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Has Musharraf arrived in Karachi... Whisked away by security

I am loling hard at you guys even thinking that he will contest for elections. He will boycott the elections and let me tell you something very important. I have some news that MQM is also planning to boycott these coming elections. I got these news from a very reliable source. I have news that once MQM boycotts the election, Imran khan will benefit and he will be able to bag more NA seats from sindh to tackle growing power of nawaz sharif. These are just news, dont take my words yet.
Dude he was a general, you really going to underestimate him like that. He's not a fool.
He WAS a general! Not anymore. He's just an ordinary citizen now with no convoy protection of a hundred commandos in front and behind him to protect his valuable a$$.

But hat's off to this guy. He knows as much but still has chosen to go back to Pakistan. He's either a fool or a man of nerve. But then fools rush in where angels fear to tread. But this doesn't seem to apply to Mush! His commando brain can't see beyond his nose!

It would be a pity if he meets his maker before schedule!! :undecided:
Go, Mushy!!! Of course, as an American, I have no say in whether or not he will be selected by the Pakistani Nation. BUT, he is the best you have!!! He will be good for Pakistan. Choose wisely!! Choose Mushy!!!

Best is quite clearly Imran Khan - even Musharraf has said so.

Just hoping Mushy doesn't steal Imran's votes.

Musharraf will only win in Chitral and the one seat in Karachi that MQM will give him.
Mushy needs to stay in London and retire.
He has a proven tract record that would be toxic to even PPP.
The only good thing that people can say about this guy is that the economy was slightly better during his time. But that is really easy for the other parties to attack (ie the economy was built on US aid).
His blunders tho.... those will bury him. Baluchistan won't accept him for the murder of Akbar Bughti, Sind won't accept him over the assassination of Benazir, KPK won't accept him over the drone program and military campaign, and Punjab won't accept him for breaking the constitution and trying to sack the CJ.
Best case scenario for him (if he doesn't end up in jail) is that we will get 20k votes in Karachi with the help of MQM.
He WAS a general! Not anymore. He's just an ordinary citizen now with no convoy protection of a hundred commandos in front and behind him to protect his valuable a$$.

But hat's off to this guy. He knows as much but still has chosen to go back to Pakistan. He's either a fool or a man of nerve. But then fools rush in where angels fear to tread. But this doesn't seem to apply to Mush! His commando brain can't see beyond his nose!

It would be a pity if he meets his maker before schedule!! :undecided:

An ex-President, an ex-COAS is always granted a security protocol.

Although I think Musharraf is still walking to his end, like Benazir did. It's true death beckons you. I hope he is smarter than Benazir on his public appearances.
An ex-President, an ex-COAS is always granted a security protocol.

Although I think Musharraf is still walking to his end, like Benazir did.
It's true death beckons you. I hope he is smarter than Benazir on his public appearances.

No way, he is too smart. He is ex-military, no-one is going to get to him.

i havent watched this video...it was made by indian news channel. thought it would be interesting what indians would say about musharraf.

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TTP foreign assets have already vowed to kill him, even though he's been targeted twice before by them.

He won't be landing without a trump card. I'll tell you that much.
If he comes into power....Pakistan will be America's lil' puppy once again and this somewhat of a backbone it has developed will be gone.......

Well he is not going to and he is still better than Zardari either way lol.
I just hope he lands and in the gathering says that he isnt there for any elections, he is just back to go after the taliban with his suicide squad and snipers.
He got his boarding pass.

Ary news doing a live interview.
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