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Harsh Chinese Embassy Statement on the Gwadar Attack

It is very evident that Pakistani establishment is helpless against the radical elements within. If you go too lenient then multiple lal masjid type incidents will occur, if they go too strict then a civil war cannot be ruled out.
Also Taliban in Afghanistan is not a good news for Pakistan even though many members here are very happy with the turn of events that happened in Afghanistan.
Idiocy at its best......My dear frand....R&AW activate last remaining sleeping cells of terrorist....Days are numbered..... Taliban searching for R&AW operatives ...reportedly captured many....And you now the faith of those...... lols
This is what Pakistanis don't understand. Since we have programmed to not value Pakistani lives we feel that other countries feel the same about their citizens.

If a Pakistani professional was asked to go to Afghaniatan right now, not sure many will make that journey. Your average Chinese engineer also has to make that choice when he is tasked on a project in Pakistan.
Sorry thats not the case, they consult with Chinese embassy and guarantee safety and protection from Pakistan before they decide to take this venture. Remember the project they are taking are government to government bases project. Not those kind of small provision shops or restaurant operate by some risk taker Chinese who decide to try their luck in Pakistan. If it is some Chinese private shops or apartment being attack in Pakistan, we can have a understanding of certain risk they will be exposed too due to their own decision.

But not for this.
Obviously, some country just lose a big base for their anti-Pakistan activities so they decide to ask their lacky to step up the pressure. Pakistan need to spend more effort to root out these element.
Instead of asking Chinese harsh Pakistanis need to rectify its own system and security apparatus ,just by chest thumbing of sheikh Rasheed the situation is not going to improve ,harsh reality is this the whole system is corrupt to the core everyone is just looking for his own commission and benefits and Chinese know this very well , this country is going no where until unless we draw a redline between corrupt incompetents and the national interests, every institution is making policies on daily basis no long term policy neither any serious attempt to eradicate poverty from the terrorist struck areas, poverty and injustice is the mother of all the evils, the policy makers are here to earn their share and then run away from the country like the Ashraf ghani did with the afghans, general Papa jhon given the safe passage because NS and AAz had the same , the policy in Pakistan is! politicians scratch generals back and generals scratch their and judges backs , the rest of population is just to pay tax and die either from terrorists or from poor living conditions ,

The Chinese are not happy. The callousness of the Pakistani govt. in response to the Dasu attack didn't help. The Chinese felt disrespected and rightly so.

Terming the security situation in Pakistan as severe is a much needed slap and a wakeup call to the Civil-Military establishment.

There is an easy way to end all of this but the Pakistani establishment needs to be as ruthlessly efficient as the Iranians. Back in the early to mid 1990s, the Bolouch terrorists in Iran were doing similar things. Then all of a sudden, entire family members of these terrorists started disappearing. The terrorism perpetratored by the Balouch then stopped all if a sudden. Since 1997, there have been less than 5 terrorist incidents committed in Iran by Balouch insurgents.
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Why this attacks are happening even after Taliban had captured Kabul and all Indian consulates there are closed?
Desperate remnants going all out, its a crucial phase, we've seen similar situation before as attacks got more intense in final days of TTP during previous operation. As support/funding gets cut will end soon eventually as their won't be resources to renew their losses.
I also can sense anger and frustration in this statement, but if Pakistani citizens are repeatedly being attacked and killed in China, I expect Pakistani government will also issue harsh statements to China if not more.
I also can sense anger and frustration in this statement, but if Pakistani citizens are repeatedly being attacked and killed in China, I expect Pakistani government will say the same if not more.

As the americans and indians are being kicked out of Afghanistan, their proxy terrorists in Pakistan are throwing everything they have left at the Pakistani state. Within the next few weeks, months and years the situation will drastically improve in Pakistan's favour as their resources and logistical support runs out.
we need to up our game restrict movement from afg and do a grand operation in Balochistan!

we are next target AMrikay and her pet doggy yindu heaven failed in India now they are desperate and attacking Pakistan!

The Chinese are not happy. The callousness of the Pakistani govt. in response to the Dasu attack didn't help. The Chinese felt disrespected and rightly so.

Terming the security situation in Pakistan as severe is a much needed slap and a wakeup call to the Civil-Military establishment.

The family members, particularly the young female members of the Balouch terrorists need to be targeted. Watch how they stop. This is exactly how they stopped balouch terrorism in Iran in the early to mid 1990s.
I hope everyone finds the proof of who is involved in attacking the Chinese citizens in Pakistan. According to the Glabal Times, no proof so far:

Once China obtains evidence that they support terrorist forces in Pakistan, China will punish them.

No sane Chinese will work in Pakistan in future under such serious threats to life..I have said before this seems to be pretty new normal ...attack on Chinese and then usual comment by our government..
I mean we know the current government is not serious about CPEC since it's begging the advisor, (razzak dawood)gave indications to put it on hold ...but this is about foreign nationals security ..who in right mind will invest in a country where people are being killed ....
Government should focus on security rather then politics ...day and night ...
And should inform chinese if we are unable to provide them a security
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