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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

Well, I dont buy it.
Nukes were unnecessary when Japan was on the verge of collapse and USSR already just entered into war against Japan. Japan was so low in supply that they did not even have enough bullets and ran out of planes to even send Kamakagi.
Nukes were used to take total control of the Pacific and take it all theory.
All invading armies are wicked, but if we look at the broader picture then I should say that we are a free country like many other Asian and Africans only because of some wicked action taken by Japan and Germany.

If Japan was ever under Communist rule, it would not have been the glory it had been till now. Imagine a world with no Japan and its culture as it is now. Imagine a world with no Sony, Toyota, Anime, etc!


If we look at the world today...

USA nukes Japan.


Russia armed itself with nukes because of USA.

China armed itself with nukes because of Russia.

India armed itself with nukes because of China.

Pakistan armed itself with nukes because of India.

I wonder how many poor people could have been fed with the money spent on nukes in India and Pakistan? :what: .

I don't know if President Truman ever thought about that one. :lol:
Dude, you need to get out more.

Turkey for example is doing fine.

The middle eastern countries are a long story.

Did you know that Japan's knowledge for industrial success came from an American after WWII? Ever heard of the Deming Award? I find it surprising that this is coming from one living in Tokyo.

Turkey is slowly turning back into an Islamic State just look at the goverment today and sooner or later Turkey will be again an Islamic State
Strangely, a lot of Indians work in BD

Can anyone clarify this?

They find it a nice place.

Notwithstanding the venom displayed here! :)

In actuality, what one sees here is not what one experiences in BD.

I could have said more, but I will give way!
No, they go there because they can get into a good job and good money.

Its not only Indian, whole bunch of Pakistani, Srilanka, Korean, Taiwanese. Somewhere I saw the total number of Indians are closed to 5 to 10 lacs and BD is the 4th largest destination for Indian expatriate.
Weather and field of view!

Field of view especially when crossing the road.

In Islam shrouds are not needed. The instruction specifically says about a dress loose enough so that a woman's body lines are not seen clearly, that's all. So, a dress called Hijab is there, which is quite loose throughout the entire body. Any other kind of dress that obeys the Islamic instructions is also okay.

A woman does not have to hide her face, so a shroud is not the required dress. It was invented by the fanatic Mullahs. Muhammad (SAW) also said how a man should behave when he encounters a woman. He will look at her only to see who she is. Then, he should take his eyes away from her. He should not look at her again if she is an unknown lady.
In Islam shrouds are not needed. The instruction specifically says about a dress loose enough so that a woman's body lines are not seen clearly, that's all. So, a dress called Hijab is there, which is quite loose throughout the entire body. Any other kind of dress that obeys the Islamic instructions is also okay.

A woman does not have to hide her face, so a shroud is not the required dress. It was invented by the fanatic Mullahs. Muhammad (SAW) also said how a man should behave when he encounters a woman. He will look at her only to see who she is. Then, he should take his eyes away from her. He should not look at her again if she is an unknown lady.
Most women used to cover their face in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and also in Khulfa e Rashideen most women used to cover their face it is not invented by Mullah do use your biasness to reject commands of ALLAH
Most women used to cover their face in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and also in Khulfa e Rashideen most women used to cover their face it is not invented by Mullah do use your biasness to reject commands of ALLAH

You are taliking about what people do or did. But, i am talking about what really Muhammad (SAW) really instructed. He (SAW) never suggested to cover the face with that ugly shroud. He only suggested to cover the body in a way that the lines are not clearly seen by others.

How come, a Beduin Chief looked at Bibi Ayesha and told Muhammad (SAW) it will be a pity that she may become a widow in such a young age. How come Bibi Ayesha commanded a troop if she is covered with shroud? You have to read other facts to know the truth.

Even in the Arab countries I have not seen women are treated like animals as can be seen in the so-called religious south asian countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. People are fanatics here, because it suits the men.

Tell me where did you find that Muhammad (SAW) suggested shrouds? Or, Allah the Almighty has ordered this? So, do not come with biases like the ignorant Mullahs do in our countries. Islam only suggested a modest way of dressing so that it does not attract men. Islam also suggested it is better that the ornaments the women wear do not make large sounds that may attract men's attention.

You must understand what many of us know is only superstitions and not religion. These are the roots of fanatism.
You are taliking about what people do or did. But, i am talking about what really Muhammad (SAW) really instructed. He (SAW) never suggested to cover the face with that ugly shroud. He only suggested to cover the body in a way that the lines are not clearly seen by others.

How come, a Beduin Chief looked at Bibi Ayesha and told Muhammad (SAW) it will be a pity that she may become a widow in such a young age. How come Bibi Ayesha commanded a troop if she is covered with shroud? You have to read other facts to know the truth.

Even in the Arab countries I have not seen women are treated like animals as can be seen in the so-called religious south asian countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. People are fanatics here, because it suits the men.

Tell me where did you find that Muhammad (SAW) suggested shrouds? Or, Allah the Almighty has ordered this? So, do not come with biases like the ignorant Mullahs do in our countries. Islam only suggested a modest way of dressing so that it does not attract men. Islam also suggested it is better that the ornaments the women wear do not make large sounds that may attract men's attention.

You must understand what many of us know is only superstitions and not religion. These are the roots of fanatism.

go and read Surah AL AHZAB and than there is also a famous incidence where women children died and she came PROPHET SAW and was still covering her face some people said that she is still covering her face so she replied that should i leave HAYA so HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW was very happpy to hear her answer and also somebody asked HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW that what is the shan of women or say good thing or honor of women HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW said nothing went inside his house asked HAZRAT BIBI FATIMA RA this question and she replied that nor she see NON MEHRAM MEN nor NON MEHRAM should be able to see her and their are also many more incidents where women used to cover her face also many HADEES MENTION it
and first know what is superstious and what is RELIGION or you may end up calling many religious thing as superstious
go and read Surah AL AHZAB and than there is also a famous incidence where women children died and she came PROPHET SAW and was still covering her face some people said that she is still covering her face so she replied that should i leave HAYA so HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW was very happpy to hear her answer and also somebody asked HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW that what is the shan of women or say good thing or honor of women HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW said nothing went inside his house asked HAZRAT BIBI FATIMA RA this question and she replied that nor she see NON MEHRAM MEN nor NON MEHRAM should be able to see her and their are also many more incidents where women used to cover her face also many HADEES MENTION it

I have read Surah Al Ahzab. It says of veil and not a dirty shroud. Now, read a new development in Saudi Arabaia. Muslim men will come out to criticize it. But, these same muslim men are so fond of playing with many women, drinking alcohol, smoke many things that cause NASHA. These hypocrites will come out with Fatwa to denounce any activities by women that do not satisfy their own ego.

Men should be compassionate and understanding and should not set two rules or standards for men and women. Men should stop all those un-Islamic habits and then ask the women to follow them. Muslim women are, nvertheless, gems in the darkness of today's world.

But, not the Muslim men who are fond of telling lies and taking bribes as can be seen in any govt offices in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan, do not follow any of the rules dictated by Allah and his Prophet. Think of all those badmouthing by Muslim Punjabi and Bangali men. Better bring out some idea how you will rectify your men's society.

BBC News - Reinventing the Saudi abaya

12 May 2011 Last updated at 23:35 GMT
Re-inventing Abaya in Saudi Arabia

When a woman is seen in public in Saudi Arabia, her body must be covered by a long flowing garment, an abaya. Traditionally these are plain black - but at least one designer has other ideas.

One of the first things that women coming to Saudi Arabia have to do is go abaya shopping.

The abaya is the long, black cloak that all women have to wear by law when out in public. It's different from the burka, which is also widely worn, as it leaves the face and hair uncovered.

Abayas have been around for thousands of years.

Bedouin tribes wore them for protection from the harsh weather conditions in the desert. Now though, they are associated with religion, and are worn by Muslim women to protect themselves not from the weather, but from the eyes of men.

Many foreign women living in Saudi find abayas uninspiring and cumbersome. The trailing material, designed to cover the ankles, has a tendency to get caught in doors and trolleys - an ambassador's wife told me she'd broken her toe twice tripping over it.

They can also be very hot. At the height of summer, temperatures in Saudi reach about 50C, so a long, dark robe is the last thing you feel like putting on.

But change may be coming.

At the exclusive shop run by designer Eman Al-Mandeel, I was taken aback by flashes of colour and exotic fabrics. Her abayas fully cover the body, but anonymous black cloaks they are not.

Quietly, over the past few years, an abaya evolution has been under way thanks to Eman and others.

A talented painter, Eman began making her vibrant gowns 12 years ago when living in Dubai. There, as in some other parts of the Gulf, it's not unusual for women to wear navy blue or brown abayas, and her ideas fell on fertile ground.

Saudi law states women must wear abayas in public Eman started wearing her own designs, and after a while people started asking her to make abayas for them.

Moving to Riyadh, one of Saudi Arabia's most conservative cities, it was far from clear whether there would be a market for her work. Here, black abayas with little or no embellishment are still the norm - but against the odds, Eman's creations have won lots of fans.

Many Saudi VIPs wear them - they are some of the few that can afford them. The average price is £250 ($400), and some designs sell for as much as three times that.

Religious police

Eman creates each one using bright fabrics she finds on her travels - silks from India, ribbons from the United States and lace from Dubai.

Eman now sells on average 55 abayas a month from her Riyadh shop. She invites her customers to choose from her materials, then creates a design that fits their style.

But there are stories of the religious police, the Muttawa, confiscating colourful abayas. Is she worried about them coming into her shop, and telling her off for making her designs too eye-catching?

"Well, my shop is women only," she laughs. "So they cannot come in."

Then, she quickly and earnestly points out that she has no issue with the religious police. She respects their job and is aware of what is appropriate attire for Saudi women.

She sources fabrics on her travels Eman believes she is not doing anything wrong by creating colourful clothes, she's just bringing the traditional abaya up to date.

"All generations have worn abayas," she says. "We see how our mothers and grandmothers wear them.

"And each generation, we want to improve the style to fit with the times, while still remaining respectful to our culture.

"I want my abayas to be an extension of a woman's personality. They don't have to go away from their purpose to do that."

Many of her designs feature colours against a dark background, and sometimes the colours are very bright.

"You have different outfits for different occasions," she says.

"I would wear a bright one for a party and a less showy one for shopping.

"You see my abaya is what I want to show off to other women. I have more than 30."

I only have two, I tell her. She looks at me as though I'm deprived.

Eman wants more Saudi women to adopt colourful abayas as a statement of their identity.

"You can not change a country in one or two years," she says thoughtfully. "But each year I can see Saudis getting that little bit more accepting… My aim is to make Saudi women look like individual members of society."
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