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has anyone met any vetrans from the kargil war? and heard from there experiences?

The fact is Pakistan was winning & everything was well planned. Had Pakistan taken over everything then we would had seen huge Indian disco, well it was already going on, India went crying & begging to US.
i asked you some queris waiting for FACT based answers .. if you can prvide number g8..
wake upp..
siachen have other route too... for supplies...
we were bombing with bofors .. iAF...24/7
so be real...

Your bofors were not bombing our 130mm gun posts if they have done it the fight would have gone deep on both sides as PA was ready to hit back your heavy gun post if IA try to do the same.

Indians are never ready to accept facts, were you there fighting??
Your bofors were not bombing our 130mm gun posts if they have done it the fight would have gone deep on both sides as PA was ready to hit back your heavy gun post if IA try to do the same.

Indians are never ready to accept facts, were you there fighting??
Indians are never ready to accept facts-
thayts what im asking since last 3 post...
i asked few queries and need FACTS only...
hope you wil provide to back your claim

wht would have happned if sharif did not listen to USA..that time?
and you won all peacks in kargil...does it mean wiing kashmir?
how much defence preparednes of PA/PN/PAF in that time?
how much foregin exhncgae nd oil resever had that time?
is there any other way avialbel to india to supply sichaine except NH1 going near by kargil hills?
wht would have happned if sharif did not listen to USA..that time?
and you won all peacks in kargil...does it mean wiing kashmir?
how much defence preparednes of PA/PN/PAF in that time?
how much foregin exhncgae nd oil resever had that time?
is there any other way avialbel to india to supply sichaine except NH1 going near by kargil hills?

  1. Kargil was not to capture Kashmir, it was to get in good position at LOC so we can bargain well on Siachen.
  2. PA/PN/PAF always maintain good preparedness for war as they knew that they will have to face a big and well equipped foe (but during Kargil PAF lacked BVR fighting capability a big disadvantage).
  3. I can't provide exact figures now, but military may had 2 week fighting capability in case of full war.
  1. Kargil was not to capture Kashmir, it was to get in good position at LOC so we can bargain well on Siachen.
  2. PA/PN/PAF always maintain good preparedness for war as they knew that they will have to face a big and well equipped foe (but during Kargil PAF lacked BVR fighting capability a big disadvantage).
  3. I can't provide exact figures now, but military may had 2 week fighting capability in case of full war.
thanks for reply..
just reply this question you missed then i will come with my side ,,
wht would have happned if sharif did not listen to USA..that time?
how much foregin exhncgae nd oil resever had that time?
is there any other way avialbel to india to supply sichaine except NH1 going near by kargil hills?
Kargil war or incursions was ill thought plan and we did suffer a lot of casualties but Pak Jawans fought to the bitter end.They were heavily outnumbered against a much larger foe with larger fire power, I would say it definitely gave some heart attacks to the Indian generals who didn't even know what struck them for quite some time . As usually Pak army and its people are lions but lead by morons.
Kargil had a huge potential to cause some serious damage. it was fumbled at higher levels and lost finally at the international stage.
Kargil had a huge potential to cause some serious damage. it was fumbled at higher levels and lost finally at the international stage.

A tactical success for the Army that led to strategic disaster for the country, which is what happens when the Army leadership forgets its place as the subordinate and thinks of itself being above its legal masters.
My dad served in the War of Kargil. Back when I was born in 99, my dad was over at Kashmir. He often tells me a really great story of his. Well, he was in artillery and he was the 2IC of his unit, back then, he was a major. There was some Pakistani post (I don't remember where) somewhere. At night a group of 12 Indian Black Cats invaded the post and killed all the soldiers. My dad's post was the nearest to that post, The commander of that post called my dad and asked him to please do whatever he could. Now in order to do something, my dad needed permission from the unit commander who was at the central command at murree, but their reply could take a lot of time, even a day, and by then the indian troops could infiltrate much deeper. Now my dad had to make a choice here. He decided to attack them with everything he had. So he just gave the jawans the orders and the jawans fired several mortars (I think) on the post. It was nighttime. When the jawans stopped firing, it was almost morning. He left to see the post for himself on his jeep (which was not very far away). When he reached the post, he was amazed to see that by the grace of Allah, all 12 of the indian black cats had died. Later that day, The brigadier, who was incharge came to see my dad. My dad did not know what to expect. He could either be very proud( For him killing all those 12 black cats) or either be very angry for not following orders. Well, when he met my dad, he was extremely happy. He even met every single jawan and praised them for their bravery , Then he went and sow every single artillery gun, and hugged it.
Several days later Even Kiyani (who later became COAS) met my dad and his commander.

Black cats/NSG are not part of Kargil war.. they are intend to secure VIP and special rescue operation. . can I get the camp details ...
Although in the end we did not succeed, because of Nawaz Sharif, still Kargil was a great achievement for us. The way we infiltrated so deep in Indian territory without them even noticing and they only noticed when we opened fire on them. The thing was that only 5000 Pakistani soldiers were taking part in Kargil while 30000 indian soldiers were there and IAF was also there. There was an entire division of Pakistan Army on hold(Mangla). We could have most easily conquered Kashmir and Siachin, because we had them conquered. The plan after that was that Nawaz Sharif would make a speech something like this.
"The Kashmiri people with the help of pakistan Army have finally taken over the land which was rightfully their's and they have only fought for their freedom. We warn India against fighting anywhere else(for e.g Lahore, Sialkot) for that would be considered an act of war and Pakistan would use all it,s power including Nuclear Power to prevent that from Happening"
Now India would never do anything because Kashmir was not so much important for india that they would risk their entire population for it.
they occupied emptied IA posts in winter.. initially Pak argued they are terrorists. .later only accepted. . Each and every Pakistani member claims different count every time.. recapturing peaks isn't easy task.... India will surely turn it into full scale war .. If it didn't backed down... Thanks to kargil war... We identified our weakness. . kargil is small portion of kashmir. .. We just vacate dew posts not all ...
Yours is the most hilarious post I've read in a long long time!!

Kid, when you don't know squat about what actually happened at Kargil, it's better if you keep your fictional fairy tales to yourself as it makes you look awfully silly.

And please don't keep bringing up nuclear war into discussions. Nukes will never ever be used. That's if you've studied geopolitics and international relations which I'm sure you haven't seeing the nonsensical tripe you're spewing out here.

You need to grow up a little more before attempting to write stuff on military matters. Because it's serious stuff and not the fiction served up in blogs written by adolescents and your propaganda machine.
you are forgetting his claim... Black cats ... until now I they are intend to secure VVIP. .. lol..
  1. Kargil was not to capture Kashmir, it was to get in good position at LOC so we can bargain well on Siachen.
  2. PA/PN/PAF always maintain good preparedness for war as they knew that they will have to face a big and well equipped foe (but during Kargil PAF lacked BVR fighting capability a big disadvantage).
  3. I can't provide exact figures now, but military may had 2 week fighting capability in case of full war.
You do know that there is another route available through Himachal Pradesh into Ladakh to resupply Siachen? Do you really think we would have let our troops starve to death in Siachen? Worst case scenario the IAF would have opened up an Air Bridge. And dont you think we would have opened up other fronts to ease the pressure like we did in 1965. It is your PM who went to Clinton to ask the US for an intervention. Please read this story

The story of how Nawaz Sharif pulled back from nuclear war


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