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Hate Killings & Violence in India : Updates, News & Discussion

Then we have no right to call ourselves muslim.

We are obliged to fight and stop the second(intelligently) the white flag is raised. Not to harm the weak or the environment, and not to engage in warfare unless absolutely necessary.
That necessity can be out of survival or moral compulsion. And unless people like Owaisi write a formal letter to our leadership much as the Kashmiris have to request our intervention; we can just by, offer words of support and pray for their health.
If we don't fight terrorism at its source, we will one day fight it on our doorsteps. This is logic.
These muslims should exhume their forefathers
University area targetted







Donald Trump stated he is satisfied with the Religious freedom in india ?


The 15-year-old or 17 year old are called Gangsters by Modi


Indian forces will have to go to the mainland and abandon Kashmir, it will spread Indian military thin. I feel that eventually a lockdown will be declared over all India, it will suck Indian monetary resources and troops.

Maybe. Probably not.

Religious violence in India, though not that common since the Gujarat 2002 violence, has been an all too frequent part of Indian history. This is likely to be shrugged off and moved on... And that will not be the first time.

I remember my last trip to India was in 1984 to visit some relatives. Leading up to that trip was a major massacre of Muslims in India; I think it was in Bhiwandi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Bhiwandi_riot just a short time before my trip. Only sister and I were going to India on that trip. We were very concerned for our safety. But we were assured by elders that we would be fine. However, while we were there, the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh body guards--just a couple of days after we had left New Delhi for our ancestral home in Rajasthan, India. The violence against the Sikhs in India was of epic proportions! Sister and I were very scared--we just wanted to come back to Pakistan, our home--to safety! I distinctly remember some Indians around us saying "This (the assassination) must be the work of America and Pakistan together!" They didn't know we were Pakistanis. Phew!
wtf , it's time to go to war with these Hindi fanatics, may Allah give us victory over these Nazis and their supporters.

Have you noticed how these fanatical Indian Nazis with their colonial masters are playing divide and rule, by buying Bangladesh with economic investments , whilst the RSS fascists persue their agenda. Bangladesh doesn't realise one day they will be next and they should regionally stand up now to these genocidal Hindu maniacs. However the Hindu Zions put their poodle Hasina first to ensure any reaction is subdued.

Please do not bring BD into this.

BD is aware of Hinduvta agenda and is arming itself accordingly.
Please do not bring BD into this.

BD is aware of Hinduvta agenda and is arming itself accordingly.

A little late, but now is better than never.

Then we have no right to call ourselves muslim.

We are obliged to fight and stop the second(intelligently) the white flag is raised. Not to harm the weak or the environment, and not to engage in warfare unless absolutely necessary.
That necessity can be out of survival or moral compulsion. And unless people like Owaisi write a formal letter to our leadership much as the Kashmiris have to request our intervention; we can just by, offer words of support and pray for their health.

I agree with this 100%.

Now I know why we keep on losing.

Brother, our moral ascendancy is our biggest strength. Our ancestors like Quaid e Azam and sultanates were men of honor and mercy. It is Allah set who gives victory, not backhand tactics.

India has been committing filth for 72 years, yet that has not helped them in the slightest.

Pakistan has always held its head up with honor and aspired to peace, and now victory after victory are falling into our lap.

Afghanistan, global sympathy on Kashmir, and now India is tearing itself apart.
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