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has anyone met any vetrans from the kargil war? and heard from there experiences?

My uncle took part in kargil war, he told us that Pak army had captured few of very important points in that area but then evil ganja namaz sharif ordered pak army to retreat, otherwise Pak army would have taken most of Kashmir from India.

:lol: Whatever else he is, your uncle is a good story teller.

Never understood how Pakistanis buy that the PA gave up "winning" positions in Kargil because of the PM's orders but when the PM ordered a change in CoAS, they overthrew him. According to this logic, the PA doesn't care much for victories & national interest, only their own personal interests.
I met a soldier who was in the thick of things at Kargil. He had gone mad. Suffering from PTSD or something more severe. This should remind us about the psychiatric casualties of war. Not only does the poor soldiers get physically injured but many survivors of intense battles are mentally injured as well. A nation shouldn’t go to war on the whim of a few men.
I met a soldier who was in the thick of things at Kargil. He had gone mad. Suffering from PTSD or something more severe. This should remind us about the psychiatric casualties of war. Not only does the poor soldiers get physically injured but many survivors of intense battles are mentally injured as well. A nation shouldn’t go to war on the whim of a few men.
the thing that most people on our side wont tell you is that the pak army who were up in those mountains were getting bombed by the IAF and shelled 24/7 for 6 weeks its enough to drive any human mad, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was shell shocked.
theres nothing "propaganda" about it :what:

they fought in the war
if someone speaks on state tv. he's not going to tell the whole truth he's not going to give actual account of what took place because it could be perceived as negative and they wouldn't air it, this thread was called ''
has anyone met any veterans from the kargil war? and heard from there experiences?
so which part of that don't you understand, i don't want to here fabricated bullshit on ptv and take it as fact when it obviously isn't

My uncle took part in kargil war, he told us that Pak army had captured few of very important points in that area but then evil ganja namaz sharif ordered pak army to retreat, otherwise Pak army would have taken most of Kashmir from India.

While the Pakistan Army was carrying out its glorious invasion of Kargil, the Pakistani State was trying to deal with the international fallout and failing. The military operation utterly neglected to take into account the inevitable repercussions. That was the fatal flaw.
My dad served in the War of Kargil. Back when I was born in 99, my dad was over at Kashmir. He often tells me a really great story of his. Well, he was in artillery and he was the 2IC of his unit, back then, he was a major. There was some Pakistani post (I don't remember where) somewhere. At night a group of 12 Indian Black Cats invaded the post and killed all the soldiers. My dad's post was the nearest to that post, The commander of that post called my dad and asked him to please do whatever he could. Now in order to do something, my dad needed permission from the unit commander who was at the central command at murree, but their reply could take a lot of time, even a day, and by then the indian troops could infiltrate much deeper. Now my dad had to make a choice here. He decided to attack them with everything he had. So he just gave the jawans the orders and the jawans fired several mortars (I think) on the post. It was nighttime. When the jawans stopped firing, it was almost morning. He left to see the post for himself on his jeep (which was not very far away). When he reached the post, he was amazed to see that by the grace of Allah, all 12 of the indian black cats had died. Later that day, The brigadier, who was incharge came to see my dad. My dad did not know what to expect. He could either be very proud( For him killing all those 12 black cats) or either be very angry for not following orders. Well, when he met my dad, he was extremely happy. He even met every single jawan and praised them for their bravery , Then he went and sow every single artillery gun, and hugged it.
Several days later Even Kiyani (who later became COAS) met my dad and his commander.

Your father is our hero, grateful for his service.
My uncle took part in kargil war, he told us that Pak army had captured few of very important points in that area but then evil ganja namaz sharif ordered pak army to retreat, otherwise Pak army would have taken most of Kashmir from India.

Nearly same I had heard from serving officer on very important position, while Kargil war was on and I was in Kashmir. Saw many things in cantonment area there which handled Nakyal sector it was very hostile area in those times.

Also he told me that they listen Indian soldiers crying for supplies in Siachen as our artillery had effectively blocked the supplies due to good position of our soldiers on forward positions and their guidance to artillery, 130mm was very effective there, also saw offering of Namaz-e-Janaza of some Shaheed soldiers.
Ive met veterans and seen bloodied choppers coming back. The truth is never simple, but regardless of the result I have no doubt that our soldiers fought like lions. It is their misfortune that they were led at the top by nincompoops and lambs.
the thing that most people on our side wont tell you is that the pak army who were up in those mountains were getting bombed by the IAF and shelled 24/7 for 6 weeks its enough to drive any human mad, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was shell shocked.

True. According to neutral estimates indians fired more than 250,000 shells, bombs and rockets during the Kargil war. Thats as intense as it gets in the post ww2 world.
True. According to neutral estimates indians fired more than 250,000 shells, bombs and rockets during the Kargil war. Thats as intense as it gets in the post ww2 world.

Our soldiers admire their 155mm bofors firepower it was well directed, they say at times first shell missed the post but 2nd definitely hits it therefore they spread out to fight but after that they shelled whole area with 155mms and it was devastating firepower and our soldiers fight in that environment with bravery and still kept some key posts which IA wanted.

There is a reason India wanted to induct M777s and PA inducted Panters and SH-1s, they are very effective piece of hardware in well trained hands.
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Although in the end we did not succeed, because of Nawaz Sharif, still Kargil was a great achievement for us. The way we infiltrated so deep in Indian territory without them even noticing and they only noticed when we opened fire on them. The thing was that only 5000 Pakistani soldiers were taking part in Kargil while 30000 indian soldiers were there and IAF was also there. There was an entire division of Pakistan Army on hold(Mangla). We could have most easily conquered Kashmir and Siachin, because we had them conquered. The plan after that was that Nawaz Sharif would make a speech something like this.
"The Kashmiri people with the help of pakistan Army have finally taken over the land which was rightfully their's and they have only fought for their freedom. We warn India against fighting anywhere else(for e.g Lahore, Sialkot) for that would be considered an act of war and Pakistan would use all it,s power including Nuclear Power to prevent that from Happening"
Now India would never do anything because Kashmir was not so much important for india that they would risk their entire population for it.
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