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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

Muslims should understand, there is no such things as called devine intervention. Muslims need to learn technology, build their respective countries' industries and start moving upwards in the standard of living. Westerners will no more dare fight against us because a developed economy is a ticket to a militarily strong countries.

It is more important that we give more sweat and give less blood. Christians have made it impossible for us to develop our countries and raise the living standard by imposing unwanted wars on us that onlly cause chaos in the societies.

Christians want our uneducated muslim society to remain as it is so that they can rule over us forever with the use their superior technology and military power. So, the muslims should avoid falling in that trap. A more pragmatic muslim society is needed for its own salvation.

Dude, you need to get out more.

Turkey for example is doing fine.

The middle eastern countries are a long story.

Did you know that Japan's knowledge for industrial success came from an American after WWII? Ever heard of the Deming Award? I find it surprising that this is coming from one living in Tokyo.
Dude, you need to get out more.

Turkey for example is doing fine.

The middle eastern countries are a long story.

Did you know that Japan's knowledge for industrial success came from an American after WWII? Ever heard of the Deming Award? I find it surprising that this is coming from one living in Tokyo.

Japan was industrialized before WW2.
You think all those carriers and fighters came from Mars???

Its a American propaganda that Japan was industrialized my Americans..
Japan was industrialized before WW2.
You think all those carriers and fighters came from Mars???

Its a American propaganda that Japan was industrialized my Americans..

Japan was the first Asian nation to undertake Western technology.

I was talking about the commercial successes such as Toyota (military is different). And of-course Japanese culture had played a strong role.

Specifically about this guy.
W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That man helped shape much of Japan's industrial success it is today.

I have a degree in industrial management, so I know.

There goes your conspiracy theories that the "Great Satan" wants Muslims (or anyone who was against the USA such as Imperial Japan) to do bad. Muslims themselves are to blame more than anyone else over their incompetent leadership.

You commit to something, work hard and show something to the world, and everyone will appreciate that regardless of American or not.

Question: How well do you get along with American folks? Since you are living there(?) How old are you? Seeing from your posts, you sound very young.
Japan was the first Asian nation to undertake Western technology.

I was talking about the commercial successes such as Toyota (military is different). And of-course Japanese culture had played a strong role.

Specifically about this guy.
W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That man helped shape much of Japan's industrial success it is today.

I have a degree in industrial management, so I know.

There goes your conspiracy theories that the "Great Satan" wants Muslims (or anyone who was against the USA such as Imperial Japan) to do bad. Muslims themselves are to blame more than anyone else over their incompetent leadership.

You commit to something, work hard and show something to the world, and everyone will appreciate that regardless of American or not.

Question: How well do you get along with American folks? Since you are living there(?) How old are you? Seeing from your posts, you sound very young.

Huh.. Industrial management made you well versed in Japan history. Just find when primary education was made compulsory in Japan. Then read about American blockade of Japan in 19th century and how that turned Japan to modernity and industrialization. Then read about Japanese victory againstg Russians and in the meantime American war with Spanish and colonisation of Philipines.

Also Read about Mitsubishi, Toshiba and their aircraft industries.

I get along with Americans just fine. You can have a good civilized debate with them specially with the educated one. But Morons are everywehre. And dont get into any bar fight if you ever come to USA. They are real nasty.
Dude, you need to get out more.

Turkey for example is doing fine.

The middle eastern countries are a long story.

Did you know that Japan's knowledge for industrial success came from an American after WWII? Ever heard of the Deming Award? I find it surprising that this is coming from one living in Tokyo.

Economic activities in the muslim countries are a miniscule and the standard of living in these countries is much much lower comparing to western countries. Most of the middle eastern countries are just a group of developing countries, where they do not know how to manufacture capital machineries, and production base is very weak.

In the arab world the visible developments came mostly from selling oil to the westerners. But, these countries cannot also manufacture heavy machineries, a large chemical factory or a oil refinery by themselves. Selling oil and buying industries in exchange is not the true way of development. These countries cannot be said developed because they do not learn technology from others and cannot build their own industries by themselves.

Next time in some other thread say me more about Japan, but avoid repeating what every one knows already. I must tell you Japan had built their own underground railway line even before the 2nd WW. Also, note that the Japanese had built about 30,000km railway track by themselves by about 1905. Only about the first 10 km was built by the British engineers.

Do not you think it proves Japanese had learned from others and developed by themselves? Only a persistent effort of about 180 years has made this country a developed and wealthy country.

China is a fast developing or a half developed country. India will certainly develop and may grow to a developed country satatus in the next 50 years. All the countries of the world which have developed or are developing have learned from the westerners and then developed their own countries step by step.

Now, say us something about the muslim countries. Are they really developing?
Huh.. Industrial management made you well versed in Japan history. Just find when primary education was made compulsory in Japan. Then read about American blockade of Japan in 19th century and how that turned Japan to modernity and industrialization. Then read about Japanese victory againstg Russians and in the meantime American war with Spanish and colonisation of Philipines.

Also Read about Mitsubishi, Toshiba and their aircraft industries.

I get along with Americans just fine. You can have a good civilized debate with them specially with the educated one. But Morons are everywehre. And dont get into any bar fight if you ever come to USA. They are real nasty.

Did I sound angry? Oh I am sorry. :lol:

My point is that Muslims need to get their heads out of their filled with conspiracy theories, and focus building core competencies and focusing on them.

Yes, I have read about Japanese and Asian history. Mitsubishi, Toshiba and other aircraft industries would not have been there IF the Japanese empire had not undertake Western technology. Their modern army back then were trained by Westerners as well. They initially didn't do everything by themselves as far industrialization and knowledge goes.
Did I sound angry? Oh I am sorry. :lol:

My point is that Muslims need to get their heads out of their filled with conspiracy theories, and focus building core competencies and focusing on them.

Yes, I have read about Japanese and Asian history. Mitsubishi, Toshiba and other aircraft industries would not have been there IF the Japanese empire had not undertake Western technology. Their modern army back then were trained by Westerners as well. They initially didn't do everything by themselves as far industrialization and knowledge goes.

Conspiracy theory??? Where did I see conspiracy???

James Bond movie does not tell you all the stories of America. The University I graduated from, where they dont teach Darwin evoluton theory!!! Surprise surprise.. They teach in the school that Atomic bomb in Hiroshima saved millions of Japanese lives..

Every country needs propaganda, be it America or somalia to stick to the nationhood. I was just pointing the truth.

PS: I was pointing that Japan was industrialized before WW2, nothing I talked about western or eastern technology. Thats a different debate alltogether. YOu are changing your stand now.
Economic activities in the muslim countries are a miniscule and the standard of living in these countries is much much lower comparing to western countries. Most of the middle eastern countries are just a group of developing countries, where they do not know how to manufacture capital machineries, and production base is very weak.

In the arab world the visible developments came mostly from selling oil to the westerners. But, these countries cannot also manufacture heavy machineries, a large chemical factory or a oil refinery by themselves. Selling oil and buying industries in exchange is not the true way of development. These countries cannot be said developed because they do not learn technology from others and cannot build their own industries by themselves.

Next time in some other thread say me more about Japan, but avoid repeating 'Juta Abishkar.' I must tell you Japan had built their own underground railway line even before the 2nd WW. Also, note that the Japanese had built about 30,000km railway track by themselves except about the first 10km that was built by the British engineers. Do not you think it proves Japanese had learned others and developed by themselves?

China is a fast developing or a half developed country. India will certainly develop and may grow to a developed country satatus in the next 50 years. All the countries of the world which have developed or are developing have learned from the westerners and then developed their own countries step by step.

Now, say us something about the muslim countries. Are they really developing?

mmm...good analysis.

Nope, they aren't. The Arabs just don't study much. I mean, even their prayer mats are imported from Taiwan :lol:

Couldn't say any better about BD though, but Bangladeshi (much like any South Asian) much work harder than Arabs for sure.

I have been to Japan and lived there for two years, and honestly, I can say that it is the best country I have ever been to. They have a very powerful culture.

Having being working in BD for a while (with a foreign degree), I can honestly say that there is a general lack of professionalism in both private (local only) and public sectors for the most part.

But then, there are great educational institutions such as BUET and BRAC. Strange thing is that many Bangladeshi professionals go settle down and work in other countries. This trend is really hurting the country.

Strangely, a lot of Indians work in BD :lol:

Can anyone clarify this?
Conspiracy theory??? Where did I see conspiracy???

James Bond movie does not tell you all the stories of America. The University I graduated from, where they dont teach Darwin evoluton theory!!! Surprise surprise.. They teach in the school that Atomic bomb in Hiroshima saved millions of Japanese lives..

Every country needs propaganda, be it America or somalia to stick to the nationhood. I was just pointing the truth.

As far as Iraq war and middle eastern affairs go, sure there is propaganda.

Anyone who thinks people evolved from apes and monkeys is...weird.

The atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was necessary. I used to believe that it was wrong.

Did they deserve it? Ask any Chinese or Korean folk. Most of them will say yes.

Many of the crimes the Imperial Japanese Military committed were worst than the ones committed by the Nazis. They were so bad, that people don't even speak about them.

After the Nazis were defeated, President Truman asked Japan to surrender. Japan refused. A land invasion was thought of at first, but this would create just as many casualties. And America already fought a bloody war in Europe. Land invasions cost men and resources.

President Truman did take a very difficult decision, measuring pros and cons, but he took the right decision. Also, atomic weapons had a psychological factor, something a land invasion didn't have.

The Japanese, like many North East Asians can be very wicked. It was only after WWII that the Japanese became good, and truly became a prime leader in Asia (something that Imperial Japan really wanted), and all that without a single bullet.

And not a single nuke went off against another country. And never will.

America will never go to war against a nuclear armed state. I know it isn't perfect, but at least they have some principles. Hell, if Pakistan wasn't nuclear armed, America would have been all over the country . :lol:

The lesson of Japan is a valuable lesson for all.
Strangely, a lot of Indians work in BD :lol:

Can anyone clarify this?

Before and after 1971 there has been a trend initiated by the half educated politicians to favour Bengali at the expense of English. When Indians and Pakistanis are giving more importance on English and are emphasizing its importance in work place and in the international arena, these politicians of BD started to fight among themselves to champion the de-learning of English.

So, now, when the employee Companies want a person gifted with good command in English they do not necessarily find them among the local graduates. This is why Indians, Nepalis and Sri Lankans have been employed by these companies. These foreigners can compose business letters, emails, do translation and interpretation works. So, when English educated foreigners come in and take away the good paying jobs, our English non-learners go abroad to do menial jobs.
As far as Iraq war and middle eastern affairs go, sure there is propaganda.

Anyone who thinks people evolved from apes and monkeys is...weird.

The atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was necessary. I used to believe that it was wrong.

Did they deserve it? Ask any Chinese or Korean folk. Most of them will say yes.

Many of the crimes the Imperial Japanese Military committed were worst than the ones committed by the Nazis. They were so bad, that people don't even speak about them.

After the Nazis were defeated, President Truman asked Japan to surrender. Japan refused. A land invasion was thought of at first, but this would create just as many casualties. And America already fought a bloody war in Europe. Land invasions cost men and resources.

President Truman did take a very difficult decision, measuring pros and cons, but he took the right decision. Also, atomic weapons had a psychological factor, something a land invasion didn't have.

The Japanese, like many North East Asians can be very wicked. It was only after WWII that the Japanese became good, and truly became a prime leader in Asia (something that Imperial Japan really wanted), and all that without a single bullet.

And not a single nuke went off against another country. And never will.

America will never go to war against a nuclear armed state. I know it isn't perfect, but at least they have some principles. Hell, if Pakistan wasn't nuclear armed, America would have been all over the country . :lol:

The lesson of Japan is a valuable lesson for all.

Well, I dont buy it.
Nukes were unnecessary when Japan was on the verge of collapse and USSR already just entered into war against Japan. Japan was so low in supply that they did not even have enough bullets and ran out of planes to even send Kamakagi.
Nukes were used to take total control of the Pacific and take it all theory.
All invading armies are wicked, but if we look at the broader picture then I should say that we are a free country like many other Asian and Africans only because of some wicked action taken by Japan and Germany.
All invading armies are wicked, but if we look at the broader picture then I should say that we are a free country like many other Asian and Africans only because of some wicked action taken by Japan and Germany.


Also, alliance formed by Subhash Chandra Bose and the axis powers really scared the Brits

Then read about Japanese victory againstg Russians and in the meantime American war with Spanish and colonisation of Philipines.

That was quite significant, it taught the world that a non-white ('oriental') nation can defeat a white one
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