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Hamas Kills 6 Suspected Israel Collaborators: Witnesses (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Really? Wonder why they invaded Vietnam...sure it wasn't just for rice.

Different era of leadership.

We haven't fired a bullet against any other country in over 30 years.

Even though the world has seen plenty of invasions in the past 10 years alone. Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya/Lebanon/Georgia/Gaza, etc.

Interestingly, Iran has not invaded any other country in the past several centuries. So they beat us all.
Different era of leadership.

We haven't fired a bullet against any other country in over 30 years.

Even though the world has seen plenty of invasions in the past 10 years alone. Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya/Lebanon/Georgia/Gaza, etc.

Excuses excuses. Leadership blah blah blah.
Excuses for what exactly? :lol:

We are not the one invading countries left and right in the past several decades.

You already gone to multiple wars in just a few decades since you Cultural Revolution which is not that old. Wouldn't surprise me one bit there will be another in few years in Asia as you regain confidence to conquer other countries. Hence feared by other nations in Asia looking to U.S. for defense. So much for non-interference.:meeting:
That was a legislative election, not an executive one. Instead of respecting division-of-powers Hamas took over everything: one-man-one-vote-once.

The US electorate system does not apply in Palestinian affairs. So please spare me your semantics.

It's still terror where power, not law, rules.

Right.......and International Laws? :drag:

You don't strike me as that ignorant. Either learn more about what "totally unprovoked" means or I'll class you as just another terror supporter - whether out of fear or conviction, I'm not yet sure.

It means a bunch of people were put in gas ovens @ Aushwitz and instead of taking revenge on the perpetrators that actually dicked them over, their ancestors suddenly came up with a myth about a promised land that never belonged to them......leading to the open-air prison we see today in occupied territory (namely Gaza).

the hunted became the hunter of Palestinians (people who never hunted them)

Americans themselves I am noticing are becoming more and more vocal about why the hell their tax dollars are going towards an often spoken about but never addressed genocide. Powerless as they are, at least more people are questioning the wisdom of doling out weapons and carte-blance to a country run by people who talk like this:

"Israel should flatten Gaza like Hiroshima"

"Gaza citizens aren't innocents to be considered"

"There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they'd really call for a ceasefire"


and as an outsider, the most laugh-worthy part is that they hide behind the "anti-semite" label.......if you critisize the country that bombs Palestnian women and children, destroys homes, displaces people, humiliates them, controls every aspect of their miserable lives (even how much water they drink, how much gas they get, how much cement and concrete they can import, who/what enters THEIR ports, etc), and does everything to deny their Statehood ---then suddenly that makes you a nazi/terrorist/"khhhhhamas" supporter/anti-semite/holocaust denier/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc (list goes on)

but hey -- i give credit where it's due. Those people of yours who you dogmatically cling to are damn organized, hard-working and united. You better pray the day never comes that Palestinians unite and set aside their differences and become more assertive, rather than passive.

oh and by the way....if standing shoulder to shoulder with Palestine makes me a terrorist supporter then

I, "Abu Zolfiqar", am a TERRORIST SUPPORTER.

I hate to sound like an emotional prick. War is war. All is fair in love and war. But one must revisit that statement in this context:

if someone stole my ancestral lands, bombed my home, humiliated my sister, told me where I can go, where I can not go -- and denied my nationality --- let me tell you something....i'd be doing a hell of a lot more than just lobbing a few inaccurate, soviet-era junk rockets which make a loud bang and a little bit of smoke. I'd do a LOT more than that.

3 israelis die and as a result, 120 Palestinians are slaughtered without mercy.
You already gone to multiple wars in just a few decades since you Cultural Revolution which is not that old. Wouldn't surprise me one bit there will be another in few years in Asia as you regain confidence to conquer other countries. Hence feared by other nations in Asia looking to U.S. for defense. So much for non-interference.:meeting:

IF it happens, then you can crow old man. :lol:

Until then, we don't need excuses like "WMD" to justify three separate invasions in the past decade alone, from 2001-2011.

We have had 30 years of no war, no bullets fired against any other country. That is a fact, and no amount of predictions of the future will change the present fact.
IF it happens, then you can crow old man. :lol:

Until then, we don't need excuses like "WMD" to justify three separate invasions in the past decade alone, from 2001-2011.

Don't need WMD. You already claim all of South China Sea all the way to the shores of other countries. I can already crow all I want.
Don't need WMD. You already claim all of South China Sea all the way to the shores of other countries. I can already crow all I want.

Crow at yourself then. :lol:

We claim all that, yet we haven't had any wars for the past 30 years?

While you guys haven't claimed anything, yet you have had three wars in the past 10 years alone?

Heck, you're still at war right now as we speak.
Crow at yourself then. :lol:

We claim all that, yet we haven't had any wars for the past 30 years?

While you guys haven't claimed anything, yet you have had three wars in the past 10 years alone?

Heck, you're still at war right now as we speak.

No you didn't claim all that because you can't enforce it yet. You are not strong yet. You guys are mad at Japan yet you cannot back it up because you know you are not ready.:meeting:
Wao! Holy s**t!

P.S quoted only to make you feel embarrassed everytime you read this post in future.

Why would he feel embarrassed about it? He spoke the absolute truth. Unlike Pakistan, we are 'beghairat'. We speak the truth.

We have suffered through decades of insurgencies and bomb blasts because Pakistan decided it couldnt fight a conventional war - so it wanted to achieve through terrorism what it cannot achieve in the battlefield. And no one gave a damn, not the Americans, not the Europeans, no one.

Spare us the 'Pakistan has suffered a lot' routine. You have not suffered 2 decades of state sponsored terrorism ripping up your cities. You are suffering terrorism because of your own jehadist and Islamist tendencies..and frankly its karma.

Trust us, there is a rather high level of frustration about what happened during the 2 decades. And we see Israel today as a nation that does not accept terrorism, does not bow down. It punishes others. Something our leaders lack.

On a personal level, most Indians would support Israel ripping up Hamas terrorists(not all of Hamas), one person at a time.
No you didn't claim all that because you can't enforce it yet. You are not strong yet. You guys are mad at Japan yet you cannot back it up because you know you are not ready.:meeting:

Then it's just a matter of waiting until we are, and then we will see if your "prediction" comes true. :lol:

How old are you by the way, to have a nickname like "Old man"?
What happened is Iran's fault, the regime's fault to be correct. But at the end of the day **** happened and here we are. Today Iran-Israel are enemies.
Yesterday I met an Israeli who pointed to stories in the Arabic press of Arabs gloating at the mere sign Israelis were terrorized. She was absolutely convinced that without the leaders of Hamas, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, the Arabs surrounding Israel would rise en masse and rush across the border eager to kill Jews in Israel.

If the mullahs' regime were to disappear tomorrow, still their poison would remain. And the mullahs aren't the only source, either. It requires time and medicine to cure people's minds, just as these things are required for their bodies, and the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza have been fed poison for something like five generations, beginning perhaps when the Mufti of Jerusalem recommended to his Ottoman bosses that terror be employed to evict the Jews way back in 1899. The Ottomans rejected this, but the Mufti's post-Ottoman successors eagerly embraced terror.
Then it's just a matter of waiting until we are, and then we will see if your "prediction" comes true. :lol:

How old are you by the way, to have a nickname like "Old man"?

How old are you? To have a nickname like Chinese Dragon. Sounds like some kid's nickname for a game.
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