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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted

I am from Maharashtra. The Indrayani river flows near me. I personally feel trolling is better than being racist or abusing. Tell me how should I reply to a person who blindly calls me a rapist/gangu:-)

Tell me how was that begging? It's just beyond me. Reported you again but not sure whether action will actually be taken. PDF it seems is no different from Indian media. Just propaganda as long as you are on the right side.:-)

Look at this Indian beggar. He begs all day long on PDF for attention LOL

What kind of strange hatred is this? They become member of a Pakistani defence forum yet hate Pakistan.

Go and rape a cow or something you fool.
You want to die for Pakistan?
Fighting for UAE is dying for dollars not for Arabs and dollars are what Pakistan needs the most

No one died for UAE yet, but we have millions of Pakistanis and may be you as well... who have killed numerous babies in Iraq and Syria because they were balled Wahhabi by IRGC!

My school had sizeable amount of shias. We got to know how they prayed and what differences we had. It was all just curiosity. Nobody even thought about takfirism and who is muslim and who is not muslim. We appreciated our differences and thought nothing about each other than love. It was such a nice time. This was early 2000s. After the mid and late 2000s , huge amount of gulf money started to come into Pakistan to fund wahabi version of Islam. Arabs started meddling into Pakistan's affair and wanted Pakistan to sideline a significant minority of shias in Pakistan but I am glad they failed.
Attacks on Hazaras will not be tolerated and army chief has himself said that he will find the killers and destroy them. Hazaras , even after being attacked so many times , love Pakistan more than ever.

Don't worry. Wahabbis will never succeed in creating hatred of shias in our minds. We know their tactics.

Shias have also been part of Pakistan and their contribution is to this country is enormous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pakistani_Shia_Muslims

Go to military section and see how many shias have been generals and air marshals. They don't have to prove their love for this country we know it.

Btw , I am sunni.
Sir what is the problem in Pakistanis working as soldiers for Arabs
Social status of a soldier is higher than drivers and security guards
There are a lot of dakaits and badmash in Pakistani jails give them army uniforms and send them to Yemen
So many problems boss
We have border with iran not arabs .
We have shia population in our counyry
Our forces are not for rent
Civil jobs do not need gov aprovals
Civil jobs are safe every country sent workers to gulf like india bd philpines thai etc they did not rent forces.
It can create unrest insid our military .
Most dangrous it can create civil war in pakistan .

Just for few bn should we burn pakistan ?
ghairatmand people of PDFland should start a gofundme campaign to help collect money for Pakistan to repay UAE and to resettle all Pakistani expats from UAE

Hypocrites had no issues in returning Indian pilot within hours to modi's dead line announcement, at that time same brigade was defending the decision and was longing to have good relations with RSS.

Or may be Pakistanis also hate the same children whom Indians came to bomb, because those were learning non compliant Quran with translation, and killing them was perhaps in favor of grave and stone worshiping people of Pakistan, but than that makes them strategic ally of Modi besides being hypocrites.

I will always be looking for the name of the person, who ordered to free Indian sub and indian pilot.
I hope all nation want to know it as much i do.
Our forces are not for rent
What ever it means, but a respectful earning is far better than begging.
We do send our soldiers in foreign wars, under UN mission, what's the difference here beside sectarian tug of war?
We should not surpass in our sectarian hate, that we start acting like stupids and become the means to hurt Pakistan.
Remember, we are talking about our region, wherein our absence means a vacuum for others to fill.
Who are others? India and US!
Now how wise it is to make them influential in places which are strategically important for our survival?
Are we not aware of India's cold start doctrine, whose sphere is starts from Gilgit Baltistan and ends at Jeddha.
If Imran Khan wished he would have killed modi's chance of winning Indian general elections be delaying return of Abhinandan. At that time every one sucked the lolly pop of good relationship.
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40 million shia are not mullah .
But only followers of mullah will protest for this reason
That's why Pakistan should openly support Isreal US and Arabs to weaken these extremists ruling Iran
its impossible to become a geopolitical ally in these circumstances.. and I don't think any Pakistan/Iranian diplomat will tell you otherwise.

Why the hell would Iran take sides in Kashmir and throw its indian relations away under these circumstances??

دستش بدوش غیر نہاد از رہ کرم
ما را چو دید لغزش پا را بہانہ ساخت
Hey don't be an Arab hater...okay
What they are doing with Modi or investing in India is NONE of your business... Just focus on the great favour they did by displaying Pakistan's flag on their tower.. it was upside down but that was just a "technical error"..
You are so ungrateful people and you forget their favours.. shame on you people that you forget the flag displayed on world's tallest tower...I mean .. come on guys. They are our biggest benefactors it is just you people are blind in hate that you don't see it.
You have done a lot for the Arabs so there was no free lunch from Arabs by UAE action we are free from burden of Muslim Ummah which we were carrying for the last 70 years now we are free in having good relations of Arab enemy countries Now think as Pakistan First Rest the Yemenis are enough for them
دستش بدوش غیر نہاد از رہ کرم
ما را چو دید لغزش پا را بہانہ ساخت
here you go:
اس نے غير کے کندھے پر محبت سے ہاتھ رکھا ہوا تھا
مجھے دیکھ کر بہانہ بنا دیا کہ پاؤں لڑکھڑا گیا تھا
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