guy is another faggot who should be in that movie, in that case the movie will transform into a homosexual orgy. I'm sure it will be a super-hit movie in the world.
Sure, you are free to make a movie like that in the USA. If you have funding problems you should meet a certain Pakistani minister.
Hindus are dirty pagans, Hinduism is an insult to human intellect. Those backward cow worshippers (No hate speech of course, don't take it personally).

And India is one of the dirtiest countries on earth with dirty people everywhere....

And yet in Netherlands they don't make anti Hindu laws. Rather they make laws to keep a check on people like you among them :agree:
Thanks for such clear distinction between what is a hate speech and what is not. Now I can freely express that Gandhi never married because he had homosexual relation with Mountbaten. Perhaps somebody should make a movie with scenes depicting their 'homosexual love'. BTW, this modi guy is another faggot who should be in that movie, in that case the movie will transform into a homosexual orgy. I'm sure it will be a super-hit movie in the world.
Movies on Homosexuals are not made in India nor noticed. Don't know about your country ?

If someone has sexual preference different, what's your problem? D

God said love humans, did he mentioned men or women ?

There are many examples of homosexuality in animal kingdom, so its not against nature too.

Targeting a certain sect,group, segment,caste,religion and discrimination is what you are doing. So you are in the same group of hate spreading people. You are among the people who bring bad name and malign the image of Islam.
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