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Has anyone in Pakistan Defense Looked at Non-Lethal Weapons Programs in US?

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May 23, 2009
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Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

Is anyone in Pakistan's defense 'club', monitoring US's non-lethal weapons programs?

Is anyone in Pakistan's defense 'club' EVEN AWARE OF THIS TECHNOLOGY ?!?!!!!!

I don't think Pakistan's defense institutions / infrastructure has invested any money from their budget into this area. If you look at the military applications of this technology, its mind!!! boggling!!.

Most of these weapons come under the field of 'Electronics Engineering'. High level frequency waves being pushed in the earth's atmosphere or into the ground. I think Pakistan has invested ZERO money in research and development in the last 62+ years. Why should they? They think its better to keep the money in pockets. A life of luxury, a full belly is BETTER than making our home safe ): :mad:

This looks to me like the technology Dajjal would use. I have videos to prove my point about Dajjal's relevance in relation to this technology. I am certain my point is legitimate.

For example

- NASA's project 'Blue Beam' ?

- Mind control ?

- HAARP (weather modification/control, artificially causing earthquakes, etc etc)?

HAARP + Project Blue Beam are a reality.

Project Blue Beam + HAARP are VERY!!! dangerous!!! as well as powerful weapons.

I call it the next generation weapons

Is anyone in Pakistan's defense 'club', even monitoring these non-lethal weapons programs?

US has again turned science and technology into a weapon for them.

- Are we/Pakistan/Pakistanis' defense related personnel getting any training against this kind of warfare?

- Are we/Pakistan/Pakistanis' prepared to fight against such a technologically advanced weapon system?!?!!!!

- Has any campaign been launched, which brings awareness in general public about this technology? in children, in our young generation, in the old but wise people of our society? so as to avoid mass level confusion within our country, hopefully within the ENTIRE Muslim UMMAT WHEN US/Israel/Zionists launch these weapons against us?!?!!!!

You ALL remember the 'hadees' about it, don't you?

"On that day, even those with the strongest of Iman will be 'confused' by it or because of it"

These are the words, I read..

If some of you keep an eye on international media, you would NOTE that US/Israel/Zionists have ALREADY launched media campaign which promotes the idea 'THERE IS NO!! GOD'. This media campaign is designed to negate EVERY religion, EVERY concept of GOD. I say this because I see videos on this topic. For example, the movie 'Religulous' was made in 2008, by Bill Maher, who's an atheist I believe. He ridiculed the idea of the need of a religion in that movie. He negated the belief that GOD exists or people should believe in GOD. Then there are talk shows in US media, where people openly ridicule the idea of existence of GOD or the need of religion. They cite the example, of advances in science and technology for it.

P.S. Search google or youtube for 'HAARP', for 'Project Blue Beam', you will find numerous videos
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PAKISTAN needs Our Own:
Project Blue Beam + HAARP
Defence Projects NOW

Theories related to HAARP
Some Theories summarized:

I has ben suggested that HAARP has the capability to cause earthquakes at practically any point on earth. As best I can tell, they suggest that HAARP modifies the ionosphere and, consequently, modifies the magnetosphere.

Missile Tracking:
It seems that Jerry E. Smith has created a niche market writing books about HAARP and suggesting that, while it was once a research facility, it is now a full-fledged missile tracking system. HAARP can aim its radio frequency beam at will (actually it can only aim straight up) and that it is in violation of several treaties. The theory that HAARP effects the magnetosphere which effects plate tectonics. "HAARP" Ultimate Weapon.

Missile Defense:
Missile tracking proposed by Jerry E. Smith. The webmaster of RadarMatrix suggests that HAARP is actually the Strategic Defense Initiative and is capable of destroying incoming missiles. Supporting this claim and suggestion that civilian scientists would & could operate the HAARP facility anywhere.

Weather Control:
RadarMatrix and other sites is the belief that HAARP can control the weather. This theory is also endorsed by Mr. Smith. In the case of RadarMatrix, this is tied into the radar anomalies observed at NEXRAD weather radar sites. HAARP can work in the 100km-350km altitude range within the E and F levels of the ionosphere while all weather occurs in the troposphere which only extends up to about 14-18km.

Mind Control:
It is believed that HAARP can actually offer some kind of mind control or "mood" control. Again, Jerry E. Smith is no stranger to this theory and his HAARP book discusses this, According to this site, certain extremely low frequency (6-11 Hertz) waves can cause a person to feel good or depressed. Apparently those that believe in HAARP mind control have somehow come to believe that HAARP can operates at ALL frequencies & can remotely target the "mind control" to other areas of the earth...
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

CNN News: Bill Gates and the 'nuclear Renaissance'

By John D. Sutter, CNN
February 17, 2010 12:33 p.m. EST
Bill Gates is backing a new kind of nuclear power plant. But some question the plan's viability.

(CNN) -- Say you were to give Bill Gates a really great present -- like the ability to cure crippling diseases or to pick all U.S. presidents for the next 50 years.

Gates would like those gifts, sure.

But you wouldn't have granted his one, true wish.

The Microsoft-founder-turned-philanthropist said at a recent speech in California that, more than new vaccines for AIDS or malaria or presidential selection power, what he really wants is clean energy at half its current cost.

To do that, he said, we'll need new technology.

Gates -- a father of the personal computer and quite the tech powerhouse -- said one of the brightest hopes for clean, cheap power is a new form of nuclear power plant that reuses waste uranium from existing nuclear reactors.

It's kind of like radioactive recycling, and, on its face, can sound like a miracle.

Gates actually described energy innovation in those terms: To prevent famine, poverty and the hardship that will come with global climate change we need "energy miracles," he said at the TED Conference in Long Beach.

Some nuclear scientists and critics say the nuclear technology Gates highlighted is misguided, naive and expensive.

Others, like Craig Smith, a nuclear engineer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, said Gates is helping put the world on the verge of a "nuclear Renaissance" that could provide cheap power for everyone in the world -- forever.

"There's a new enthusiasm not only in the United States but, I think, worldwide for the use of nuclear energy," Smith said.

Smith's argument is bolstered by the fact that President Obama on Tuesday announced $8.3 billion in loan guarantees for a new nuclear power plant.

The proposed project, to be located in Burke County, Georgia, would be the first nuclear power plant built in the United States in three decades.

How it works

Most nuclear power plants today use radioactive elements like uranium to create nuclear fission and then produce electricity.

One problem: That reaction leaves behind uranium waste. To make matters worse, the United States hasn't identified a safe place to store the waste from the country's 104 nuclear reactors in the long term.

That's where the technology promoted by Gates comes in.

Gates has invested tens of millions of dollars in a Bellevue, Washington, company called TerraPower, according to TerraPower CEO John Gilleland.

TerraPower is working to create nuclear reactors that generate hyper-fast nuclear reactions able to eat away at the dangerous nuclear waste.

This has a number of potential benefits, Gilleland said. Among them:

• The Uranium isotope that's food for the new nuclear reactors doesn't have to be enriched, which means it's less likely to be used in atomic weapons.

• The fission reaction in the new process burns through the nuclear waste slowly, which makes the process safer. One supply of spent uranium could burn for 60 years.

• The process creates a large amount of energy from relatively small amounts of uranium, which is important as global supplies run short.

• The process generates uranium that can be burned again to create "effectively an infinite fuel supply."

Gilleland said it's not a matter of if the technology works.

"It's going to work -- for sure," he said. "The question will be precisely how well and how economically. But right now there are lots of people in the world who think it could begin to see common application in the 2020s."


..continued.. => CNN News: Bill Gates and the 'nuclear Renaissance'

Ok, people in the west are going for unlimited power (electricity), forever.

What are Muslims, Pakistanis' doing at home for their people ?

If the west is successful in achieving unlimited electricity source, which gives out electricity forever!, and Muslims are not, then we Muslims are doomed!

Do we have any good news to hear from Pakistanis' ?
and let me put a blind guess ..the source of Knowledge FOR this ''EYE OPENER'' would be the amazing YOUTUBE ???
Ok, people in the west are going for unlimited power (electricity), forever.

What are Muslims, Pakistanis' doing at home for their people ?

If the west is successful in achieving unlimited electricity source, which gives out electricity forever!, and Muslims are not, then we Muslims are doomed!

Do we have any good news to hear from Pakistanis' ?[/QUOTE]

THEY are busy making and watching dooms day videos on you tube .:hitwall::hitwall:
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

When Army will eat up billions of Rupees from Pakistan's budget money, how will we find money to spend on the people of this country ?
yes i have seen few of them one of them sound weapon which is non lethal but effective
This topic has come up again.

This issue of dealt with in a lot of detail in another post, some six months ago.

Mods, please erase this thread.
I think, the Last Word War is near to come..........after HAARP like destructive weapons have been invented.
those who dont agree are "reality nuts" and "illeterate". Ionosphere manipulation is just another physical phenomenon. science explains it. no room to tag it as conspiracy


What's going on in Alaska's wilderness : HAARP
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

Scribd Article: UN 1976 Weather Weapon Treaty

This is a 9 page article/booklet. There was a treaty in UN about whether to use or not use weather as a weapon, as far back in history as 1976 ?

What were the Muslims doing at that time ? Sleeping ?

What have Muslims done since 1976 to "monitor" this situation ?

What have Muslims done in the past, what are Muslims doing in the present to "monitor", to influence this situation in order to "safeguard" our! interests ?

Do Muslims have a plan for the present, for the future ?

Are masses of Muslims "aware" of this (i.e., weather as a weapon) ?

Did someone at Pakistan Army make any effort of publishing relevant information with respect to this threat in public domain inside Pakistan ?
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

Video: Weather Wars: Death From Above - Alex Jones Tv

Source: Youtube Channel: TheAlexJonesChannel
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Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

Video: The Father Of Weaponized Weather

Source: Youtube Channel: ChangeDaChannel
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