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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted

No truth, just BS, for which you have been banned before.
u cant disprove what ive been saying. all you do is keep referencing me or my leanings, or attacking me ("false flagger"), my status on the forum. Just a distraction.

calling me false flagger is actually 1 lie you've told. so its funny you said i said "no truth", but you have lied already.
u cant disprove what ive been saying. all you do is keep referencing me or my leanings, or attacking me ("false flagger"), my status on the forum. Just a distraction.

calling me false flagger is actually 1 lie you've told. so its funny you said i said "no truth", but you have lied already.
One only has to google to see the support provided to the Palestinians, by KSA & UAE, but you keep on parroting your BS.
'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted
Nadda Osman
Published date: 21 August 2019 11:24 UTC | Last update: 18 hours 44 min ago






The United Arab Emirates' plan to award Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with its highest civilian honour as his government cracks down on Kashmir has unleashed a storm of criticism.

Modi is set to visit the UAE on Friday and he will then travel on to Bahrain.

His visit comes as he faces international pressure for placing seven million Kashmiris under draconian restrictions and detaining thousands in an attempt to place the territory under total Indian rule.

Despite the Indian government's violent attempts to annex Kashmir, putting the demographics of the Muslim-majority territory at risk, Abu Dhabi has seen fit to hand Modi the Order of Zayed when he touches down.

The juxtaposition of honouring the Indian premier as his government is accused of atrocities has not been lost on social media users, however.

UAE to give Modi highest civilian award: report.
Has UAE lost it? After what is happening in Kashmir? https://t.co/JgXSyiqCRF

— Farahnaz Zahidi (@FarahnazZahidi) August 20, 2019
Earlier this month the Indian government suddenly locked down Kashmir, enforcing a communications blackout, state-wide curfew and shutdown of the press.

Thousands of people, including politicians both critical and supportive of Modi's Hindu nationalist government, have been subjected to house raids and arrests.

Yet another blow for Kashmiris, where is our government? Has it voiced the sentiments of Kashmiris? Has it shown videos of brutal atrocities being committed by Modi in Kashmir to the rulers of UAE?https://t.co/fiV7MVsomV

— Ahsan Iqbal (@BetterPakistan) August 20, 2019
Online, people are lambasting Muslim-majority countries, particularly in the Middle East, for remaining mostly silent on the crackdown.

The muted response has been attributed to the Gulf Arab countries' $100bn in annual trade with India, making New Delhi an important economic partner.

The award was first announced in April, when Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed revealed it was being handed to the Indian premier for boosting relations.

We have historical and comprehensive strategic ties with India, reinforced by the pivotal role of my dear friend, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who gave these relations a big boost. In appreciation of his efforts, the UAE President grants him the Zayed Medal.

— محمد بن زايد (@MohamedBinZayed) April 4, 2019
In response, British Labour MP Naz Shah wrote a letter to Mohammed bin Zayed urging him to reconsider honouring Modi.

“Modi has placed the people of Jammu and Kashmir into a complete lockdown for the last 15 days, with the shutdown of telecommunications, internet and other sources of communications,” she wrote.

“To grant such recognition to an individual who is oppressing the Kashmiri people in the name of Sheikh Zayed, not only questions the value of this previously prestigious title, misrepresents his legacy but also forces the world to debate the nature of your moral conscious”

UAE to give Modi highest civilian Award.
Shame Shame Shame #UAEpic.twitter.com/my4ZQhkB6T

— fouzia shafiq (@fouzi_s) August 21, 2019
This is adding insult to injury. Why UAE ? Why ?

UAE to give Modi highest civilian award: report https://t.co/EqfAlZsKtH

— Noreen Haider (@Madadgar) August 19, 2019
Modi will become the first Indian prime minister to visit Bahrain when he travels on to Manama.

Indians make up one of the largest expatriate communities in Bahrain, with estimates suggesting that up to 350,000 live in the island kingdom.

what can I say. our Arab brother show us our worth because we are beggars
they are merchants . they don't give a toss about Ummah or their relations with Pakistan.

my only gripe is why did they chose to award a racist fascist butcher.
and its the timing that is more hurtful and is malicious (intentional in a way )
they could have chosen another time but then again it wont have hurt us as it has now.
No, there nothing to be emotional or apologetic about it. or decide to side with Iran
there is no other way to spin it just because they have given us charity.

just live with it. Pakistan has to build it reputation and honor without being salty towards Iran or UAE or KSA. just be mindful that there will be a time when China will also get fed up with our sense of entitlement.
what can I say. our Arab brother show us our worth because we are beggars
they are merchants . they don't give a toss about Ummah or their relations with Pakistan.

my only gripe is why did they chose to award a racist fascist butcher.
and its the timing that is more hurtful and is malicious (intentional in a way )
they could have chosen another time but then again it wont have hurt us as it has now.
No, there nothing to be emotional or apologetic about it. or decide to side with Iran
there is no other way to spin it just because they have given us charity.

just live with it. Pakistan has to build it reputation and honor without being salty towards Iran or UAE or KSA. just be mindful that there will be a time when China will also get fed up with our sense of entitlement.
And yet Modi gallivants through Pakistani airspace, and no one bats an eye lid.



What does this say about Paksitani's self respect?

Btw IF Pakistan goes to ICJ on Kashmir, they will loose, and this means a deal on Kashmir has been done.
Hey don't be an Arab hater...okay
What they are doing with Modi or investing in India is NONE of your business... Just focus on the great favour they did by displaying Pakistan's flag on their tower.. it was upside down but that was just a "technical error"..
You are so ungrateful people and you forget their favours.. shame on you people that you forget the flag displayed on world's tallest tower...I mean .. come on guys. They are our biggest benefactors it is just you people are blind in hate that you don't see it.
yes thats great I agree. it was the Colonial British that coined the word "emotional" for us as a way of explaining us and somehow we accepted and adapted this behavior although it was never meant to be as a compliment but meant to show lack of logic, understanding and common sense. British had a stereotypical view of us to be ready to be offended on slightest of provocation and it seems that we prove it by getting hurt over what UAE as a sovereign nation sees fit

why berate our employers and charity givers.

and yet Modi gallivants through Pakistani airspace, and no one bats an eye lid.
not just that. we havent closed the Afghan transit trade either.
but since we dont have Nawaz as PM so we haven't invited him on a wedding or given our highest civil order

all sarcasm aside . my issue is just the timing of the award thats all.
it humiliating and you can see it on gleeful Indian commentary on the web and their channels
not just that. we havent closed the Afghan transit trade either.
but since we dont have Nawaz as PM so we haven't invited him on a wedding or given our highest civil order

all sarcasm aside . my issue is just the timing of the award thats all.
it humiliating and you can see it on gleeful Indian commentary on the web and their channels
Forget the Indian community, the flag bearers for Pakistan - PDF has mass un-banned indian members......
But did we give Iran, Bashar, or Houthis our highest civilian award?

Can anyone at PDF explain how AFTER the abrogation of 370 the UN session and the openly declared support for India, President Alvi himself confers Pakistans second highest civilian award to the UAE deputy PM.

Pakistani President confers top civilian award on Mansour bin Zayed

The Hilal-e-Pakistan is the second highest honour awarded to non-heads of state
Published: August 21, 2019 14:49WAM


Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al NahyanImage Credit: WAM
Islamabad: Pakistani President Arif Alvi has awarded Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, the Hilal-e-Pakistan or Crescent of Pakistan.

The honour is in recognition of Sheikh Mansour's efforts in supporting Pakistan in the humanitarian and development fields, and for promoting bilateral relations of friendship and joint action between the two countries.

Furthermore, Abdullah Khalifah Al Ghafli, Director of the UAE Pakistan Assistance Programme, was conferred the Sitara-i-Quaid-i-Azam, or Star of the Great Leader, for his efforts in managing and implementing humanitarian and development projects in the country

yes thats great I agree. it was the Colonial British that coined the word "emotional" for us as a way of explaining us and somehow we accepted and adapted this behavior although it was never meant to be as a compliment but meant to show lack of logic, understanding and common sense. British had a stereotypical view of us to be ready to be offended on slightest of provocation and it seems that we prove it by getting hurt over what UAE as a sovereign nation sees fit
Just take the notes, the time does not stay the same..
Update your info...Afghan transit trade has been stopped.
not good enough is it. should buy a time machine and do it in the past . also we must also kick out all Indian diplomats and also attack Iran. then our charity from our Arab brothers might increase and they will delay the Modi award by few weeks

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