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Harsh Chinese Embassy Statement on the Gwadar Attack

Why this attacks are happening even after Taliban had captured Kabul and all Indian consulates there are closed?
Good question. Hope everyone takes a moment and think about this objectively.
It's beyond Pakistan's political will to retaliate for this attack. China should do the needful.
It's the job of our state to provide them security ..china will simply stop it's people to travel in a country where it's people are being killed
Although the attack was spoiled but there seems to b multiple times security breaches on pak side. Needs to b dealt with urgently
I fail to understand why is there no response from our side? I mean what the hell? This is the 2nd time Chinese have been attacked and we are letting it to be a new normal by accepting this and not taking the fight to the enemy.
On top the army was actually busy exchanging sweets with the enemy on 14th August. I mean how disgusting can it more become. Na koi Lahaz ha na sharam, bus DHA main properties dekh lo, bari bari BMWs, Audis or V8 Lexus dekh lo.
How about Chinese firms hire Pakistani engineers, and give them 3 months language training in Chinese?
Uncle Bajwa and Imran Khan have more important stuff to do.

1 Bajwa sending invitation to politicians
2 Imran not worried about Biden not calling

Who cares if chinese are dying in Pakistan, Who cares if FC and Military soldierd are dying daily.
When sheeda tuli is interior minister and COAS is a soft pacifist, this will happen. Its evident that our army cannot sweep and control balochistan, in many years.
Why this attacks are happening even after Taliban had captured Kabul and all Indian consulates there are closed?

First we had to destroy the Indians and run them out
The Kabuli regime has just collapsed

Fence is built

But that doesn't mean the terrorists are all dead, it's now just much more difficult for them to obtain funding and support, but they still exist

It's upto us now to ensure border security grows year after year

We repeatedly hunt Indians and Indian assets in the region

And we close in on the terrorists, they are getting desperate now
People might like it or not but Baloch people , especially the youth studying in universities and collages of Pakistan must be put under surveillance .. The dude that blew himself up was educated and was on twitter doing all sorts of propaganda... An undeclared system of racial profiling must be introduced against this particular ethnicity if peace is to be desired. We can't put the future of Pakistan at risk due to false and perceived victimhood of that one particular ethnicity..

Antagonizing the entire population of an area undermines the effort. People stop cooperating if they know they are being profiled just based on their ethnicity. Behavior analysis of suspect needs to be learned by the local police, learning the skills used to counter lone wolf attacks is also key. There are allot of police forces around the world Pakistan should be training with to get a better understanding, when deciding how to deal with the threat.

the other half has to be development projects that give jobs to locals and bring the areas up to the national standard. People can not be made to feel they are second class citizens in their own country. We can’t afford to slip into that kind of temptation, to come down hard on the entire population, because it’s wrong and because it will make the problem worse. Just look at the backlash in places like the US to this kind of methods; Black Lives Matter protests.

the key are the police that work the local areas day in and day out. They need to keep an eye on any suspicious activities developing in their area and work that information up the chain of command. Equally upper echelons need to effectively communicate with local police and work to nab potential threats based on intelligence; such as stockpiles of weapons, explosives, money and/or electronics that can be used in an attack.

electronic surveillance, where it should be done needs to be followed up with human investigations, because falsely declare someone a threat undermines the whole effort and could radicalize an innocent person.

that’s why a lot of this is about police work, and the Pakistani police needs the funding and training to become a first rate police force, one that can go anywhere and everywhere, and effectively nip the threat in the bud, in its AOR if we are to end this scourge.
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Why this attacks are happening even after Taliban had captured Kabul and all Indian consulates there are closed?
Because unlike what most of my fellow countrymen would like to believe, the Afghan Taliban are far from an ally. The release of TTP prisoners and this attack is evidence.
This incompetent PTI Government has somehow managed to even bring back terrorism to Pakistan which the previous PML-N Government ended.
Please keep this in mind. This person sums the balochistan situation up in a few words. As for the indians screeching 'india has left, why are they still attacks happening'. You must be a fool to only open attacks from 1 front, and not to plan months ahead for attacks. But dont worry.... We will hunt them all down

While the government (federal and provincial) as well as the military figure out how to deal with the medium to long term threat, in the short term they should at least import Large MRAPs for the use of the Chinese engineers to give them some plausible reassurances.

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