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First cargo of discounted Russian crude oil arrives in Karachi: PM Shehbaz

The Chinese Yuan is the big deal here.
But, ah, the pretty slogans of 'Absolutely Not' and 'Imported Government' and 'Haqeeqi Azadi' or 'Tera Baap bhi dega Azadi!'

Anyway, as I said in another thread, what's happening in Pakistan right now in the political setups has China's blessings, if not the backing. You'd see it unfold. The die was cast before May 9 incidents.
your jamadari of GHQ continues :enjoy:

I have an honest question for you seriously. Say your an individual who wasted 30 years of your life, passed your classes with 60% scores which is the lowest possible. Do you honestly expect to wake up 1 day, study for a week and pass the US MCAT and get into Harvard Medical School?

Any attempt at stability and development of Pakistan's government departments was met with open rebellion by the bureaucracy. Education, Police, Administration, Judiciary. The facts are right in front of you. And here you are proving my point thinking it's a rebuttal?

Yeah? This goes back to the prior point. Zero departmental knowledge. The instability was always there now you're pissed people are pissed and want change? Do you honestly believe a country can run on laws created in 1890s and rotten mindsets of "me me me"?

You push people into a corner and you're now concerned they're pushing back? What TF do you have to show for 76 years of a country? ANSWER THIS QUESTION. What TF do you have to show for 76 years?

Energy surplus. Built on imported fuels. BRAVO. BRAVO my dude. Energy surplus using power plants that the average Pakistani cant even afford to pay the per unit costs of electricity production.

The entire world is moving to Energy Independence and you're importing oil to generate electricity.

"Valuable infrastructure meant for the common man", you mean the token pennies thrown to show trickle down progress. Where was this anger when ppp was rampaging against the same "valuable infrastructure" or pmln, or jui, or anp, etc?

You created the culture now pissed it's against you.

Mr Edevelop the camera is on, lets pretend you're a leader caring about the flood sickened people you're flying over.

Let me know where the care of the people was when the rains were falling and people left to fend for themselves before the floods became international news.

I don't give a shit about Imran. But the fact you cant prefer to vote for someone who's even 1% better than someone else is interesting.

True. But letting biryani moochers and laifafas a free ride is more damaging.

But it's no wonder beggars are beggars. Koi tho sharam honi chaiya?
I have an honest question for you seriously. Say your an individual who wasted 30 years of your life, passed your classes with 60% scores which is the lowest possible. Do you honestly expect to wake up 1 day, study for a week and pass the US MCAT and get into Harvard Medical School?

Any attempt at stability and development of Pakistan's government departments was met with open rebellion by the bureaucracy. Education, Police, Administration, Judiciary. The facts are right in front of you. And here you are proving my point thinking it's a rebuttal?

Yeah? This goes back to the prior point. Zero departmental knowledge. The instability was always there now you're pissed people are pissed and want change? Do you honestly believe a country can run on laws created in 1890s and rotten mindsets of "me me me"?

You push people into a corner and you're now concerned they're pushing back? What TF do you have to show for 76 years of a country? ANSWER THIS QUESTION. What TF do you have to show for 76 years?

Energy surplus. Built on imported fuels. BRAVO. BRAVO my dude. Energy surplus using power plants that the average Pakistani cant even afford to pay the per unit costs of electricity production.

The entire world is moving to Energy Independence and you're importing oil to generate electricity.

"Valuable infrastructure meant for the common man", you mean the token pennies thrown to show trickle down progress. Where was this anger when ppp was rampaging against the same "valuable infrastructure" or pmln, or jui, or anp, etc?

You created the culture now pissed it's against you.

Mr Edevelop the camera is on, lets pretend you're a leader caring about the flood sickened people you're flying over.

Let me know where the care of the people was when the rains were falling and people left to fend for themselves before the floods became international news.

I don't give a shit about Imran. But the fact you cant prefer to vote for someone who's even 1% better than someone else is interesting.

True. But letting biryani moochers and laifafas a free ride is more damaging.

But it's no wonder beggars are beggars. Koi tho sharam honi chaiya?

In your United States, how many people actually go to Universities/College, can afford tuition fees and drowned in debt? The majority in your country see as a distant dream to become a doctor and a lawyer. You have bridges and dams that are so old that they will collapse anytime, your police takes illegal actions against the black community and your judiciary makes political decisions to undermine Trump's election run. Is there truly democracy and social welfare in your country? I don't think so!

Granted, Pakistan has a disparity between rich and poor but is it that much that its worst than countries like U.S, India, and Turkey? As bad as the situation is in Pakistan, the top 1% owns 21% of country's wealth compared to U.S's 40%, India's 40% and Turkey's 50%. These stats prove to me that perhaps we like to over exaggerate problems in our country. We don't have monopolies at the level of Tata, Reliance, Amazon, Apple, and Koc etc and from my understanding Pakistan has a void and needs stability which PTI constantly deprives the country so much of to attract attention of investors and offer free market for businesses

Why do we always discuss about steel mills, railways, and Pia all the time? The issue is there is a lack of entrepenural class. Why isn't there anybody who can offer better services so old institutions can die a slow death. Why are People so fcking lazy? Why do we expect lawmakers to run these institutions when they shoudn't?!

Normal nations encourage and facilitate investments. This is completely false to suggest that Pakistan only imports oil to produce energy. Under CPEC between 2014-2018 Chinese investment in Pakistan's energy sector was over $30 billion in Nuclear, Hydro, Solar, Wind and Coal using local resources. You can check the CPEC website. In fact when PTI was in power, they slowed the pace of these projects.

All the major infrastructure today i..e airports, highways, motorways, public transit,, vocational institutions, energy infrastructure was built or encouraged by Nawaz Sharif lead government. That's how you create jobs and bring economic activity! Sure they could do more on education and health. If you are constructive you can debate that with me but I know you won't because you are so blinded by hatred. God has been kind to elect him thrice for a total of 9 years and I believe they were well worth it.
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In your United States, how many people actually go to Universities/College, can afford tuition fees and drowned in debt? The majority in your country see as a distant dream to become a doctor and a lawyer. You have bridges and dams that are so old that they will collapse anytime and your judiciary made political decisions to undermine Trump's election run. Is there truly democracy and social welfare in your country? I don't think so!

Former President Trump took classified documents and left them unsecured at his vacation home. This is illegal. There's no judiciary activism. The prosecutor presented the facts to a Grand Jury and they gave him the green light to proceed. You need to look up the judicial system in the US before making BS claims.

Granted, Pakistan has a disparity between rich and poor but is it that much that its worst than countries like U.S, India, and Turkey? As bad as the situation is in Pakistan, the top 1% owns 21% of country's wealth compared to U.S's 40%, India's 40% and Turkey's 50%. These stats prove to me that perhaps we like to over exaggerate problems in our country. We don't have monopolies at the level of Tata, Reliance, Amazon, Apple, and Koc etc and from my understanding Pakistan has a void and needs stability which PTI constantly deprives the country so much of to attract attention of investors and offer free market for businesses

And what came about from the protests from pdm dynasties? You expect PTI to show stability yet your dynasties have done nothing but promote instability. What's with the double standards?

The 1990s are considered Pakistan's Lost Decade. You can see the conclusion from 2008-2018 yourself.

Why do we always discuss about steel mills, railways, and Pia all the time? The issue is there is a lack of entrepenural class. Why isn't there anybody who can offer better services so old institutions can die a slow death. Why are People so fcking lazy? Why do we expect lawmakers to run these institutions when they shoudn't?!

Yeah in order for this to happen you need to have well thought out 5/10/15/20 year Economic Plans. Not plans the PM demands to be written in 2 weeks. You're expecting an entrepreneurial class to come about while holding financial investment opportunities to 0. There's plenty of Pakistanis who have done to the Gulf and started businesses there because there's a rule of law and enforcement.

What can be expected in Pakistan when the Courts demand PUBG to be banned because some aimless kid commits suicide? Or the Courts ban the internet or access to sites just because there's someone who paid a layer $$ to get it done?

Normal nations encourage and facilitate investments. This is completely false to suggest that Pakistan only imports oil to produce energy. Under CPEC between 2014-2018 Chinese investment in Pakistan's energy sector was over $30 billion in Nuclear, Hydro, Solar, Wind and Coal using local resources. You can check the CPEC website. In fact when PTI was in power, they slowed the pace of these projects.

The projects were slowed down because they reviewed the ridiculous contracts. Go ahead take a look at the financial obligations your "business competent" dynasty signed.

That's why Imran made a public claim of needing CPEC reviewed and went to China only to get b!tchslapped by Beijing. Beijing later agreed to review a few contracts on more favorable terms.

All the major infrastructure today i..e airports, highways, motorways, public transit,, vocational institutions, energy infrastructure was built by Nawaz Sharif lead government. That's how you create jobs and bring economic activity! Sure they could do more on education and health. If you are constructive you can debate that with me but I know you won't because you are so blinded by hatred. God has been kind to elect him thrice for a total of 9 years and I believe they were well worth it.

Yes so worth it. Is that why they're mortgaged off? You seriously believe motorways are the way to go? $Billions spent on motorways for 6.6 Million cars. Meanwhile, the entire world prefers freight trains to transport goods over distance and you want gas/diesel 18 wheelers to take cargo from Gwadar/Karachi to the Khunjerab Pass....

It would have been loads better to invest in railways (freight & passenger), renewables (dams, solar, wind, reservoirs), public transport (metros), and public recreation (parks, urban forests, plazas) projects than everything pdm has to present.

You talk about vocational institutions as if there's factories other than textiles waiting for graduates. You seriously believe without economic incentives and reforms someone's going to come? The decoupling attempt the West is providing is literally giving you the option of seizing China's low-level manufacturing yet they're all going to Vietnam, India, Kenya.

You sit in Pakistan without knowing the facts of how the government operates. Ask us OSPs how the Pakistani Embassies operate. And we'll tell you how they are in comparison to other Embassies.

You believe I'm blinded by hatred over your beloved yet can't see I'm more empathetic to Pakistan than they'll ever be.
Former President Trump took classified documents and left them unsecured at his vacation home. This is illegal. There's no judiciary activism. The prosecutor presented the facts to a Grand Jury and they gave him the green light to proceed. You need to look up the judicial system in the US before making BS claims.
Trump illegal but Hilary legal? Wah wah

The 1990s are considered Pakistan's Lost Decade. You can see the conclusion from 2008-2018 yourself.
False. In the 1990s Pakistan became a nuclear power and was on par with India on just about everything. Later Musharraf physically lost Kashmiri territories and Imran put it to final rest allowing India to revoke article 370
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Lol so IK started the invasion of Ukraine?
Or Pak never waited for green light from daddy US for Russian oil?
Or was it actually khaki rats who said we cannot refine russian oil?
So now that u have "discounted" oil how would it benefit Pak or its people?

Dealing with a hindooo Indian here. They ar mentally sick who claim to be other ethnicities and chime into conversations where they don’t belong. This op is a 100% Indian.
So that $17 is the cost of refining the crude right?

We can't use unrefined oil. I am told there are no suitable refineries for Russian crude in Pakistan. So what is wrong in paying for it to be refined?

As for whether we are actually saving money ...maybe not a lot.

I am more concerned about whether this is going to attract sanctions. India has some legal loophole they use to import Russian crude which we don't have.
So that $17 is the cost of refining the crude right?

We can't use unrefined oil. I am told there are no suitable refineries for Russian crude in Pakistan. So what is wrong in paying for it to be refined?

As for whether we are actually saving money ...maybe not a lot.

I am more concerned about whether this is going to attract sanctions. India has some legal loophole they use to import Russian crude which we don't have.
By legal loophole do you mean, avoiding the sanctions?

I believe there are no such loopholes man, its just that Uncle Sam is turning a blind eye for now. Some sort of Great game thing perhaps

Thank you Pakistan, Neutrals and PDM for your generosity towards India!
Imagine if India and Pakistan had a proper trade going, Pakistan could have saved more by not using UAE for routing the refined oil.

Games Games winners and losers
So that $17 is the cost of refining the crude right?

We can't use unrefined oil. I am told there are no suitable refineries for Russian crude in Pakistan. So what is wrong in paying for it to be refined?

As for whether we are actually saving money ...maybe not a lot.

I am more concerned about whether this is going to attract sanctions. India has some legal loophole they use to import Russian crude which we don't have.
It's question of one of the world biggest market. Where massive consumption and every seller walkout with profit.
It's question of one of the world biggest market. Where massive consumption and every seller walkout with profit.
INDIA is biggest exporter of refined fuel oil(petrol, diesel) to EU now. so, Pakistan only imported refined fuel oil from INDIA. Its is NOT Russian crude :) . That is the definition of EU sanction's committe on Russia. Definition is "If Russian crude is significantly modified by a thirdparty, it is no longer called Russian Crude. So, it can be re-exported as fuel oil" thats how INDIA escapes sanctions by EU
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In your United States, how many people actually go to Universities/College, can afford tuition fees and drowned in debt? The majority in your country see as a distant dream to become a doctor and a lawyer. You have bridges and dams that are so old that they will collapse anytime, your police takes illegal actions against the black community and your judiciary makes political decisions to undermine Trump's election run. Is there truly democracy and social welfare in your country? I don't think so!

Do you have any data on this ? Are you just bashing USA ?
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