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Harsh Chinese Embassy Statement on the Gwadar Attack

The Chinese are not happy. The callousness of the Pakistani govt. in response to the Dasu attack didn't help. The Chinese felt disrespected and rightly so.

Terming the security situation in Pakistan as severe is a much needed slap and a wakeup call to the Civil-Military establishment.
This is bound to happen.
This is in inevitable to be. And our security forces failed again and again and again.
They don't care actually at all.
And the games played in Afghanistan, would have an effect.
There is terrorist of every hue and colour gathered there. It is very difficult now.
Our inability to act against those in Afghanistan .
Our inability to provide security.
Our inability at everything.
We are here boasting to fall of kabul while not managing the attacks on few induviduals.
With some many radicals avalible at phone call within pakistan.
I think now chinese would hold cpec for an year or 2.
They're fast becoming the Americans how they behaved post 9/11. Pakistan government needs to do some serious planning to do about this.
Bhai don't even go there. There is no police or other force. The security is in the hands of our army and isi. They usually decides themselves on these matter and they fail again and again and again. It's sad
Internal security health education etc is under provincial government. It is incompetence of provincial government. Why Balochistan government does not ask for military operation? People should bark at incompetent provincial government of Balochistan not Bajwa or shaikh rasheed.
Are u from Pakistan or mars? Because even a blind n dumb pakistani know what power provincial govt have and what power army have. CPEC and its security is fully with army, dont act naive.
They're fast becoming the Americans how they behaved post 9/11. Pakistan government needs to do some serious planning to do about this.

I don’t blame them as you’ve seen attacks on FC Corps and all, we’ve practically failed in stopping these attacks. The Chinese are in the right to demand a thorough investigation a major operation needs to be launched in Baluchistan to cleanse it of outside influence from BLA, BLF, RAW and Western operatives.

I mean just look last 20 years 11+ Indian consulate offices in Afghanistan more so there than they have in US. A competent Intel Agency would have paid someone to bomb and siege them to force them to close down. But out babus just stayed quite and let opposition build up.
While the government (federal and provincial) as well as the military figure out how to deal with the medium to long term threat, in the short term they should at least import Large MRAPs for the use of the Chinese engineers to give them some plausible reassurances.

Yep, I said the same thing on the Dasu attack thread, engineers and workers are under attack and thus should be defended and provided security, armoured vehicles and MRAP convoys.
Even then some members disagreed, don't know why.

The Chinese are not happy. The callousness of the Pakistani govt. in response to the Dasu attack didn't help. The Chinese felt disrespected and rightly so.

Terming the security situation in Pakistan as severe is a much needed slap and a wakeup call to the Civil-Military establishment.
What many here don't realise is now important security is for investments and economic growth.
Israel in under constant attacks, rockets are launched at them, suicide bombers, states threatening them with war but despite all of that, they've made sure their investors and what not sleep safe and sound.
These attacks and warnings from the Chinese should hopefully be a wake-up call for our top brass because from what it seems, lives of our soldiers aren't.
Pak top leadership is fine with daily killings of civilians and military personals and so is Pakistani society but this is not normal for China. Expecting China to tolerate the killings of its citizens in Pak like routine killings of Pak civilians and military personals is nothing but pathetic.

Look at our response after Dasu attack. Out foreign minister held a press conference and blame this attack on RAW and NDS and then washed his hands off. This was the way NDS use to blame all their ills on ISI.

Pak sate is testing the friendship of China and expects her to tolerate the killings of its citizens like we do here in Pak in name of friendship.
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2 Pakistani ( Baluch ) kids have died. BLA is killing Baluch kids in the region that it wants to liberate. Not quite tough to see whose side BLA is on and liberating Baluchistan by killing Baluchi kids..
Pakistan sucked up many incidents of terrorism despite knowing India was behind them, and the excuse was we're busy in Afghanistan and don't want to lose focus and those hard-earned gains there. That policy was somewhat justified then.

But Afghanistan will be stable soon. Pakitan needs to review its standard response to terrorist incidents like that and ensure they stop.
Pakistan sucked up many incidents of terrorism despite knowing India was behind them, and the excuse was we're busy in Afghanistan and don't want to lose focus and those hard-earned gains there. That policy was somewhat justified then.

But Afghanistan will be stable soon. Pakitan needs to review its standard response to terrorist incidents like that and ensure they stop.

Once Afghanistan stabilises in the coming weeks and months, these acts of terrorism will decrease substantially.
Once Afghanistan stabilises in the coming weeks and months, these acts of terrorism will decrease substantially.

I agree with you, except I emphasize that Pakistan will have to act to eliminate TTP. Afghan Taliban may not assassinate TTP terrorists because they have pardoned everyone in Afghanistan and may not have an appetite to do a military operation against TTP.

But there is no reason why Pakistan cannot eliminate them.
I don’t blame them as you’ve seen attacks on FC Corps and all, we’ve practically failed in stopping these attacks. The Chinese are in the right to demand a thorough investigation a major operation needs to be launched in Baluchistan to cleanse it of outside influence from BLA, BLF, RAW and Western operatives.

I mean just look last 20 years 11+ Indian consulate offices in Afghanistan more so there than they have in US. A competent Intel Agency would have paid someone to bomb and siege them to force them to close down. But out babus just stayed quite and let opposition build up.
I agree after Afghanistan settles an operation here would be the final nail in coffin for Indian, US and other whities dreams in Pakistan.
I agree with you, except I emphasize that Pakistan will have to act to eliminate TTP. Afghan Taliban may not assassinate TTP terrorists because they have pardoned everyone in Afghanistan and may not have an appetite to do a military operation against TTP.

But there is no reason why Pakistan cannot eliminate them.

We will and we will be successful but we need to wait until EVERY single american and nato soldier leaves so we can carry out our operations against ALL our enemies that we have had to postpone over the last 20 years.
If they don’t have the stomach to play the big boys game. They probably shouldn’t.

The Chinese are not happy. The callousness of the Pakistani govt. in response to the Dasu attack didn't help. The Chinese felt disrespected and rightly so.

Terming the security situation in Pakistan as severe is a much needed slap and a wakeup call to the Civil-Military establishment.
It is better to replace Chinese with Pakistani people to reduce the loss of chinese lives.China should not have started these types of project in these conditions in Pakistan and also these types of projects hardly benefited Pakistan other than a debt trap for Pakistan These projects was agreed in the time of corrupt regime So both china and corrupt regime both benefited.All peoples for the projects taken from china and even materials from china.Some projects were even not needed like OLT in Lahore which is a big burden for Pakistan.OBOR was not Pakistani Idea it was the idea of Mr Xi and Pakistan adopted without much thinking.Pakistan should reduce reliance on China. To be a Super power needs Big Heart which I think is missing in China.Has America maintained its power without the losses Americans has paid the heavy price for this both economically and with losses of lives.If the Pakistan and China are the strategic partners these both are responsible for gains and losses .Decision rest on China it is high time for china to leave the projects and save their lives and money.
Excatly. We haven’t claimed to be Switzerland. They know the risks and we have said we will make every effort to mitigate them. But, if. couple of attacks sponsored by their strategic competitor chase them out, that on them.
As for arrogance, they aren’t the first arrogant super power we have dealt with.
Excatly. We haven’t claimed to be Switzerland. They know the risks and we have said we will make every effort to mitigate them. But, if. couple of attacks sponsored by their strategic competitor chase them out, that on them.
This is not the attitude to take. If Pakistan adopts this nonchalant attitude, then you can be sure that you'll remain not Switzerland for the indefinite future. This is the best way for Pakistan to remain mired in poverty, which is exactly what the Indians responsible for this attack intend.
As for arrogance, they aren’t the first arrogant super power we have dealt with.
No, but it's the first superpower that gave a shit about Pakistan developing.
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