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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted

What did I say that was wrong sir? And what Pakistan does is none of my business nor do I have control over. I am a mere spectator that gives my opinions.

You can go ahead and give constructive feedback on my opinion but that no wonder Palestine this and that doesn't mean nothing to me. I've heard it a lot from many hyper nationalists on this forum from all backgrounds. It's not gonna stop me from being rational and saying the truth about things.

Well Did I say anything wrong sir? Israel & Pakistan are two powerful countries and we should act in our national interests. Palestine a "political issue" and has been shunned by its neighbour long ago.
BTW, you calling calling me hyper nationalist is really hilarious because all the libturds on this forum call me "Ummah Chummah Guy" .. but since you're talking about rationality and reality.. so why not we should also talk about rationality, reality & business.
Israel sahi tum logon ko roz zaleel karta hai

Baatain suno is ki. IDF sahi marti hai in ko

Have some courage and speak english my friend. Whomever wants to dispute with Falcon29 is more than welcome to step up to the plate. Let me tell you about this guy, however, he's stubborn and will always say the right thing even if it hurts a lot of feelings. We Muslims can't take criticism nor are most of you good Muslims by any shot, Islam is not a toy for you to use it when you want to curse Afghani's or excuse Chinese treatment of Uyghurs. Nor is it a toy for Turks to try riling up Muslims against Chinese for their nationalist intent.

Well Did I say anything wrong sir? Israel & Pakistan are two powerful countries and we should act in our national interests. Palestine a "political issue" and has been shunned by its neighbour long ago.
BTW, you calling calling me hyper nationalist is really hilarious because all the libturds on this forum call me "Ummah Chummah Guy" .. but since you're talking about rationality and reality.. so why not we should also talk about rationality, reality & business.

Okay, so like I figured you didn't read my posts and can't cite specifically what you are disputing. When you are ready to cite what specifically in my post you don't agree with then I'm here. And like I said, that talk doesn't affect me. I don't care about most Muslims, most of them are a lost cause, I'm a rather independent person and prefer it that way.

You guys can enjoy your current 'Ummah' and community which is full of the most evil hypocritical abominations against humanity. But keep your norms to yourself, because I am not part of this current community. I respect myself more than to lower myself and associate with this hypocrite Muslims that are hypocrites in every sense of the word.
respect myself more than to lower myself and associate with this hypocrite Muslims that are hypocrites in every sense of the word.
I don't know sir, what or who gave you the right to declare all other hypocrites ... I disagree with this generalisation.
Muslims should not be guided by interests only. However, we need to be realistic and proportionate about our approach. Kashmir is disputed and already fairly divided. Unless you believe Kashmir should be independent country. Which I don't think you do. You want Pakistan to be in control of it all. And you are going to have a hard time convincing people to boycott India or go to war with India because of that. Most nation's see as one part for India and one for Pakistan and see it as settled. So best best approach is to push for independence of Kashmir.

But if you just want the other part for Pakistan as well then I don't see anyone helping you unless you , Chinese,Afghanis and Iranians all unite on issue to liberate Kashmir.

So if immediate concern is reversal of article removal then I agree much diplomatic measures must be taken. But if concern is going to war because you want the other half there's no way you will get support for that. You have an independet country and part of Kashmir already. I don't see why you need the other half. Our role as Muslims to oversee Kashmiris under Indian rule and make sure they are given rights and autonomy like status.

Palestine has enough land and it should be satisfied with what it has. On the other hand, you guys also need to be "realistic and proportionate about your approach". Israel is never letting go of Jerasulaem and eventually, Gaza will see the same fate.
Palestine has enough land and it should be satisfied with what it has. On the other hand, you guys also need to be "realistic and proportionate about your approach". Israel is never letting go of Jerasulaem and eventually, Gaza will see the same fate.

Like I said, you need to read my full posts for my opinion on approach to this conflict. As for Palestine, all of it is occupied and none of Pakistan is(alhamdillah). As for certain Palestinians being unrealistic, that is certainly true. It doesn't offend me to state the reality.
Like I said, you need to read my full posts for my opinion on approach to this conflict. As for Palestine, all of it is occupied and none of Pakistan is(alhamdillah). As for certain Palestinians being unrealistic, that is certainly true. It doesn't offend me to state the reality.

What makes Indian Occupied Kashmir any different, people of that region do not want to live with India. How do I know this? well, the UN charter says a plebiscite is required to decide this which Indian clearly refuse to hold. In addition, extra-judicial murders, rape, and brutality are normal. Before you give your opinion you must ask the people who live there. If this is not oppression or occupation then I'd like to know what is?
What makes Indian Occupied Kashmir any different, people of that region do not want to live with India. How do I know this? well, the UN charter says a plebiscite is required to decide this which Indian clearly refuse to hold. In addition, extra-judicial murders, rape, and brutality are normal. Before you give your opinion you must ask the people who live there. If this is not oppression or occupation then I'd like to know what is?

My position is for Kashmiris to be granted self determination and be independent, I have not denied them that, God forbid. I'm certainly aware of what they face and always quietly read the threads and watch the videos of abuses in Kashmir posted on the forum. All I said is we need to be rational and not spam ghazwat al hind everywhere or insult all Indians.
Just saw a video of indian and pakistani taxi drivers slugging it out in UAE.
Dude When The Yemen Crisis Was On We Also Decided To Stay Out Of Their Dispute and Not Help Them Since It Was None Of Our Business

Same Thing Happening Now They Are Saying "None of Our Business"

But did we give Iran, Bashar, or Houthis our highest civilian award?

We were actually neutral, and we were fair to both GCC and Iran. We were pushing for a ceasefire and peace in Yemen.

Yemenis hailed our behavior as exemplary.
Have some courage and speak english my friend. Whomever wants to dispute with Falcon29 is more than welcome to step up to the plate. Let me tell you about this guy, however, he's stubborn and will always say the right thing even if it hurts a lot of feelings. We Muslims can't take criticism nor are most of you good Muslims by any shot, Islam is not a toy for you to use it when you want to curse Afghani's or excuse Chinese treatment of Uyghurs. Nor is it a toy for Turks to try riling up Muslims against Chinese for their nationalist intent.

In simple words I have said that shame on you for giving a cover to occupation of Kashmir by India and for trying to ask Pakistanis not worry about Indian occupied Kashmir
@Khafee anything to say?
IA on Monday.

UAE sees Gwadar as a competition if it ever become a booming port. The Shiekhs are running out of oil and are trying to diversify their economy but seeing a new kid on block is making them think of their granddaddies and their suffering wondering around in the desert half naked.

This one is from Saudia

Total BS from a qadiani, as usual.

UAE's oil reserves are approx at 98Bn BBL as of now.

Are you for real? on what basis you compare Gawadar with Dubai?
UAE has announced investments in Gawadar, besides their existing investments in Pakistan!
Don't loose your senses over a simple news of medal, what matters is money which is flowing from UAE ot Pakistan.

@Khafee wasn't it Iran, who was running sabotage network for Gawadar? Why Iran claimed Uzair Baloch their own citizen? What were the confessions of Uzair Baloch and Kulbhoshan!

Even if the medal is really awarded but please post link from credible source... just imagine if there was no award, what will be the respect of defence.pk officials!
Well said!

Gawadar Port will forever remain a challenge for Dubai's port. UAE will do whats in their best interests, the concept of "Muslim Ummah" doesn't exist anymore, Instead of God its Cash they trust.
A ridiculous point, clueless people like to parrot. Dubai is the biggest port of call for cruise liners as well, how many go to Gawadar?

As to the Ummah part - only the blind cant see the IAF holding an AMRAAM or the US$3bn.

@Mangus Ortus Novem can better elaborate on this point.

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