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'Has UAE lost it?' Emirati plan to award Modi amid Kashmir crackdown lambasted

says the loser whose nation proved uzair baloch with irni passport, who hosted kholbosghan yadav in thier own territorty, i wud pick a bedouin over a treacherous persian anyday \. persin is nothing but false pride and empty of honor

Wtf are you talking about?

I said Iran never betrays an ally..... Iran and pakistan are not official allies. they have workable/friendly relations. but have never been allied. Pakistan prefers to be allies with the petro-arab/US coalition. which is completely your perogative.

Iranian relationship with India is a lot weaker then Pakistani relations with the gulfie/US coalition.

If Pakistan stops being allied with this evil entity. And fully embraces Iran, and joins the axis of resistance. Then you will have 100% Iranian support on Kashmir. Iranian troops would be standing side by side with you on Kashmir. Iranian qods forces will be infiltrating india, and creating freedom movements, and havoc on indian territory. Iran will guarantee you unlimited fuel/ammo in case of war. and with Iranian help, you could develop an ironclad defensive death traps on the Indian borders that no indian soldier would pass thru alive.

just look at what Iran has done to Israel alone and with limited resources. we are outmaneuvering the entire western world + Israel there. They are faaar faaaar more powerful and competent enemy then india could ever hope to be.

India is just big. they have numbers on their side. But numbers don't always make or break wars... if you develop the right strategy...

Pakistan has no Kashmir strategy.... at least not a coherent one anyway.
just look at what Iran has done to Israel alone and with limited resources.

What iran did with Isreal was Iran-Israel contra affair, when they bought weapons of Zionsts on high seas to kick another muslims country Irqas butt, this si what a persian would do to backstab their friends,
Persians had Chabhar port built with Indian money and hosted two known terroist Kholbohsna yadav and Pakistani terroistUzair baloch on irani passport, go search it up if you have brains left as with contstant propganda of jahil mulla all of you persians have become brian dead for that matter
Wtf are you talking about?

I said Iran never betrays an ally..... Iran and pakistan are not official allies. they have workable/friendly relations. but have never been allied. Pakistan prefers to be allies with the petro-arab/US coalition. which is completely your perogative.

Iranian relationship with India is a lot weaker then Pakistani relations with the gulfie/US coalition.

If Pakistan stops being allied with this evil entity. And fully embraces Iran, and joins the axis of resistance. Then you will have 100% Iranian support on Kashmir. Iranian troops would be standing side by side with you on Kashmir. Iranian qods forces will be infiltrating india, and creating freedom movements, and havoc on indian territory. Iran will guarantee you unlimited fuel/ammo in case of war. and with Iranian help, you could develop an ironclad defensive death traps on the Indian borders that no indian soldier would pass thru alive.

just look at what Iran has done to Israel alone and with limited resources. we are outmaneuvering the entire western world + Israel there. They are faaar faaaar more powerful and competent enemy then india could ever hope to be.

India is just big. they have numbers on their side. But numbers don't always make or break wars... if you develop the right strategy...

Pakistan has no Kashmir strategy.... at least not a coherent one anyway.

Man...I know Pakistan people may not like it...In the name of India, it seems you are in the process to exploit Pakistan...Pakistan is your neighouring country.::Why do you need the execuse of India and Arab to be ally with them??
And keeping aside current Indo Pak conflict, Pakistan is far more superior state in diplomatic influence vis v Iran...So you should be accomodative to Pakistan than putting condition with Pakistan..
ran will guarantee you unlimited fuel/ammo in case of war. and with Iranian help
That was only druing SHAH era , now what dod iran do when India annexed Kashmir ? Bullshit and jacskhit so much for Leader of ISlam and Ummah, Khomeni can go and rest in hell
That was only druing SHAH era , now what dod iran do when India annexed Kashmir ? Bullshit and jacskhit so much for Leader of ISlam and Ummah, Khomeni can go and rest in hell

Iran is basically playing good cop and bad cop with India and Pakistan...Engaged with India in economic front and favoring Pakistan in religious front...and when any time Pakistak expect any tangible benifit, they will give an execuse as they can not ignore India due to its economy and if that reason fall flat then blame Pakistan that pakistan is ally with Arabs...

Man at least Pakistan should respect us as a rival who is open with our intent rather than some Muslim countries who try to put you in spot with some reason other....
Question is why would UAE stop business with india if we failed to ban our airspace for india..
they say you realize who your real friends are in your hour of need...,

and UAE has shown its true (ugly) face.

Its one thing to worship the dollar more then allah and sell out muslims for the USD. but really? you couldn't even take a symbolic gesture of support and not award modi your highest civilian award at a time where he is orchestrating a possible genocide against Kashmiri muslims.. absolutely disgraceful....

When Assad was on the brink of collapse in 2011/2012. and the entire world including CIA/Mossad were counting his days in weeks.... Qassem Soleimani publicly said "we are not the US, We do not abandon allies" and went on to slaughter the wahabi terrorists out of Syria.

Iran never betrays an ally. These petro arabs would sell their own mother for a few bucks. No pride, no manhood, no loyalty. Just money, palaces, golden dildos and toilets, private jets etc....

The UAE even changed tune with Iran as soon as it realized things were getting serious and Iran would turn it into Somalia in 2-3 hours in case of war.

But it does fund and trains terrorists to infiltrate countries. Iran belongs with the same filth that is the GCC

Question is why would UAE stop business with india if we failed to ban our airspace for india..
Right on the head. People should start questioning this hippie government
For those self hating cucks calling Pakistan deceitful, the U.A.E itself has a dual policy when it comes to dealing with Iran. Bilateral trade between Iran and Emirates was $18bn till last year, all this while the "manjan" of Makkah and Medina being under threat is being sold in Pakistan.

These self hating cucks should not project their own inadequacies on to other Pakistanis.

This is my post on another thread on the U.A.E carrying out its business as usual with Iran at the expense of Saudi policy.

No, I don't want the U.A.E to cut-off trade relations with India, the whole premise of my argument was that it would be naive to expect the Emirates to fully back you based on its actions in the past even if Pakistan had gone into Yemen.

And as far as I remember, Pakistan though not sending its troops inside Yemen sent a Naval support ship as well as has reinforced our troop presence in Saudi Arabia. Pakistan also has diplomatically fully backed the Saudi-led coalition.

That is at least unlike the U.A.E as I mentioned earlier which has come diplomatically in support of the Indians and let's not forget the invitation to the Indian Foreign Ministry after the February standoff for the OIC summit.

Folks like you want Pakistan to go full out in Yemen to salvage our relationship with our Emirati masters but lets dissect the actions of U.A.E itself vis-a-vis Iran

The Yemen conflict began in 2015, but yet we see very strong trade relations between U.A.E and Iran at least till 2018. I left that point in the article because the drop is expected because of U.S. sanctions and not through U.A.E's desire to curtail it's trade relations.

The U.A.E last month was also in a bilateral negotiation with Iran to settle its island dispute.

Here more on U.A.E's Iran policy from the Washington Post


From the article

After limpet mines exploded on tankers off the UAE’s coast in June, the UAE stood apart from the United States and Saudi Arabia and declined to blame Iran.

the Emiratis are shifting gears, calling for de-escalation with Iran and distancing themselves from the Trump administration’s bellicose rhetoric.

The U.A.E actions in Yemen also raises plenty of questions and prove that Pakistan dodged a bullet by not going in that quagmire.

From the guardian


“Scores” of people were killed and hundreds wounded during recent fighting in Yemen’s key port of Aden when southern separatists – trained by the UAE – seized key locations of the city from Saudi-backed government forces.

The U.A.E not only pulled its troops half way in the conflict but now is actively supporting an Anti-Saudi group. This while Saudi takes the brunt of Houthi missile attacks.
UAE is not playing a double game but a triple game.

Yet their fanboys want us to fight Iran and the Houthies while they themselves maintain trade and bilateral dialogue with Iran and India, support STC in Yemen and award Modi.

It is a sad sight that the common Pakistani is oblivious to the ground realities hence he is an easy prey to their propaganda.

Question is why would UAE stop business with india if we failed to ban our airspace for india..
No one is telling them to stop doing business with anyone. But to award a person like Modi, at this critical time is too much.

They wanted to employ us as a proxy against Iranian backed Houthis while they themselves pulled out of the conflict at a critical juncture leaving the Saudis in a precarious position whilst they keep on carrying out trade and bilateral talks with Iran.

Some even peddled the BS that UAE gave us Amraams to shoot down IAF planes in Feb. LOL

what's even funnier is that there are people who believed this.
Uae want us to die for them and we did not


British died for america---australians died for america---french died for america---norway sweden italy spain and so many others died for america in afghanistan---.

So---where is this hatred coming from---what is the source---.

Some even peddled the BS that UAE gave us Amraams to shoot down IAF planes in Feb. LOL

what's even funnier is that there are people who believed this.


So---what is wrong with that information---. Do you know for sure if they did not give them to us---.

A man in uae suffering from rare disease,clear signs of lanat on this man face due to their support to hindus extremists

British died for america---australians died for america---french died for america---norway sweden italy spain and so many others died for america in afghanistan---.

So---where is this hatred coming from---what is the source---.


So---what is wrong with that information---. Do you know for sure if they did not give them to us---.
Still we do not want to die for them they should go die themselves
Still we do not want to die for them they should go die themselves
You want to die for Pakistan?
Fighting for UAE is dying for dollars not for Arabs and dollars are what Pakistan needs the most

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