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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

I am just curious why last few viruses all started in China ? SARS , current one so on ?

What about HIV/AIDS, Swine Flu, Ebola, MERS?
Keep it on the subs plz

Take rants to another thread.
2 Subs are being built in China.
Steel cutting for 2 subs is expected early next year in KSEW.

The 3 hatches behind the sail are NOT VLS.
The final design of the sub will not be revealed until they are built and join the PN.

It will be a surprise though.

@Thorough Pro

Will we also be manufacturing the Steel required in Pakistan or would it be imported from China ?
We do not have an alpropriate plant to produce ship grad3 steel. This will be procured from China .

Thought so,
Although one would have hoped that after Agosta construction in Pakistan a support base would have been built up, so next time an acquisition came up we could chip in with our own bits & pieces.
Some fanboys don't realize that these subs will form the bulk of our second-strike capability. Their design, capability, operating depth, range, endurance, weapon carrying capacity and tube size are highly confidential details that are closely guarded and will never be released not even to naval personnel, only the people who operate those vessels or who deploy them would know the real capabilities and I am very pleased with this arrangement.

2 Subs are being built in China.
Steel cutting for 2 subs is expected early next year in KSEW.

The 3 hatches behind the sail are NOT VLS.
The final design of the sub will not be revealed until they are built and join the PN.

It will be a surprise though.

@Thorough Pro
Thought so,
Although one would have hoped that after Agosta construction in Pakistan a support base would have been built up, so next time an acquisition came up we could chip in with our own bits & pieces.
This should have been done but these plants are frightfully expensive. You need a sustained demand for platforms to set up a plant worth 3-5 billion $. Second hand plants are a possibility but the Turks and the Chinese have also been on the look out for those. So most importantly if we produce ships on a regular basis then it is needed if not then it maybe more cost effective to get the steeel from st else where.
This should have been done but these plants are frightfully expensive. You need a sustained demand for platforms to set up a plant worth 3-5 billion $. Second hand plants are a possibility but the Turks and the Chinese have also been on the look out for those. So most importantly if we produce ships on a regular basis then it is needed if not then it maybe more cost effective to get the steeel from st else where.

Any thing worth having is expensive. You have to start from some where. For a nation of 220 million souls to industrialise & progress, a good metallurgy base is a must. There is all sorts of benefits in having that capability.
And you are probably more aware of that than I am.
Any thing worth having is expensive. You have to start from some where. For a nation of 220 million souls to industrialise & progress, a good metallurgy base is a must. There is all sorts of benefits in having that capability.
And you are probably more aware of that than I am.
You ar3 absolutely right but when successive Governments are passing through one to another crisis nothing will get done. You need sustained stability to progress. The 50s was the time for us and we lost it. Maybe 20s now if this government is allowed to work.
Some fanboys don't realize that these subs will form the bulk of our second-strike capability. Their design, capability, operating depth, range, endurance, weapon carrying capacity and tube size are highly confidential details that are closely guarded and will never be released not even to naval personnel, only the people who operate those vessels or who deploy them would know the real capabilities and I am very pleased with this arrangement.
Looks like they will launch SLBMs.
You ar3 absolutely right but when successive Governments are passing through one to another crisis nothing will get done. You need sustained stability to progress. The 50s was the time for us and we lost it. Maybe 20s now if this government is allowed to work.

Don’t think these sort of projects should be left up to Politicians to be honest. Such capabilities should be classed as strategic assets, just as important as Nuclear capability. If there could be a Fauji fertiliser then there sure as hell could also be a Fauji Metals/Steels as well.
The few industrialists that we have could also be involved in the effort & if that leads to crony capitalism then so be it.
Every time these is an acquisition we must look to accumulate as much knowledge/infrastructure that we can.
We have preferred a war of attrition as our method of conflict then why not adopt a process of accumulation for National strength & Power build up.
Don’t think these sort of projects should be left up to Politicians to be honest. Such capabilities should be classed as strategic assets, just as important as Nuclear capability. If there could be a Fauji fertiliser then there sure as hell could also be a Fauji Metals/Steels as well.
The few industrialists that we have could also be involved in the effort & if that leads to crony capitalism then so be it.
Every time these is an acquisition we must look to accumulate as much knowledge/infrastructure that we can.
We have preferred a war of attrition as our method of conflict then why not adopt a process of accumulation for National strength & Power build up.
I think Peoples Steel Mill has Army influence
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