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Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

You are right, sikhs actually were not harsh against pashtuns so when sikh rule ended, they were not killed and expelled by local population. In 1947 pashtuns didnt kill sikhs and hindus, even though muslim leaguis were provoking them to do so.
Sikhs of jamrud, bara and peshawer are very decent folk, speak perfect pashto and have reputation of being honest and fair in trade. Whenever i see a sikh shopkeeper in peshawer, i buy things from him as i you wont get decieved from them.

That's the thing. On a personal level I have seen people respect each other. As a Sikh, I respect Pathans because to this day they have maintained their martial traditions. They don't accept being ruled by outsiders. They are an honourable people. It seems this forum is full of trollers who don't understand nor read about historical issues and just start topics making childish remarks.
This is how Indian punjabi dalit look. Can't tell if they are south indians or punjabis. If you want to see pakistani punjabis then head over military images, a lot of pictures of punjabis there.



they aint Punjabis feku.

Punjabi muslim general walking behind Sikh general.. look at the face of Punjabi muslim general.. he looks scared docile..Sikh general is tall and look very confident..

Fact- Punjabi muslims have never ruled over themselves. There is zero martial tradition. Compare them to Indic races like Sikhs, Dogras, Marathas, Rajputs or even Pashtuns. Punjabi muslims have zero contribution historically. They are an extremely docile and submissive people. Even today, they are ashamed of speaking Punjabi and claim foreign ancestry because they know this harsh truth ;)

Punjabi muslim general walking behind Sikh general.. look at the face of Punjabi muslim general.. he looks scared docile..Sikh general is tall and look very confident..

Why you keep posting same old picture? The way things are going in Indian punjab a part from dalits, bhaiayas will takemover soon who also look like dalits.

they aint Punjabis feku.


Read here retarded, thats how 33% of Indian punjabis look. And with jats killing baby girls and bringing Bengalans, Biharans, South Indians to marry will mean soon Indian jats will look like them. Your days of being tall compared to other Bharatis is over.
believe me if you Punjabi muslims had same attributes like Sikhs....Pakistan would been a great nation state.
believe me if you Punjabi muslims had same attributes like Sikhs....Pakistan would been a great nation state.
believe me if you Punjabi muslims had same attributes like Sikhs....Pakistan would been a great nation state.
A punjabi muslim zia ul haq helped your sikhs in 80s for khalistan....the so called sikh warriors failed despite of the help from punjabi-dominated army/ISI of Pakistan. Even kashmiris performed better in their insurgency...
Days of Sikhs are gone with ranjeet singh....their only achievement after him is massacring unarmed and helpless muslim men, women and children in 1947. Killing and raping thousands of women during partition......I am not saying that it didnt happen in west punjab but unlike them you sikhs attribute killing of unarmed of unarmed and helpless punjabi women, children and old men to your martial skills and bravery....you people were reminded of your real awkaat and fake bravado when hindus killed thousands of sikhs after murder of indra gandhi.
Why you keep posting same old picture? The way things are going in Indian punjab a part from dalits, bhaiayas will takemover soon who also look like dalits.
the way the things are going actually in few years you will see mass migration of Punjabis from western countries back to Punjab.
believe me if you Punjabi muslims had same attributes like Sikhs....Pakistan would been a great nation state.

Ironic, 74% of Indian punjabis are drug addicts. Indian punjab is in decline, your state is in danger of beinf over run by bhaiyas.

the way the things are going actually in few years you will see mass migration of Punjabis from western countries back to Punjab.
hahahah keep dreaming. Even few million foreign sikhs can't undo what is going to happen. All because of jatt culture of killing unborn and born baby girls.
Aryan Punjabi musalmans


Punjabi muslims= failed race with no contribution or achievement. Subjugated by every invader. Take pride in foreign ancestry and ashamed of speaking their own language.
A punjabi muslim zia ul haq helped your sikhs in 80s for khalistan....the so called sikh warriors failed despite of the help from punjabi-dominated army/ISI of Pakistan. Even kashmiris performed better in their insurgency...
Days of Sikhs are gone with ranjeet singh....their only achievement after him is massacring unarmed and helpless muslim men, women and children in 1947. Killing and raping thousands of women during partition......I am not saying that it didnt happen in west punjab but unlike them you sikhs attribute killing of unarmed of unarmed and helpless punjabi women, children and old men to your martial skills and bravery....you people were reminded of your real awkaat and fake bravado when hindus killed thousands of sikhs after murder of indra gandhi.
who told you majority of Sikhs wanted khalistan. if we did then no one can stop us. killing innocents is not fighing for khalistan. even at the height of khalistani movement not more than 5% were in favour of it. killing happened in delhi n. delhi Sikhs are not Punjabi Sikhs just like Sikhs in peshwar are not Punjabi. majority moved from Pakistan. and are you aware how many innocent hindus were killed by Sikh militants.
That's the thing. On a personal level I have seen people respect each other. As a Sikh, I respect Pathans because to this day they have maintained their martial traditions. They don't accept being ruled by outsiders. They are an honourable people. It seems this forum is full of trollers who don't understand nor read about historical issues and just start topics making childish remarks.
Think about
That's the thing. On a personal level I have seen people respect each other. As a Sikh, I respect Pathans because to this day they have maintained their martial traditions. They don't accept being ruled by outsiders. They are an honourable people. It seems this forum is full of trollers who don't understand nor read about historical issues and just start topics making childish remarks.
Sikhs snatched punjab, kashmir, peshawer and hazara from afghans....i have always recognized their military achievements...but its hard to appreciate sikhs any more when you see sikhs sayings things like "we made them wear shalwar kameez" ...its not just this forum, sikhs frequently troll on pashtun forums, they pass some derogatory remarks against pashtuns/afghans and then gets banned.
In real life, punjabi muslims and sikhs get along well in foriegn countries and so pathans with both...
who told you majority of Sikhs wanted khalistan. if we did then no one can stop us. killing innocents is not fighing for khalistan. even at the height of khalistani movement not more than 5% were in favour of it. killing happened in delhi n. delhi Sikhs are not Punjabi Sikhs just like Sikhs in peshwar are not Punjabi. majority moved from Pakistan. and are you aware how many innocent hindus were killed by Sikh militants.

By being in Delhi they don't suddenly stop being punjabis. And sikhs in peshawar are punjabis who speak pashto, not pathans. Sikh wanted special treatment like article 370 for Kashmiris, so they could get all the benefit and in return perserve their culture and race. So some ghairatmand sikhs started to demand Khalistan.

But were beaten to death by hindus in 84. And after PM assination thousands of sikhs were killed by hindu baniya, serve them right. Now days hindus laugh at you. Because coward sikhs like you, soon Indian Punjab will be known as bhiaya state.
Ranjit Singh may have established the sikh empire in Punjab for around 50 years (1799 to 1849). And even if we believe the exploits of Hari singh nalwa as mentioned by OP to be true, but that is where it all ended for the sikhs. Every dog has his day and sikhs were at the peak of their power for a mere 50 years.

In 1947, sikhs thought they could once again re-establish their sikh empire and they started killing unarmed muslims in punjab. When the punjabi muslims retaliated, most of Punjab became a part of Pakistan and all sikhs were kicked out of Pakistani punjab and left with a truncated east punjab. Today there are only 20,000 sikhs left in the land called Pakistan. Lahore, the capital of Ranjit singh's empire, and Nankana Sahib hardly has any sikhs left. So we had the last laugh.

Sikhism in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the sikhs in India got their *** kicked by the hindu baniya in 1984 first with operation bluestar and then
after indira gandhi's death there were pogroms in which thousands of sikhs were barbecued.
Sikhs sure learned the lesson and consequences of trusting the treacherous and devious hindu baniya
In 1947, sikhs thought they could once again re-establish their sikh empire and they started killing unarmed muslims in punjab. When the punjabi muslims retaliated, most of Punjab became a part of Pakistan and all sikhs were kicked out of Pakistani punjab and left with a truncated east punjab. Today there are only 20,000 sikhs left in the land called Pakistan. Lahore, the capital of Ranjit singh's empire, and Nankana Sahib hardly has any sikhs left. So we had the last laugh.
Sikhism in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. :ashamed:
Ranjeet singh's sikhs had successes over afghans in punjab, kashmir, hazara and peshawer for following reasons.
1- Internal conflicts of afghans and wars with persia over herat.....due to which their focus and attention on punjab decreased.
2- Small presence of durrani soldiers in punjab and kashmir...
3- Lack of support from local muslims of punjab and kashmir. They were indifferent to the war between sikhs and afghans in kashmir while in punjab muslims of warrior castes supported sikhs against pashtuns...
4- Numerical strength of sikh forces was far greater than any pashtun tribe. Sikhs were highly organized armies trained in european fashions equiped with latest artillary. E.g Mashawanis and tareens of haripur were outnumbered by sikhs , yet they were able to engage sikhs for 6 months at sri kot in which hari singh nearly lost his life. Yet these very small tribes got defeated at the end, no other pashtun tribe came to their rescue. At that time the responsibility was on each pashtun tribe to defend themeselves. The independence of each tribe came at a price in hazara and in peshawer.
5- In punjab the only resistance to sikhs were offered by kheshgi pashtuns of kasur and durranis of multan and mankera...sikhs couldnt have conquered punjab if they had faced resistance from local punjabi muslims.
6- Disunity and tribalism of pakhtuns, sikhs took advantage of it. There was some display of unity by pakhtuns of peshawer under syed ahmad barelwi due to which they successfully defeated sikhs in two battles but soon syed ahmad and his hindostani got into quarrel with local pakhtuns, forgetting about the threat from sikhs.
6- Afghan rule over khyber pakhtunkhwa and FATA was nominal, tribes were independent. This lack of centralized rule proved disastrous for durrani empire on eastren front during their wars with sikhs and british.
Ranjeet singh's sikhs had successes over afghans in punjab, kashmir, hazara and peshawer for following reasons.
1- Internal conflicts and wars with persia over herat.....due to which their focus and attention on punjab decreased.
2- Small presence of durrani soldiers in punjab and kashmir...
3- Lack of support from local muslims of punjab and kashmir. They were indifferent to the war between sikhs and afghans in kashmir while in punjab muslims of warrior castes supported sikhs against pashtuns...
4- Numerical strength of sikh forces was far greater than any pashtun tribe. Sikhs were highly organized armies trained in european fashions equiped with latest artillary. E.g Mashawanis and tareens of haripur were outnumbered by sikhs , yet they were able to engage sikhs for 6 months at sri kot in which hari singh nearly lost his life. Yet these very small tribes got defeated at the end, no other pashtun tribe came to their rescue. At that time the responsibility was on each pashtun tribe to defend themeselves. The independence of each tribe came at a price in hazara and in peshawer.
5- In punjab the only resistance to sikhs were offered by kheshgi pashtuns of kasur and durranis of multan and mankera...sikhs couldnt have conquered punjab if they had faced resistance from local punjabi muslims.
6- Disunity and tribalism of pakhtuns, sikhs took advantage of it. There was some display of unity by pakhtuns of peshawer under syed ahmad barelwi due to which they successfully defeated sikhs in two battles but soon syed ahmad and his hindostani got into quarrel with local pakhtuns, forgetting about the threat from sikhs.
6- Afghan rule over khyber pakhtunkhwa and FATA was nominal, tribes were independent. This lack of centralized rule proved disastrous for durrani empire on eastren front during their wars with sikhs and british.
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