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Hate-Speech Hypocrites

Everything you have written is correct.

None of what you have written justifies the ban on Holocaust speech.

Funny you should mention cowardly, since that is precisely the characteristic of people who resort to hide behind the anti-Semitism shield when they can't debate the actual issue.

Here's a Holocaust survivor who chafes at the abuse of the label anti-Semitism by Israeli apologists.

TLAXCALA : Unjust accusations of anti-Semitism demystified in booklet by Hajo Meyer

Hajo Meyer* published a remarkable booklet to counteract the conscious abuse of the terms anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism by the State of Israel and its umbrella organizations.

I suppose these Orthodox Jews are also anti-Semites...

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
Freedom of speech doesn't include incitement in any part of the world Muslims don't tolerate incitement and if according to most international laws if you incite some one and he or she murders you he or she can't be given capital punishment Sir
You lecturing him ? you are such great Muslim dude that you have righteous indignation for Australia's policy but the Muslim in you loves to live off it.

you are such a great Muslim that never comes into any conversation of Muslims here ( not all) when promoting more violence

You are such great Muslim that you provoke Pakistanis with your bluster but stay in the comfort of your country

You such a great Muslim that you see Zionist everywhere but reside in pro Zionist country

You are such a great Muslim that you go on vacation to american Zionist held country

finally you are such a great Muslim that you contribute your tax dollars towards anti Muslim governments

you a such a great Muslim that your disdain for those who don't support your Palestine cause stops when wanting to live in those very countries.

yes you are the poster child of righteously Muslim ( not) .

So, yet another long rant devoid of actual substance, eh?

I could not have said it better.

I would have given it the old college try.

But I would have fallen short.

Don't sell yourself short.
I am sure you can outdo him on vacuous rants devoid of substance.

LOL that baloney of ghaddfi was killed by a french agent is your new cause? because another tin foil hat wearer said so?

Clearly you missed the point, which was not the murder claim itself and which I explicitly avoided, but the context of his relationship with various Western leaders including Blair and Sarkozy.

Supporting Mubarak became untenable on your time line? Are you sure it's not YOU who have an hold of america and not the Zionist...you seem to know a hell of lot about and predict our moves in hindsight.

Yes, I know about how geopolitics works in the real world -- the constant cost-benefit analysis for all moves.

Pity you insist on exhibiting your lack of knowledge of the same.
There are extremist on both sides. Extremists wait for any chance to instigate violence in name of islam; on the other side there are anti-islamist, who know exactly how to instigate and get the reaction to further their agenda of portraying Islam as a violent influence.

the majority muslims need to tone down their reactions to stupidity and rest of the world needs to realise freedom of speech shouldn't be misused to hurt sentiments of other religions.
Don't sell yourself short.
I am sure you can outdo him on vacuous rants devoid of substance.

Probably. But only if my heart is really into it.

Jews and Muslims is not my thing.

You could kill each other many times over or live in peace for millenia, for all it would mean to me frankly.
Holocaust deniers can be condemned and ridiculed, but should not be criminalized. Same applies to the Muhammad film folks.
There are extremist on both sides. Extremists wait for any chance to instigate violence in name of islam; on the other side there are anti-islamist, who know exactly how to instigate and get the reaction to further their agenda of portraying Islam as a violent influence.

the majority muslims need to tone down their reactions to stupidity and rest of the world needs to realise freedom of speech shouldn't be misused to hurt sentiments of other religions.

Here's an example:

When extremist Muslims say "Jews are pigs and Christians are dogs", the Western media showcases it as an example of hate speech indoctrination by Muslims. However, when anti-Muslim extremists say similar things about Muslims, they are called champions of free speech and paraded around mainstream media as insightful intellectuals.

Keep in mind, as always, that we are not talking about incitement to violence, which we all agree is criminal.
You lecturing him ? you are such great Muslim dude that you have righteous indignation for Australia's policy but the Muslim in you loves to live off it.

you are such a great Muslim that never comes into any conversation of Muslims here ( not all) when promoting more violence

You are such great Muslim that you provoke Pakistanis with your bluster but stay in the comfort of your country

You such a great Muslim that you see Zionist everywhere but reside in pro Zionist country

You are such a great Muslim that you go on vacation to american Zionist held country

finally you are such a great Muslim that you contribute your tax dollars towards anti Muslim governments

you a such a great Muslim that your disdain for those who don't support your Palestine cause stops when wanting to live in those very countries.

yes you are the poster child of righteously Muslim ( not) .

That just shows his hypocrisy. I couldnt have put it in better words. One of the best posts I have read so far on PDF.

Given your shameless promotion of anti-Muslim literature in your previous post, we all know how neutral you are on the subject. So excuse us when we don't quite believe in your objectivity on this matter.

The issue of Israel's legitimacy is tied to the resolution of the rights of the displaced Palestinians and the Palestinian state, including the status of Jerusalem. It's all interconnected.

Who are the Palestinians? Can you please clarify? Can you please clarify when in the history of the middle east, there was a state called Palestine? Such a state never existed. The whole demand for a separate Palestinian state is based on a lie in the first place.

Even so, most of the Israelis advocate for a 2 state solution. Even I agree with that, since after 7 decades, nothing can be done. 7 million Jews live there and about an equal number of Muslims do too. We cannot "get rid of" anybody there. The only thing that can be done is to co-exist, but it has to be on Israel's terms. Israel is the stronger nation and after 7 decades of war they wont just blindly trust the Palestinians, especially when there are elements like the Hamas and the Hezbollah that categorically reject a 2 state solution. For them they will be happy only when Israelis are dead and gone, and when they establish a Islamic state in that place.

So Who is anti who here? This is not being anti-muslim, this is being truthful. The truth has always been their enemy in that region.

when anti-Muslim extremists say similar things about Muslims, they are called champions of free speech and paraded around mainstream media as insightful intellectuals.

No? When anti-Muslim extremists, like the Westboro Baptist Church for example, call Muslims names, they are called racists, bigots and morons.

When an American soldier, shoots up a bunch of people, he is tried according to law.

When Muslims say such hateful stuff, in the muslim world, they are first of all praised. And if they kill a few children in suicide attacks, those extremists are heralded as heroes and called martyrs.

Thats the reality.
That just shows his hypocrisy. I couldnt have put it in better words. One of the best posts I have read so far on PDF.

Who are the Palestinians? Can you please clarify? Can you please clarify when in the history of the middle east, there was a state called Palestine? Such a state never existed. The whole demand for a separate Palestinian state is based on a lie in the first place.

Even so, most of the Israelis advocate for a 2 state solution. Even I agree with that, since after 7 decades, nothing can be done. 7 million Jews live there and about an equal number of Muslims do too. We cannot "get rid of" anybody there. The only thing that can be done is to co-exist, but it has to be on Israel's terms. Israel is the stronger nation and after 7 decades of war they wont just blindly trust the Palestinians, especially when there are elements like the Hamas and the Hezbollah that categorically reject a 2 state solution. For them they will be happy only when Israelis are dead and gone, and when they establish a Islamic state in that place.

So Who is anti who here? This is not being anti-muslim, this is being truthful. The truth has always been their enemy in that region.

No? When anti-Muslim extremists, like the Westboro Baptist Church for example, call Muslims names, they are called racists, bigots and morons.

When an American soldier, shoots up a bunch of people, he is tried according to law.

When Muslims say such hateful stuff, in the muslim world, they are first of all praised. And if they kill a few children in suicide attacks, those extremists are heralded as heroes and called martyrs.

Thats the reality.
Jews were never resident of that area sir that is sure they came from Europe and captured land of Muslims by taking help of French and British and now killing Muslims and portraying themselves as most innocent people on the face of the earth in fact the are most brutal and cruel people and soon will pay the price for killing of Muslims their real holocaust will soon take place
Jews were never resident of that area sir that is sure they came from Europe and captured land of Muslims by taking help of French and British and now killing Muslims and portraying themselves as most innocent people on the face of the earth in fact the are most brutal and cruel people and soon will pay the price for killing of Muslims their real holocaust will soon take place

The Jews were there long before either Jesus or Muhamad were born my friend.

You cannot change history.
The Jews were there long before either Jesus or Muhamad were born my friend.

You cannot change history.
Yes than their left their for hundred of years Muslims were living their for almost more than 1000 years you can't change history my friend
Who are the Palestinians? Can you please clarify? Can you please clarify when in the history of the middle east, there was a state called Palestine? Such a state never existed. The whole demand for a separate Palestinian state is based on a lie in the first place.

Palestinians are people who have lived on that land for centuries.

The ancient State of Israel ceased to exist 2000 years ago when the Romans conquered it. Most of the Jews dispersed.

The modern nation states were formed in the 20th century based on the people physically living on the piece of land. Israel is the only exception where the majority of the future residents were deliberately shipped in and the indigenous residents displaced out.

So Who is anti who here? This is not being anti-muslim, this is being truthful. The truth has always been their enemy in that region.

All you are saying is that might is right.

No? When anti-Muslim extremists, like the Westboro Baptist Church for example, call Muslims names, they are called racists, bigots and morons.

When an American soldier, shoots up a bunch of people, he is tried according to law.

Selective examples.

Geert Wilders, Theo Van Gogh, Ayan Hirsi Ali, etc, etc. do not get censured for their incendiary rhetoric. There are plenty more on Fox News and elsewhere who get celebrated as champions of free speech.

Similarly, mainstream Muslim leaders take pains to distance themselves from Anjem Choudry, Hizb-Tahrir and other extremists.

When Muslims say such hateful stuff, in the muslim world, they are first of all praised. And if they kill a few children in suicide attacks, those extremists are heralded as heroes and called martyrs.

I knew you would resort to examples of violence even though I explicitly wrote that violence should be criminalized by all sides. To take your example, many Muslims were killed by IDF and Western armies and it is all written off as 'militants' or 'collateral damage' and the soldiers praised.

Thats the reality.

in your skewed, selective view of the world.
Jews were never resident of that area sir that is sure they came from Europe and captured land of Muslims by taking help of French and British and now killing Muslims and portraying themselves as most innocent people on the face of the earth in fact the are most brutal and cruel people and soon will pay the price for killing of Muslims their real holocaust will soon take place

You define yourself as a "fundamentalist" and "extremist" and say that you wanna die for Islam, and you expect me to take you seriously? People like you are the scourge of Muslim society. BTW how about looking forward to living than dying? Thats the issue, people like you invest in dying, the Jews invest in living. And thats why they are successful.

When you say all of these things, do you really think anti-muslim feelings arent justified? So now you have made your choice that you will endorse the holocaust of Jews. So now there is absolutely nothing wrong, if Jews say, "Bring it *****!!", and bomb the hell out of you. Dont complain, cuz you just justified everything Israel does.

Jews have always been ethno centric, and therefore whoever lives there today, in some way or another is related to people that were displaced earlier. Also, we cannot go back to biblical times and form nations based on that, cuz going by that same argument, Pakistan wont exist, India wont exist, the US wont exist. Going by recent history in the last 100 years, yes Israel is indeed a legitimate state.
Here's an example:

When extremist Muslims say "Jews are pigs and Christians are dogs", the Western media showcases it as an example of hate speech indoctrination by Muslims. However, when anti-Muslim extremists say similar things about Muslims, they are called champions of free speech and paraded around mainstream media as insightful intellectuals.

Keep in mind, as always, that we are not talking about incitement to violence, which we all agree is criminal.

which main stream media are you talking about; every one from jon stewart; to zakaria; to o reilly, everyone discourages such outrageous anti muslim hate speech.

When moderate educated muslims like you think even for a minute that rest of the world is picking on you because of your religion; that exact moment gives enough legitimacy to these extremist whose business is to burn buses and shout out death to amrika;

Doesn't matter how ridiculous it sounds; it is imperative to ignore BS coming from both sides.
Majority of the monothiestic religions in the worlds openly claim in their religios books that idol worshipping is sin; That doesn't mean every monothiest and his relegion pisses hindus off.

A cartoon or a shitty movie should not be able to instigate a 1400 yr old relegion with nearly 1/3rd of global population
Yes than their left their for hundred of years Muslims were living their for almost more than 1000 years you can't change history my friend


They still have first mover dibs on that land sir.

The muslims can be accommodated though.

There is no reason to kill them.
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