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Anti submarine warfare is dependent on mostly helicopter and aerial surveillance like P8 orions. They drop a submersible at random locations which has sonar capabilities of radius 30-40km and a diameter of 60-80km. If pakistan coast is 640km long, India needs mere 8-11 helicopter to create a form of perimeter to track any submarine coming and going out of Pakistan. About 4 corvette/destroyers have the ability to carry 3 chopper each and blockade pakistan submarines for good.

SSK are silent and can nide against passive detection but not active radar ones like sonar. The ships and submarine refrain from using sonar as the opponent will be able to get the signal too. For example, if a sonar radius is 40km, the enemy can detect it from 80km and as a result find out about the sonar emitting vessel much earlier and then kill it easily. But, in case of chopper, it is impossible to do so as chopper flies in the air and suddenly drops a submersible sonar. The enemy submarine is helpless against chopper

1) In the military, nothing happens "randomly" or "suddenly"

2) 4 Destroyers (forget corvettes), with 8~11 choppers blockading PN Subs, is a very unrealistic scenario. Please study the following thread, and pay special attention to Respectable ex-IN member @Joe Shearer

3) The term is "Dipping Sonar", and this is how it works:

The long-range, active scanning sonar detects and maintains contact with underwater targets through a transducer lowered into the water from a hovering helicopter. The system provides target classification clues and can accurately determine opening or closing rates of moving targets. Active echo-ranging determines the target's range and bearing.

High-speed reeling allows a dip, cycled to maximum depth to be completed within 3.5 minutes, (can be more or less, is dependent on the DS being used), while the azimuth and range indicator and receiver provide a video display for the operator.

The system's Sonar Data Computer (SDC) uses digital processor techniques. This enhances detection capabilities in shallow water and reverberation-limited conditions while essentially eliminating false alarms from the video display. The higher energy transmitted with the longer pulse SDC mode, combined with the narrow band analysis, substantially improves the figure of merit in non-reverberant conditions more typical of deep water operation as well.

This is what a heli-borne DS system, looks like:

The specs of AN/AQS13F as an e.g.

The latest version, deployed by USN is the AN/AQS-22, and built by Raytheon costs approx US$3m/unit.

The AQS-22 is designed to detect and classify hostile submarines at greater ranges than currently deployed dipping sonar systems, and can reach depths near 2,500 feet while deployed from the helicopter on a hardened coaxial cable tether.

Raytheon teams on the AQS-22 with Thales Underwater Systems in Brest and Sophia, France. Thales manufactures the system’s hydrophone stave arms, as well as the active transducer system.

The sonar system enables the MH-60R to detect, track, pinpoint, and classify potentially hostile submarines. It reels the sonar transducer down into the water from the hovering helicopter and can operate the sonar at a wide variety of depths to find submarines hiding under temperature inversions in the water.

The sonar system has seven weapon-replaceable assemblies: the acoustic processor equipment, sonar transmitter/receiver, reeling machine interface unit, reeling machine control unit, reeling machine, reel and cable, and the transducer assembly.

The hydrophone staves use beam forming and signal processing to detect the presence of submarines and to determine the submarine’s location, range, and bearing.

Key components of the AQS-22’s signal-processing system are field programmable gate arrays, as well as single-board processors

The AN/AQS-22 is capable of multi-frequency operation that enables the AN/AQS-22 to adapt its performance to varying environmental conditions, and permits a long detection range over a wide area.

Power to the AN/AQS-22 ALFS is supplied by the helicopter, eliminating the need for in-unit sonar batteries.

That joe shearer is a coward, a wasteful person selected into navy (if it is true) due to mentally unsound policies of congress.

Who thinks of UN, rules etc in war? War means war where the rule is kill or get killed. War happens because of disagreement on rules! What is the point in saying that rules are to be followed in war? Who is that retard who made the rules?

Anyways, sorry for the rant, but it is perfectly possible to block Pakistan. All we have to do is wait for Indian oil rigs to run out and instead start coal liquefaction projects. We have over 300 billion tons of coal and 200 billion tons are extractable. We can have our own diesel, kerosene (jet fuel) with it (petrol is a minor product from coal liquefaction). So, bombay rig will not be a problem by 2030-35 as it will stop functioning.

India already has many ships and producing more ships with great pace which will only increase over time. With technology to make medium range helicopter, it will be easier to mass manufacture Naval utility helicopters too.
On your logic, and the dismissal of such a great mind, I can only offer you my condolences.
By the time 8th sub would be delivered in 2028 the two Agosta 70 will be ready for retirement so at most 8 plus 3 agosta 90b will make the fleet plus any other smaller ~200 ton version for commando ops
By the time 8th sub would be delivered in 2028 the two Agosta 70 will be ready for retirement so at most 8 plus 3 agosta 90b will make the fleet plus any other smaller ~200 ton version for commando ops
What if PN can produce subs by himself under TOT?
THe new design of S100 mono-shell AIP sub

4 will be built in China.. and 4 in Pakistan under ToT.
Means you can build as many as subs to deal with Indian threat as long as your economy can afford, at comparatively low cost.

In China there is an old saying: its better to transfer your friend the fishing skills instead of just giving them fish.
THe new design of S100 mono-shell AIP sub
View attachment 438260

Means you can build as many as subs to deal with Indian threat as long as your economy can afford, at comparatively low cost.

In China there is an old saying: its better to transfer your friend the fishing skills instead of just giving them fish.

If China gives such technology to pakistan, then India too can find random nations to give arbitrary technology. Good luck with suicidal path. Everyone dies.

Next, the mini submarine is poor technology. I am wondering why Pakistan didn't get submarines from Turkey.
If China gives such technology to pakistan, then India too can find random nations to give arbitrary technology. Good luck with suicidal path. Everyone dies.

Next, the mini submarine is poor technology. I am wondering why Pakistan didn't get submarines from Turkey.

:D :D

We are not buying those submarines because we want to showcase them. Its all done to keep your navy in their limit and to maintain balance of power in Arabian Sea.

Remember one thing, our military don't go for anything first we just follow you to maintain balance of power.

Mini Submarines are necessary for mines laying & detection. This time Pak Navy won't go for X-Craft submarines weighing 110 tones which we previously have but our navy will go for 500-800 tons submarines to replace X-Craft so the newer one's will be a good addition.
If China gives such technology to pakistan, then India too can find random nations to give arbitrary technology. Good luck with suicidal path. Everyone dies.

Next, the mini submarine is poor technology. I am wondering why Pakistan didn't get submarines from Turkey.
Lol, you itself borrowed technology from Russia and talking about transferring to other nations...Lol man, why you Indians are so big mouth:lol::lol:
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