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Hate Killings & Violence in India : Updates, News & Discussion

Forget it, not even FIRs have been registered by Delhi Police, whereas Waris Pathan was booked the same day. SG told justice Muralidharan not to get "angry".
Then the best is for the civil society and the general populace to come and calm the situation down. I dont expect much from the govt. or the opposition. The lives of people is on no-ones radar. There have been good examples of people helping the affected people of both religions. India will ride it out and come out stronger as we always have.
And when this is over, we should check with how the **** Delhi Police works. And obviously opposition leaders spreading hate speech will get arrested quicker. Its always been that way in India.
They are playing with fire. This mindset will end up with a different kind of reaction. How many Muslims are living in India ?

201 million, which is slightly less than both Pakistan and Bangladesh individually.

Recently Afghans (despite Kabul's closeness to India) became angered by the depiction of Turkic ruler Alauddin Khilji and Ahmad Shah Abdali (Pak/Afghan ancestor) as an animal, tyrant, and savage.


Taliban also has major gripe with India due to Hindu zealotry, Kashmir, and their close ties to Pakistan. Indians are being cleansed from Afghanistan as we speak.

However traitor Iran and Oman are giving Indians space to build spy operation and terrorist training centers against Pakistan to make up for loss of Afghanistan.

Indian devils are always looking for a way to do terrorism against Pakistan, it is their life purpose.
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This happened at the night before violence

Then the best is for the civil society and the general populace to come and calm the situation down. I dont expect much from the govt. or the opposition. The lives of people is on no-ones radar. There have been good examples of people helping the affected people of both religions. India will ride it out and come out stronger as we always have.
And when this is over, we should check with how the **** Delhi Police works. And obviously opposition leaders spreading hate speech will get arrested quicker. Its always been that way in India.
Hope this is all temporary
What’s wrong in India ? Why they attack on Muslim population ?

They consider their own genetic pool of 200 + millions to be the heirs of mughals, Arabs and Persians

They claim Muslims are foreigners and have no place in India. According to them, Muslims are children of Arabs, Turks, and Persians. They are a reminder of Muslim rule of the region for 1,000 years under various empires.

Even though most Indian Muslims are converts from Hinduism and foreign blood is very low in them. So some Hindus use coercion to force them back to Hinduism which they call Ghar Wapsi. Others engage in violence in the shape of mobs for Cow protection, anti Love jihad (they claim handsome Muslims convert and marry Hindu females and they get left unmarried,) and general arson, rape, and murder.

As for Pakistanis/Kashmiris, because of our different phenotype, we stand out from them and they reserve their most vile hatred for us. Most Pakistanis are mixture of Iranic nomads and IVC population (Harrapa, Mohen jo Daro, etc.) We also have high rate of Turkish blood due to Khilji, Ghaznavi, Mughal royal blood.

This is the pseudo-historical map they have concocted of ancient Hindu realm which they call Akhand Bharata.


You missed the Iranian part of balochustan

and Makkah :o:
They consider their own genetic pool of 200 + millions to be the heirs of mughals, Arabs and Persians

You missed the Iranian part of balochustan

and Makkah :o:


Yes Hindu radicals believe Kaaba is a Hindu idol which they call Shiva Lingham (Shiva Phallus).

Note this tweet is from a famous BJP (ruling party) ideologue who is close to Indian PM Modi.

In this way they law claim to every human achievement, but for now they are content with demolishing masjid in India, murdering Muslims, and threatening Pakistan/Kashmir.

It goes very deep brother @cabatli_53
And there are pics of Aishe Ghosh bringing in Left goons.
My point was to highlight the police inaction in JNU compared to JMI as "police beat rioters", probably referred to Jamia

Yes Hindu radicals believe Kaaba is a Hindu idol which they call Shiva Lingham (Shiva Phallus).

Note this tweet is from a famous BJP (ruling party) ideologue who is close to Indian PM Modi.

In this way they law claim to every human achievement, but for now they are content with demolishing masjid in India, murdering Muslims, and threatening Pakistan/Kashmir.

It goes very deep brother @cabatli_53

And there's 80% chance of this guy becoming a successor of modi
What’s wrong in India ? Why they attack on Muslim population ?

In a broader view, this is their way of taking "revenge" against muslims for being ruled by Muslim rulers for the past 10 centuries or so. The degree to which they tend to dehumanize Muslims/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis is really sickening once you read what they comment in Hindi.
Not every Hindu is a terrorist or does so. These are BJP terrorists. People seen Hindus stand-up against CAA/NRC along side Muslims.

Yes, I too don't agree with a blanket term like "Hindu terrorists".

There have been reports from Delhi about Hindus saving Muslims from Hindu rioteers, and Muslims saving Hindus from Muslim riotereers.

The best news program to watch is "Prime time with Raveesh Kumar" on NDTV. He is impartial and sensible.

Hindutva is clearly showing the world that they will do as they please with Muslims and no one can do anything about it. They have timed it with trump's arrival to send a message that the so-called "chimpanzee" of liberty is also OK with their plans.

Yes, Trump has been visibly silent on Delhi.

No criticism of the Central Government.

That's scary.

Pakistan must keep raising the issue of your plight but then people like FuzlaGangster JUI Hind or bazari Owaisi will come in to bash Pakistan...

I have been proven right in my distrust of Asaduddin Owaisi. He refused to help that young woman, Amulya, who chanted "Pakistan Zindabad" alongside "Hindustan Zindabad" and was arrested for it.

Owaisi is untrustworthy.
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Then the best is for the civil society and the general populace to come and calm the situation down. I dont expect much from the govt. or the opposition. The lives of people is on no-ones radar. There have been good examples of people helping the affected people of both religions. India will ride it out and come out stronger as we always have.
And when this is over, we should check with how the **** Delhi Police works. And obviously opposition leaders spreading hate speech will get arrested quicker. Its always been that way in India.

Bharati Troll Brigade on Damage Control.

Werent you lecturing us about our blasphemous laws and giving examples about a single incident??

Well have fun butchering your minorities in bharat Mata.

Happy Tea Day by the Way!!
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