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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

LTTE did not attack in the name of Hinduism. Some of the prominent LTTE men including Prabhakaran and Andon Balasingam were christians. LTTE fought for ethnicity and not religion. Maoists are mostly tribals, many of whome are christians. They don't fight in the name of religion but a political ideology. But muslim terrorists fight in the name of religion. They hold the jihad flag, chant quranic verses and attack in the name of islam.

Sir Muslims killed in Gujrat were killed in the name of Hinduism Christians killed in Orissa are being killed in the name of Hinduism sir dont deny the facts
EastWatch : Tell me, can you define Vulgarism? ... By Clothing? ... Public display of affection? .... How would you define it? . If i go by your post, you define it by how the Quran prescribes the moral code of conduct .. Is that correct ?

Maybe have a look at the whole history of mankind. From the time since religion become part of us. Would you say it is sufficient time to have decided on what/which/why religion is best for us?.... Would you say the Scandinavians were smart enough to realize this earlier than us :
Beliefs - Scandinavian Nonbelievers, Which Is Not to Say Atheists - NYTimes.com

None the less, it has always been interesting to hear, what people believe makes a good society : Socio economic's or Religious Faith?

I do not have many words to express what I think. One example of vulgarism could be go topless or bottomless. Our religion says a woman's body can be shown only to her husband. It also says, it would be wiser to put on a cloth sheet to cover both your top when you are in the bed with your wife so that the angels do not shy away from you.

I will say all religions are good for the mankind. So, it is easy to see non-vulgarism in the by gone Hindu society. If there was nothing written in the script, there were certainly some non-written ethics among the believers of Hinduism. But, this is being washed away gradually, specially by the Bombay films.

Once it happens in the Hindu society there is no way back to those days of morality, because the Hindu scripts are silent about how to conduct. Now, this is dangerous for the society. In case of Muslims there are always a tug of war between strict adherence and pure liberalism. This will set the position of certain behaviors in between these two extremes.

Europeans have discarded religion after many ups and downs in their Christian society during the last five centuries. Christianism was too harsh and was also too superstitious. Think of the days of witch huntings.

Christianism has many good teachings. But, otherwise they ask people to believe in unbelievable things. One is the claim of Jesus Christ being the son Of God. This is an absurd claim which even the faithfulls found difficult to accept. Many such things created an atmosphere to averse the religion and many of its teachings.

Europeans thought their new society without a religious binding to be too modern to be understood by the hithen Muslims living in deserts and mountains. Europeans' liberal extremism has reached such a point that it has completely destroyed their family lives.

People, men and women, live together for a few years. In the mean time they keep on searching new partners. They keep on divorcing and marrying four or five times in their life. Their children remain without a father or a mother.

Bangladesh should keep a close watch to the european social phenomenon and avoid the social pot holes that have caused people to fall and suffer. Indians are trying to emulate europe, but countries with Islamic background will certainly resist being sucked into the blackholes with european model, from where no society will ever come out.

For India, there is only one small hope, i.e, India's large Muslim population that may gravitate the Hindu India back to its original form.
I do not have many words to express what I think. One example of vulgarism could be go topless or bottomless. Our religion says a woman's body can be shown only to her husband. It also says, it would be wiser to put on a cloth sheet to cover both your top when you are in the bed with your wife so that the angels do not shy away from you.

I will say all religions are good for the mankind. So, it is easy to see non-vulgarism in the by gone Hindu society. If there was nothing written in the script, there were certainly some non-written ethics among the believers of Hinduism. But, this is being washed away gradually, specially by the Bombay films.

Once it happens in the Hindu society there is no way back to those days of morality, because the Hindu scripts are silent about how to conduct. Now, this is dangerous for the society. In case of Muslims there are always a tug of war between strict adherence and pure liberalism. This will set the position of certain behaviors in between these two extremes.

Europeans have discarded religion after many ups and downs in their Christian society during the last five centuries. Christianism was too harsh and was also too superstitious. Think of the days of witch huntings.

Christianism has many good teachings. But, otherwise they ask people to believe in unbelievable things. One is the claim of Jesus Christ being the son Of God. This is an absurd claim which even the faithfulls found difficult to accept. Many such things created an atmosphere to averse the religion and many of its teachings.

Europeans thought their new society without a religious binding to be too modern to be understood by the hithen Muslims living in deserts and mountains. Europeans' liberal extremism has reached such a point that it has completely destroyed their family lives.

People, men and women, live together for a few years. In the mean time they keep on searching new partners. They keep on divorcing and marrying four or five times in their life. Their children remain without a father or a mother.

Bangladesh should keep a close watch to the european social phenomenon and avoid the social pot holes that have caused people to fall and suffer. Indians are trying to emulate europe, but countries with Islamic background will certainly resist being sucked into the blackholes with european model, from where no society will ever come out.

For India, there is only one small hope, i.e, India's large Muslim population that may gravitate the Hindu India back to its original form.

First ALLAH says only Islam is from him and all the other Religions are MAN MADE and man made Religions cant solve humanity promblems and as far as west is concerned despite all its claims majority of people are accepting Islam 20000 each year convert to Islam only in USA and in UK number is 5000 each year
Wonder why is that then our neighbours raise fingers against mainstream Hindus of India. After this article, no one has the right to criticize India. And this comes from a Buddhist.
I do not have many words to express what I think. One example of vulgarism could be go topless or bottomless.

Who in the name of Dic.kens goes topless or bottomless?

Are you suggesting all should move around in shrouds?
Do not forget about another teaching of Islam. It says to fight back. This is what the Islamic people are doing. USA, Israel and Europe combinedly take advantage of Islamic countries' weaker position and attack them at ease. The govts cannot protect the countries' sovereignty. So, the people come out to supersede the govts and attack the enemies.

Like the enemies these people do not have airforce and naval force. What they can do is to harm the enemies, and to kill and destroy them wherever they find opportunities? Their land based fighting causes many unnecessary deaths. But, their fight will continue until Qayamat. Terrorist is a new term invented by the non-Muslims to defame the freedom fighters.

Now that is all bedtimes stories.

Fight back!

The results are well known

Show me one decisive battle won in modern times.

Why, even the other day, the US made a mockery of the defence systems and the military by raiding Osama's lair and killing him and then moving out unscathed even with F16 scrambled and the Pak Minister knowing of what's up in the first 15 minutes of the show!

Let's not talk big.

Muslims are also human beings like anyone else with the same sentiments as anyone else.

They are not Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Wonder Woman.

That is feasible in comic books alone!

This is what gets one's goat - the silly portrayal of Muslims as aggressive, bloodthirsty, unforgiving humanity roaming the Plant Earth!!

Come on. they also bleed as anyone else bleed!

They also breath the same air as anyone else does. Not any extra oxygen supercharged with miracles of enhanced vitamins.
Sir Muslims killed in Gujrat were killed in the name of Hinduism Christians killed in Orissa are being killed in the name of Hinduism sir dont deny the facts

well, we don't have the Blasphemy Law to harass and subdue to convert!

Do you want me to dig up the details and embarrass you?
Now that is all bedtimes stories.

Fight back!

The results are well known

Show me one decisive battle won in modern times.

Why, even the other day, the US made a mockery of the defence systems and the military by raiding Osama's lair and killing him and then moving out unscathed even with F16 scrambled and the Pak Minister knowing of what's up in the first 15 minutes of the show!

Let's not talk big.

Muslims are also human beings like anyone else with the same sentiments as anyone else.

They are not Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Wonder Woman.

That is feasible in comic books alone!

This is what gets one's goat - the silly portrayal of Muslims as aggressive, bloodthirsty, unforgiving humanity roaming the Plant Earth!!

Come on. they also bleed as anyone else bleed!

They also breath the same air as anyone else does. Not any extra oxygen supercharged with miracles of enhanced vitamins.
sir just read you will soon know how many wars we win INSHALLAH and Muslims have always won wars in far worse conditions ready our history in most wars we were far less in numbers in most cases even less than half but still we won the wars by the help ALLAH
well, we don't have the Blasphemy Law to harass and subdue to convert!

Do you want me to dig up the details and embarrass you?

bring any statistics still whole world knows how many minorities have been killed in India and in Blashmey for your kind information most Muslims have been punished rather than minorities so get your facts right first
Yes, people, specially women, should dress properly, if not in shrouds.

True rapists all around.

Can't trust that good grooming and religion is a good motivator against lust!

Better to wear a bedsheet.

Saves on clothing and effort!

Out of bed and into domestic activities.

is that being suggested?
Wonder why is that then our neighbours raise fingers against mainstream Hindus of India. After this article, no one has the right to criticize India. And this comes from a Buddhist.

Yes, mainstream Indian housewives and youngsters dress properly. But, the point of my discussion is what will happen to this tradition when they move down the ladder of liberalism in the name of modernization of their society. In my opinion, since the religious scripts of the Hindus do not specifically say of any prohibitions about dress code or, sorry to say, morality, people in that societ may discard all these time honoured culture and accept european life style.

This phenomenon possess a danger to Hindu society in the future. Therefore, I believe, a kind of regimentation is needed in order to keep the society away from this dangerous pothole. Too much of liberalism destroys the fabrics in the society.
True rapists all around.

Can't trust that good grooming and religion is a good motivator against lust!

Better to wear a bedsheet.

Saves on clothing and effort!

Out of bed and into domestic activities.

is that being suggested?

my answer is just compare the rate of rape between Saudi Arabia and America you will get your answer if you have brains and just look at your country how much rape has increased sir if you like it or women body attracts men most probably 9 out 10 in most time will control themselves but out of every 100 95 will control themselves but 5 person will not be able to control themselves so if you think by walking naked or wearing very short clothes you will not invite trouble than you are living in a fools paradise
Now that is all bedtimes stories. Fight back! The results are well known. Show me one decisive battle won in modern times.

Why, even the other day, the US made a mockery of the defence systems and the military by raiding Osama's lair and killing him and then moving out unscathed even with F16 scrambled and the Pak Minister knowing of what's up in the first 15 minutes of the show!

Let's not talk big. Muslims are also human beings like anyone else with the same sentiments as anyone else. They are not Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Wonder Woman. That is feasible in comic books alone!

This is what gets one's goat - the silly portrayal of Muslims as aggressive, bloodthirsty, unforgiving humanity roaming the Plant Earth!! Come on. they also bleed as anyone else bleed!

They also breath the same air as anyone else does. Not any extra oxygen supercharged with miracles of enhanced vitamins.

I think, the muslim society, though devoid of science & technology, are doing fine under the circumstances to resist a continuous Crasade attacks by the white Christians.
sir just read you will soon know how many wars we win INSHALLAH and Muslims have always won wars in far worse conditions ready our history in most wars we were far less in numbers in most cases even less than half but still we won the wars by the help ALLAH

Muslims should understand, there is no such things as called devine intervention. Muslims need to learn technology, build their respective countries' industries and start moving upwards in the standard of living. Westerners will no more dare fight against us because a developed economy is a ticket to a militarily strong countries.

It is more important that we give more sweat and give less blood.Christians have made it impossible for us to develop our countries and raise the living standard by imposing unwanted wars on us that onlly cause chaos in the societies.

Christians want our uneducated muslim society to remain as it is so that they can rule over us forever with the use their superior technology and military power. So, the muslims should avoid falling in that trap. A more pragmatic muslim society is needed for its own salvation.
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