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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted

@Irfan Baloch can you please throw some light on it? Why insects have been allowed to crawl onto PDF?
I cant perm ban its job of Admin

hey my emotional discharge time is over

God Bless Iran. May they stay safe and prosper and get out of this embargo for the good of their people
God Bless KSA and all other Arab nations within or out of GCC and may their people see peace and happiness
May God give them the ability to resolve their issues without further conflict

and may Allah keep us safely away from their internal wars and make us self sufficient so that we no longer burden our Arab brothers for their charity
not good enough is it. should buy a time machine and do it in the past . also we must also kick out all Indian diplomats and also attack Iran. then our charity from our Arab brothers might increase and they will delay the Modi award by few weeks
I am not very happy with the handling of the issue by the current govt but still what they have done, I have to acknowledge that. Afghan transit trade has been stopped. In fact there's no trade with India and all trains & buses have been stopped.
Though I wanted fully closure of the airspace for all India bound flights.
what can I say. our Arab brother show us our worth because we are beggars
they are merchants . they don't give a toss about Ummah or their relations with Pakistan.

my only gripe is why did they chose to award a racist fascist butcher.
and its the timing that is more hurtful and is malicious (intentional in a way )
they could have chosen another time but then again it wont have hurt us as it has now.
No, there nothing to be emotional or apologetic about it. or decide to side with Iran
there is no other way to spin it just because they have given us charity.

just live with it. Pakistan has to build it reputation and honor without being salty towards Iran or UAE or KSA. just be mindful that there will be a time when China will also get fed up with our sense of entitlement.
Sir ji, In the end our actions are not strong enough to show our seriousness, enemy is doing actions on the ground and we are playing with words.

Actions speak louder then words.

Our ancestors who sacrificed everything are ashamed of what we have become.
I cant perm ban its job of Admin

hey my emotional discharge time is over

God Bless Iran. May they stay safe and prosper and get out of this embargo for the good of their people
God Bless KSA and all other Arab nations within or out of GCC and may their people see peace and happiness
May God give them the ability to resolve their issues without further conflict

and may Allah keep us safely away from their internal wars and make us self sufficient so that we no longer burden our Arab brothers for their charity
But sir, it has not been even a month? How can these leeches be unbanned so quickly.
Even if the medal is really awarded but please post link from credible source... just imagine if there was no award, what will be the respect of defence.pk officials!

Please use Google and you will find similar news on different sources, slightly different titles. I will post later when i get some time.

Anyway PDF officials are here to decided the authenticity of the news.
I dont know why you keep calling it charity?

One brother helping another brother is NOT charity, it is his duty!
it is charity . the Arabs owe us nothing absolutely nothing.
I mean it. we are Muslims like them. big deal .. so are many other Muslim nations.
its this aid, or charity or (duty as you call it) that has destroyed us and made us corrupt and inept . I would rather like to see a kind of relation that GCC has with India. which is dignified , mutually beneficial and no one is doing anyone a favor

our only demand is access to Hijaz to perform our lifelong religious duties.
I cant perm ban its job of Admin

hey my emotional discharge time is over

God Bless Iran. May they stay safe and prosper and get out of this embargo for the good of their people
God Bless KSA and all other Arab nations within or out of GCC and may their people see peace and happiness
May God give them the ability to resolve their issues without further conflict

and may Allah keep us safely away from their internal wars and make us self sufficient so that we no longer burden our Arab brothers for their charity
We should invite president of Iran and we should award him the highest civilian award as well. After all Iran is supporting Pakistan on Kashmir issue.
And radar data quoted earlier, by another member is also Indian?

What radar data? I haven't seen it.

Wasn't mentioned in the reports, although the Indian report was highly propagandist.
We should invite president of Iran and we should award him the highest civilian award as well. After all Iran is supporting Pakistan on Kashmir issue.
this must not be done to spite our Arab friends.
it will be insulting to Iran as well as they will see themselves as pawns to anger the Arabs,

this is a diplomatic issue and must be dealt with in a dignified way. we can invite an elitist group of Arab princes and their relatives and their friends to Pakistan, people who have the Kings ear and then appraise them with the conflict we have with India. if they cant come then maybe our Embassies though some lavish dinners and respectfully advise the UAE opinion makers about our complaints and why rewarding Indians at this very time is bad call.
in the end it is UAE decision to make and whatever UAE does. we can respectfully express our regret and disapproval and we move on. we can setup study groups to see what can be do in the future which will make UAE think twice before doing the same. maybe we become viable business partners?
Pakistan's with there own Emaan levels almost nonexistent crying Ummah Ummah is not only shameful but downright pathetic! What have been your contributions to your own country and the Ummat so far.When anybosy is asked about helping the Ummat or Muslims , you start chanting " We have our own national interests" rubbish.You Are the ones who have forgotton your deen and your duty.Stop blaming it on others.
Secondly the govts might do something but the people are still there and they unlike majority of you they love there muslim brothers and sisters.
Majority of you are thankful that our Turkish brothers & sisters are with us but think Erdogan is a fool because he is very emotional about the Muslims.
Believe you me , Allah has been protecting Pakistan otherwise considering what is happening in Pakistan , you should really really worry about your future.
I am a Pakistani, I love my country to bits.For me it will always be Allah first, then my muslim brethren and than Pakistan.And that is how it should be.Stop blaming others and check yourselves first.
Pakistan's with there own Emaan levels almost nonexistent crying Ummah Ummah is not only shameful but downright pathetic! What have been your contributions to your own country and the Ummat so far.When anybosy is asked about helping the Ummat or Muslims , you start chanting " We have our own national interests" rubbish.You Are the ones who have forgotton your deen and your duty.Stop blaming it on others.
Secondly the govts might do something but the people are still there and they unlike majority of you they love there muslim brothers and sisters.
Majority of you are thankful that our Turkish brothers & sisters are with us but think Erdogan is a fool because he is very emotional about the Muslims.
Believe you me , Allah has been protecting Pakistan otherwise considering what is happening in Pakistan , you should really really worry about your future.
I am a Pakistani, I love my country to bits.For me it will always be Allah first, then my muslim brethren and than Pakistan.And that is how it should be.Stop blaming others and check yourselves first.

It should be those that need you and then the almighty.

Believe it or not, he doesn't need you.
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Pakistan's with there own Emaan levels almost nonexistent crying Ummah Ummah is not only shameful but downright pathetic! What have been your contributions to your own country and the Ummat so far.When anybosy is asked about helping the Ummat or Muslims , you start chanting " We have our own national interests" rubbish.You Are the ones who have forgotton your deen and your duty.Stop blaming it on others.
Secondly the govts might do something but the people are still there and they unlike majority of you they love there muslim brothers and sisters.
Majority of you are thankful that our Turkish brothers & sisters are with us but think Erdogan is a fool because he is very emotional about the Muslims.
Believe you me , Allah has been protecting Pakistan otherwise considering what is happening in Pakistan , you should really really worry about your future.
I am a Pakistani, I love my country to bits.For me it will always be Allah first, then my muslim brethren and than Pakistan.And that is how it should be.Stop blaming others and check yourselves first.
Pakistan has helped a lot....go read about 1967 war and the role Pakistan while all these Arabs were defeated by tiny Israel. Ask Bosnians who helped them or who helped Afghans in defeating Russia and provided shelter for 5 million Afghans.

When anybosy is asked about helping the Ummat or Muslims , you start chanting " We have our own national interests" rubbish.You Are the ones who have forgotton your deen and your duty.
When did it happen? that's pure lie
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