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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted

Paying the price for remaining neutral in Yemen war.we selected Iran.our people in Pakistan selected iran.now Iran will fight for kashmir.lol remember Irani threat after bomb blast.we lost the plot.qe didn't help arabs.i remember when mbs was defence minister and visited pakistan twice,asking for help but we decided to remain neutral.arabs don't care about pakistan now.
Ummah also includes Afghanistan Iran Indian Muslims Bangalis malyasia turkey egypt
Why these PDF members use this word for Saudi Arabia and uae only
Dear I explained it that ummah is the concept from Allah Almighty taught to us by Holy Prophet (ﷺ) ..much before any of these nation states existed.
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I don't like the UAE government, but they are not claiming to be championing Muslims and are looking out for their interests. So they see no way to avoid ties with India. Don't you guys have ties with India too?

I want Pakistani's to be realistic. You already control half of Kashmir. And it's likely the other half is going to remain with India forever unless Kashmiris can become independent. So what do you guys want for Kashmir exactly? If the article removal was reversed would that be enough? It's unlikely any nation's will cut ties with India unless they go bezerk and attack Pakistani controlled Kashmir and try making it part of India.

As for Arabs or ahadeeth about destruction of Arabs. You guys don't understand what هلكه means. We use this term all the time and it generally means destroyed in metaphorical sense. As for the what the Prophet was attoning to , it is referring to end times and fitn. It does not mean all Arabs will die. A lot of Arabs will die in the Malhama at the end times and we say welcome to the Shahadah. And the Mahdi is Arab and the Arabs will restore the Caliphate. So this era of Kings is going to pass within a mere years and Caliphate will replace it. But lots of Muslims will not be onboard, doesn't matter Arab or non Arab. You bet that 99% of Iranians will be against it for example but I don't see anyone talking against them.
People here talking trash about UAE/ Arabs in general when the biggest sellouts and traitors are ruling over Pakistan and take money from Arabs, Americans and now Chinese.

And let's be honest, Pakistanis themselves don't value Pakistani life, property, forget expecting some foreigner Arabs to do so. What UAE did was a b!tch slap on Pakistan's face, one of many b!tch slaps because they know we will shut up and take it and our patriotic army generals will retire and serve in their Arab militaries.

biggest sellouts and traitors are ruling over Pakistan
Not any longer... they were in the past but now it is changing... furthermore, nothing was free... we helping each one in return... so it was not a favour ..
Not any longer... they were in the past but now it is changing... furthermore, nothing was free... we helping each one in return... so it was not a favour ..
We still have a long way to go. Our generals and officers, supposedly from the most "patriotic" institution of our country, seek employment with these arrogant gulf Arabs for personal financial gains.

The very mentality of Pakistanis on all levels of society must be purged of non-patriotic selfish and short sighted thought-processes. There must be a firm understanding that Pakistan isn't just a country on the map that we live in, it is a spiritual inheritance who's founding flame which animated those who struggled day and night to create it must be preserved and passed on to the next generation.
We still have a long way to go. Our generals and officers, supposedly from the most "patriotic" institution of our country, seek employment with these arrogant gulf Arabs for personal financial gains.

The very mentality of Pakistanis on all levels of society must be purged of non-patriotic selfish and short sighted thought-processes. There must be a firm understanding that Pakistan isn't just a country on the map that we live in, it is a spiritual inheritance who's founding flame which animated those who struggled day and night to create it must be preserved and passed on to the next generation.
Naah, that's not true either.. Pakistani military professionals are second to none in the world and they are in high demand especially in the middle east because of the same religion and our amicable history. Just look at happened to many kings after the Arab spring..? so the master these GCC bow before also keeps tight on leash through Arab spring and other intimidations, Iran being one of them. Hence they need someone who is highly professional and trustworthy and Pakistani military officers fall right in the sweet spot... they are head hunted instead of applying for the positions..

The very mentality of Pakistanis on all levels of society must be purged of non-patriotic selfish and short sighted thought-processes. There must be a firm understanding that Pakistan isn't just a country on the map that we live in, it is a spiritual inheritance who's founding flame which animated those who struggled day and night to create it must be preserved and passed on to the next generation.
BTW, it won't affect those military general a bit if they leave those jobs since they have a pretty decent life and career behind them but it will definitely affect these states... you know why they hate Aljazeera? Arab spring.. connect the dots and you will get picture.
Naah, that's not true either.. Pakistani military professionals are second to none in the world and they are in high demand especially in the middle east because of the same religion and our amicable history. Just look at happened to many kings after the Arab spring..? so the master these GCC bow before also keeps tight on leash through Arab spring and other intimidations, Iran being one of them. Hence they need someone who is highly professional and trustworthy and Pakistani military officers fall right in the sweet spot... they are head hunted instead of applying for the positions..
In that case we (Pakistanis) should be in a position of strength vis a vis Gulf Arabs and thus have some kind of influence when to comes to having them pressure India in critical moments like this, but they have utterly failed or do not wish to do this but instead are hired bodyguards of Arab regimes who treat Pakistani workers less than animals and starve Yemenis while handing out awards to Modi as he seeks to forcefully alter Kashmir's demography to undermine any native resistance against Indian occupation and integration of it.

Kashmir isn't just any random issue, it is as old as Pakistan itself and dear to all patriotic Pakistanis.
In that case we (Pakistanis) should be in a position of strength vis a vis Gulf Arabs and thus have some kind of influence when to comes to having them pressure India in critical moments like this, but they have utterly failed or do not wish to do this but instead are hired bodyguards of Arab regimes who treat Pakistani workers less than animals and starve Yemenis while handing out awards to Modi as he seeks to forcefully alter Kashmir's demography to undermine any native resistance against Indian occupation and integration of it.

Kashmir isn't just any random issue, it is as old as Pakistan itself and dear to all patriotic Pakistanis.
Well, I would say that we still have influence because of them but still I would like for the clarity of the situation i.e. all these military professionals return to Pakistan or at least leave those countries and hence it will become pretty clear.. Our relationship with these states in fact hurts us more than it ever benefitted since they harbour all the corrupts and their looted wealth.
Well, I would say that we still have influence because of them but still I would like for the clarity of the situation i.e. all these military professionals return to Pakistan or at least leave those countries and hence it will become pretty clear.. Our relationship with these states in fact hurts us more than it ever benefitted since they harbour all the corrupts and their looted wealth.
I'm all for our military gaining experience and our officers taking positions within the militaries of Gulf countries provided they are of patriotic mentality themselves, but TBQH knowing how money hungry our civilian and military leaders have been I won't put it past them if they simply did jr for their own pockets because if patriotism for Pakistan existed we would see something right now when the Kashmir issue has reached a turning point in its history. In a few years of the demographics are overwhelmed there will be no Kashmir across the LOC, just a piece of India.
In that case we (Pakistanis) should be in a position of strength vis a vis Gulf Arabs and thus have some kind of influence when to comes to having them pressure India in critical moments like this, but they have utterly failed or do not wish to do this but instead are hired bodyguards of Arab regimes who treat Pakistani workers less than animals and starve Yemenis while handing out awards to Modi as he seeks to forcefully alter Kashmir's demography to undermine any native resistance against Indian occupation and integration of it.

Kashmir isn't just any random issue, it is as old as Pakistan itself and dear to all patriotic Pakistanis.

Things can't go on as usual, any nation that doesn't understand our war with India and purposely seeks to damage our stance must be seen through a hostile lense

What's the Arabs have done is intolerable and we should find a way to repay them
Things can't go on as usual, any nation that doesn't understand our war with India and purposely seeks to damage our stance must be seen through a hostile lense

What's the Arabs have done is intolerable and we should find a way to repay them
Things shouldn't go on as usual, but I'm afraid they will because majority of Pakistanis themselves aren't serious anymore about Kashmir. We are a nation of 200 million with a significant diaspora, powerful military (with soldiers and officers also serving in Gulf Arab militaries) yet the most we can do is be regional pawns of powerful nations and body guards of rich Arab sheikhs.

Even if this is all that we have been able to achieve in terms of our regional/global influence the least we should be able to do is use this leverage in our favor when it comes to influencing our partners and so called allies but even there we fail miserably because the leaders of the countries know that if they toss a few billion $ and promises of sanctuary from prosecution for corruption in the direction of our leaders they will quickly surrender any Pakistani national interest and therefore these foreign leaders don't give two hoots for offending Pakistani sentiments because there will be no repercussions, our leaders don't have a spine.
In that case we (Pakistanis) should be in a position of strength vis a vis Gulf Arabs and thus have some kind of influence when to comes to having them pressure India in critical moments like this, but they have utterly failed or do not wish to do this but instead are hired bodyguards of Arab regimes who treat Pakistani workers less than animals and starve Yemenis while handing out awards to Modi as he seeks to forcefully alter Kashmir's demography to undermine any native resistance against Indian occupation and integration of it.

Kashmir isn't just any random issue, it is as old as Pakistan itself and dear to all patriotic Pakistanis.
I say it and I will probably be banned by the Arab lovers here Screw them no good for nothing lazy arrogant oil baron sheikhs who use our people for cheap labor and body guards who have tarnished Islam around the world via the spread of wahhabism while living like kings and butt kissing the white Europeans for weapons anyone that advocates for their genocidal war in Yemen and their closeness to the Indians and Israelis are fools to think if we butt kiss them more we would get support on Kashmir,Kashmir will be long struggle we cant be emotional fools the Indians use that to make is look like fools we gotta use diplomatic means get these Yanks out of Afghanistan asap The Yanks are playing both the Indians and Pakistanis,Paks for their withdrawal Indians to counter China the main reason the whole 370 fiasco occured was Indians wanted to sabotage the Afghan peace process by getting Paks distracted let's wait and see
Three reasons, their harems are full of Hindu women, they have business relationships with Hindus and they need to suck up to Israel to survive.
Three reasons, their harems are full of Hindu women, they have business relationships with Hindus and they need to suck up to Israel to survive.

Harems are filled with Euro and Asian whores the Hindus are the accounts

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