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Hasina wants to punish Bangladeshis still in "Love with Pakistan"

The most important thing to note than 70 years have passed since independence from British and 46 years have passed since the independence of Bangladesh, that the yearning for Pakistan continues both in INdia (Kashmir, Hyderabad, Gujrat) and in Bangladesh despite the hell-hole Pakistan is today. Imagine if we had our act together, there will be more yearning! This tells me that there is a large chunk of the population that yearns for an Islamic state or some semblance of Islamic values and not secularism. I am not saying right or wrong but despite all this time, yearning for Pakistan continues. This gives me hope that the ideals on which Pakistan was founded has legs ..we just need to get our act together
She hates us.
And we hate her...and her father....
What is the point??
Who is traitor? What is wrong if someone loves another country in addition to their own?...I haven't missed anything, have I?
Well, you may have missed that Pakistan's Higher Education Commission considers teaching anything lovable about Israel as an "activity that in any manner challenge(s) the ideology and principles of Pakistan, and/or perspective of the government of Pakistan" and that universities are to remain "vigilant" to avoid doing so and "forestall" such things - i.e., instill baseless Israel-hatred in their students. So yeah, there's already a precedent for classifying love-of-another-country as treason in Pakistan.
Millions of countrymen according to Indian media. How about this, India instigated this uprising against a sovereign country. Which means, all those who were part of this uprising were traitors, not only for Pakistan but the ones who loved Pakistan because they were loyal to their country. What do you say?
Millions according Bangladeshi and international media.
I agree India did supported Bangladeshis but it really doesn't matter. Bangladeshis would have gotten independence anyhow. And for who is traitor it is all dependent on end result. If Pakistan would have won mukti bahini would be called traitors but unfortunately for you mukti bahini won so people who supported Pakistan are now traitors. Traitor is a relative term. What say?
Well, you may have missed that Pakistan's Higher Education Commission considers teaching anything lovable about Israel as an "activity that in any manner challenge(s) the ideology and principles of Pakistan, and/or perspective of the government of Pakistan" and that universities are to remain "vigilant" to avoid doing so and "forestall" such things - i.e., instill baseless Israel-hatred in their students. So yeah, there's already a precedent for classifying love-of-another-country as treason in Pakistan.
Dear one.
Why do you repeat same thing in different threads???
We had people in pak who were against partition and we never hanged them.
Instead of lecturing us stop killing innocent and un armed people with tanks.
If there is something left inside you ,usually called "shame"
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Well, you may have missed that Pakistan's Higher Education Commission considers teaching anything lovable about Israel as an "activity that in any manner challenge(s) the ideology and principles of Pakistan, and/or perspective of the government of Pakistan" and that universities are to remain "vigilant" to avoid doing so and "forestall" such things - i.e., instill baseless Israel-hatred in their students. So yeah, there's already a precedent for classifying love-of-another-country as treason in Pakistan.
I had mentioned COUNTRY. Has Pakistan recognized Israel as a country yet? Do some research Israeli Jew and then get back to me. Cheers!!!
Millions according Bangladeshi and international media.
I agree India did supported Bangladeshis but it really doesn't matter. Bangladeshis would have gotten independence anyhow. And for who is traitor it is all dependent on end result. If Pakistan would have won mukti bahini would be called traitors but unfortunately for you mukti bahini won so people who supported Pakistan are now traitors. Traitor is a relative term. What say?
Ya mukti bahni was a nursing squad providing medical care ,specialized stitches to those a...es which where brusted by Pak army soldiers. Isn't so???
Millions according Bangladeshi and international media.
I agree India did supported Bangladeshis but it really doesn't matter. Bangladeshis would have gotten independence anyhow. And for who is traitor it is all dependent on end result. If Pakistan would have won mukti bahini would be called traitors but unfortunately for you mukti bahini won so people who supported Pakistan are now traitors. Traitor is a relative term. What say?
Correct, again, what would you call India that poked its nose in what was an internal matter of Pakistan. India similarly poked its nose and occupied Kashmir. the root cause of every problem is India.
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