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has anyone met any vetrans from the kargil war? and heard from there experiences?

You do know that there is another route available through Himachal Pradesh into Ladakh to resupply Siachen? Do you really think we would have let our troops starve to death in Siachen? Worst case scenario the IAF would have opened up an Air Bridge. And dont you think we would have opened up other fronts to ease the pressure like we did in 1965. It is your PM who went to Clinton to ask the US for an intervention. Please read this story

The story of how Nawaz Sharif pulled back from nuclear war

this is what i was expecting him to know...
but you said it...:-)
still few imp question answer pending from his side
this is what i was expecting him to know...
but you said it...:-)
still few imp question answer pending from his side
Read up about the Rohtang Tunnel, when completed in about 2 years time from now, it will provide all weather access to Ladakh from HP, and hence Siachen, while cutting short the on road travel time by 5 hours
Read up about the Rohtang Tunnel, when completed in about 2 years time from now, it will provide all weather access to Ladakh from HP, and hence Siachen, while cutting short the on road travel time by 5 hours
i asked these ques to him
you ans wered last which diffuse the theory of controling and bargaining peaks ... which they call victory of themm
the bolded part ans still pending...
he said they were prepared at defence level.. when PAF dont had BVR and navy did not hd clue ....so dont know what level of prepardness he talking ?so waiting ans?

wht would have happned if sharif did not listen to USA..that time?
and you won all peacks in kargil...does it mean wiing kashmir?
how much defence preparednes of PA/PN/PAF in that time?
how much foregin exhncgae nd oil resever had that time?

is there any other way avialbel to india to supply sichaine except NH1 going near by kargil hills?
i asked these ques to him
you ans wered last which diffuse the theory of controling and bargaining peaks ... which they call victory of themm
the bolded part ans still pending...
he said they were prepared at defence level.. when PAF dont had BVR and navy did not hd clue ....so dont know what level of prepardness he talking ?so waiting ans?

wht would have happned if sharif did not listen to USA..that time?
and you won all peacks in kargil...does it mean wiing kashmir?
how much defence preparednes of PA/PN/PAF in that time?
how much foregin exhncgae nd oil resever had that time?

is there any other way avialbel to india to supply sichaine except NH1 going near by kargil hills?

Was India prepared for full-fledged war with Pakistan back then?
It is on the record that your country purchased ammo from Israel in urgency just to meet requirements of Kargil ops. Your armored was really in bad shape then and lots of other weakness which were highlighted in Kargil commission report.
Was that just a bluff to rope in international community to pressurize Pakistan to back off?
Was India prepared for full-fledged war with Pakistan back then?
It is on the record that your country purchased ammo from Israel in urgency just to meet requirements of Kargil ops. Your armored was really in bad shape then and lots of other weakness which were highlighted in Kargil commission report.
Was that just a bluff to rope in international community to pressurize Pakistan to back off?
yes .. we were not up to markk..
thanks to our politics...
the black name in politcs .. BOFORS..
was hero in field....
so we got smart bombs.. LGB from isreal...
india was not preapred for FULL war ... accepted...
but can india wage full sclee war with its resources yes pak may be
can india sustain long term conflict getting hit to economy still sustain yes ... pak no
can india sustain internation pressure -- may be
pak .. NO
that bluff made your PM go to USA on their most imp day.. 4th July...i think that enough to be said...
it alwsy loooser who ran from ground not winner ...
yes .. we were not up to markk..
thanks to our politics...
the black name in politcs .. BOFORS..
was hero in field....
so we got smart bombs.. LGB from isreal...
india was not preapred for FULL war ... accepted...
but can india wage full sclee war with its resources yes pak may be
can india sustain long term conflict getting hit to economy still sustain yes ... pak no
can india sustain internation pressure -- may be
pak .. NO
that bluff made your PM go to USA on their most imp day.. 4th July...i think that enough to be said...
it alwsy loooser who ran from ground not winner ...

The fact of the matter is you were not able to wage full scale war back then, not in 2001-02 stand off and not even in 2008. Nawaz with weak nerves panicked and went to USA, while in 2002 your bluff was called.
The case of Pakistan was not that weak. One thing is to wage the war and second is to defend when war is waged upon you. If India have attacked Pakistan then Pakistan has no choice but to fight with whatever it has got in its disposal.

We failed diplomatically again as in previous war, which give you guys a reason to claim victory.
You do know that there is another route available through Himachal Pradesh into Ladakh to resupply Siachen? Do you really think we would have let our troops starve to death in Siachen? Worst case scenario the IAF would have opened up an Air Bridge. And dont you think we would have opened up other fronts to ease the pressure like we did in 1965. It is your PM who went to Clinton to ask the US for an intervention. Please read this story

What a Captain had told me in 1999 (during Kargil war) is that only air drop supply was open at that time to Siachen and all ground routes were closed, he told me back then that IA was desperate to open ground route therefore they used massive fire power from air & land to open route but PA make life very difficult for any one who try to take ground route for traveling and ISI was at its best, providing real time critical info from inside IOK.

Our PM is a coward he is not a leader he is a businessmen and he has business in India as well, 1) the shortfall of Kargil plan was not taking other services into confidence 2) not having good strategy on International Relations (Foreign Office should have also been taken into confidence to prepare / handle upcoming situation) and Media, 3) Not taking factor into account that it can become a full blown war, so no plan was there to handle that immediately.

PAF & PN due to aforesaid reason had to go through some issues too, but to their best they were quickly ready for full scale war, although it was very though situation for them to face. Logistics may have also become an issue in case of full scale war at that time. but even after all that issues if a full blown war had started it would have stopped due to pressure of International Community as world power knew that Pakistan may have to go to their last option after a week or so.
What a Captain had told me in 1999 (during Kargil war) is that only air drop supply was open at that time to Siachen and all ground routes were closed, he told me back then that IA was desperate to open ground route therefore they used massive fire power from air & land to open route but PA make life very difficult for any one who try to take ground route for traveling and ISI was at its best, providing real time critical info from inside IOK.

Our PM is a coward he is not a leader he is a businessmen and he has business in India as well, 1) the shortfall of Kargil plan was not taking other services into confidence 2) not having good strategy on International Relations (Foreign Office should have also been taken into confidence to prepare / handle upcoming situation) and Media, 3) Not taking factor into account that it can become a full blown war, so no plan was there to handle that immediately.

PAF & PN due to aforesaid reason had to go through some issues too, but to their best they were quickly ready for full scale war, although it was very though situation for them to face. Logistics may have also become an issue in case of full scale war at that time. but even after all that issues if a full blown war had started it would have stopped due to pressure of International Community as world power knew that Pakistan may have to go to their last option after a week or so.

Yes in initial stages the supplies were affected because your artillery was able to knock off supply trucks on NH-1. But once features such as Tiger Hill and Tololing Ridge started falling, the supply line was secure. Artillery and air power was used to soften up those targets and the Muntho Dhalo supply depot was obliterated. We also had an alternate supply route through Himachal, which however closes down in winters, hence the conflict had to be finished in summers. Now tell me in such a situation what choice did Mr. Sharif have, order a withdrawal or risk a nuclear conflict?
Here's an interesting video of captured Pakistani soldiers from the Kargil War. These are beaten and demoralised men, but it seems the Indian Army has treated them well enough. What they have to say about their role in the war is interesting.

A Kashmiri from Kargil was in my college batch.. Whiny sob.. Jolly religious guy tho'.. While we all drank for our seniors send-off party, this guy just smoked a whole pack (cigarettes)- in keeping with his convictions.. Came down with a cold promptly the next day. Flopped in his presentation the day after due to raspiness in throat.
we never hear about what it was like for them up in the mountains, we get the indian over-glorified bollywood esque version of tales but not the accounts from actual soldiers from our side, i want to know what they have to say rather then what the media or ISPR have to say.

Yes a wounded veteran.

What do you want ? and why do you ask ?
Although in the end we did not succeed, because of Nawaz Sharif, still Kargil was a great achievement for us. The way we infiltrated so deep in Indian territory without them even noticing and they only noticed when we opened fire on them. The thing was that only 5000 Pakistani soldiers were taking part in Kargil while 30000 indian soldiers were there and IAF was also there. There was an entire division of Pakistan Army on hold(Mangla). We could have most easily conquered Kashmir and Siachin, because we had them conquered. The plan after that was that Nawaz Sharif would make a speech something like this.
"The Kashmiri people with the help of pakistan Army have finally taken over the land which was rightfully their's and they have only fought for their freedom. We warn India against fighting anywhere else(for e.g Lahore, Sialkot) for that would be considered an act of war and Pakistan would use all it,s power including Nuclear Power to prevent that from Happening"
Now India would never do anything because Kashmir was not so much important for india that they would risk their entire population for it.
you are wrong, Kashmir will always be a part of India for various reasons

1)strategic/military --- as the India U.S relation is strong Kashmir could play a major role in maintaining power balance but it also act as a imp front for Indian army in time of war as various Pakistani cities is near to Kashmir.

2)economic---natural resources,tourism,electricity etc in other words we control your jugular veins(rivers) so in a war we don't have to fire a bullet as we control your rivers,millions of people in Pakistan would be affected by Floods and Draught without even fire a bullet.

3)yes in Kargil we made mistakes and i think that wad the last time when Pakistan could have got the Kashmir as our economy is not strong.But now we will goin to become $5 trillion economy by 2025 and a strong military power.

4)i hope you don't want to mention nukes for Kashmir unless you are on a suicide mission.
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you are wrong, Kashmir will always be a part of India for various reasons

1)strategic/military --- as the India U.S relation is strong Kashmir could play a major role in maintaining power balance but it also act as a imp front for Indian army in time of war as various Pakistani cities is near to Kashmir.

2)economic---natural resources,tourism,electricity etc in other words we control your jugular veins(rivers) so in a war we don't have to fire a bullet as we control your rivers,millions of people in Pakistan would be affected by Floods and Draught.

3)yes in Kargil we made mistakes and i think that wad the last time when Pakistan could have got the Kashmir as our economy is not strong.But now we will goin to become $5 trillion economy by 2025 and a strong military power.

4)i hope you don't want to mention nukes for Kashmir until you are on a suicide mission.

i would like to say the same, but with one modification, r

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