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Hamas Kills 6 Suspected Israel Collaborators: Witnesses (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Bhaghat Singh would fit under the standard hindustany contemporary rubric of terrorism vis a vis occupied Kashmir as -- a terrorist......
At least you shouldn't question Bhagat Singh or bring this issue. We can also call and prove many people terrorists by "standard Hindustani contemporary rubric of terrorism" but problem is we get infractions for this.

BTW are you talking about Pakistan occupied Kashmir ?

Lets not argue over this.
Freedom struggle is when you go out, fight and accept death like a man. Not hide behind women and children in civilian apartments and fire rockets from there.

And yes, the tax money you pay is directly used to subsidise the bombs that Israel drops on Gaza. Lanat on you.

Define "the world".

They are defending themselves ,so according to you they have to leave their home and go to israel to defend how stupido.

The Whole wide world with sane people not people who are indoctrinated by zionism

I was just kidding about tax's which i never paid
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: I don't know why I get banned when I call these indians their real name.

What personal attacks ? All I am telling you to keep this India bashing away from this thread. We don't need to see the mirror from you.

Its up to you to post something relevant to the thread. Now come back to topic. Enough of childish play.
Indians understand Israelis because both nations citizens have faced same type of attacks, suicide bombers and bomb blasts by terrorist group. Another fact is we actually admire Israel who takes out the attackers by any means possible. Whether it was Meir's decision to kill all Munich Massacre involved terrorists or killing Hamas leaders.

Indians find some type of solace that at least someone is killing the terrorists where as they see terrorists involved in 26/11 and other terrorist attacks roaming free, you know where.

As for Malala case, if we didn't showed sorrow of it, you would have questioned it and might came up with theory that India is involved in it and since we did show sorrow on that incident, you again don't accept it.

Israel target Hamas leaders which hide among civilians. So tell me, who is at fault ? Why are they so coward ? Can't they fight Israel like brave people and don't take cover of civilians. Why do they target busy places in Israel and particularly innocent men, women and children by sending suicide bombers.

If Hamas care Palestinian people, they should stop taking human shields to cover themselves. Why you ignore other side of story whereas as expect us to take your side of story ? I will happily listen to your words only if you are ready to explore other side of the coin.

Believe me any third person reading your post must be smiling on you.
Pakistan has faced much more suicide attacks then any one. Pakistanis has seen its countrymen burning in a train, everyone knows where.
As for your happiness to listen to my words, your post is already biased to an extent that i am not willing to go further with this debate.
Believe me any third person reading your post must be smiling on you.
Pakistan has faced much more suicide attacks then any one. Pakistanis has seen its countrymen burning in a train, everyone knows where.
As for your happiness to listen to my words, your post is already biased to an extent that i am not willing to go further with this debate.
Point is India is facing terrorism since decades and no one cared. You have been facing just for few years and now thinks you are the worst affected one. You now know how it feels to be in our place. One train against multiple Mumbai bomb blasts. Kashmir insurgency. 26/11. You don't see this which we have been seeing for so many decades. You created these militant groups and now they are attacking you, you blame India. Wow.

Bias comes when some one look at their aspect only, not others. Since none of you wants to look through our POV, why expect us to look from yours ?

We have our own beliefs just ask your compatriots not to bring India everywhere. Stick to topic and I won't comment on issue of terrorism in our subcontinent.
Point is India is facing terrorism since decades and no one cared. You have been facing just for few years and now thinks you are the worst affected one. You now know how it feels to be in our place. One train against multiple Mumbai bomb blasts. Kashmir insurgency. 26/11. You don't see this which we have been seeing for so many decades. You created these militant groups and now they are attacking you, you blame India. Wow.

Bias comes when some one look at their aspect only, not others. Since none of you wants to look through our POV, why expect us to look from yours ?

We have our own beliefs just ask your compatriots not to bring India everywhere. Stick to topic and I won't comment on issue of terrorism in our subcontinent.

Wao! Holy s**t!

P.S quoted only to make you feel embarrassed everytime you read this post in future.
HAMAS is democratically elected by the people of Gaza.
That was a legislative election, not an executive one. Instead of respecting division-of-powers Hamas took over everything: one-man-one-vote-once.

to compare TTP to HAMAS is laugh-worthy. Totally different M.O.
It's still terror where power, not law, rules.

even though your people bomb their commanders in broad daylight in a totally unprovoked fashion -
You don't strike me as that ignorant. Either learn more about what "totally unprovoked" means or I'll class you as just another terror supporter - whether out of fear or conviction, I'm not yet sure.
Wao! Holy s**t!
P.S quoted only to make you feel embarrassed everytime you read this post in future.
Feel embarrassed by speaking the truth. No, I don't. But I will stop here because there is no hope when someone sees terrorist groups in their country as something to be proud of.
I agree with some people that hamas should no longer be called terrorists by those who are not directly involved (which is most people on this forum).
Hamas led palestine is at war with Israel.

There will be civilian casualty on either side in a war, you wont gain sympathy from me by posting pics of dead kids( either side) because thats expected in war.

But as a regime, palestinians deserve a better one.
Wao! Holy s**t!

P.S quoted only to make you feel embarrassed everytime you read this post in future.

Would you please care to elaborate how his even single statement would make him feel Embarrassed ?

I guess it should be you and your nation's deed ,upon which you should be embarrassed. You guys make me really believe how people can live all their lives in delusion paranoia .
they have courts, they have a legal system......the psychological impact of NOT knowing what happened to the spies is much greater than just seeing him get his brains splattered in a public square.
You poor boy. Only a truly sick monster would think pulling people off a bus and shooting them constituted due process, and even then he would try to conceal it. Obviously you are being compelled to do what you are doing under some kind of compulsion.

Hamas has evolved.......if they want to be taken seriously as a political force, they have to act civilized too.
Hamas started out as a "civilized" charity. Unfortunately it modeled itself on the one in Orwell's Animal Farm. This incident is proof positive that Hamas is no longer a civilizing force - after all, it's not like they're following any sort of civil law here.

Of course when bombs rain down on them, they have a duty and an existential right to defend themselves and their people.
The Spectator points out that Hamas tries to launch its rockets near baby carriages. Hamas' terrorists may try to defend themselves but it's quite a stretch to claim they are trying to defend the Gazans. Does Hamas even claim to be doing so? I hadn't noticed.
"Zionists and wahabis are the last people in the world that I would ever support b/c they both hate me"

As I recall, under the Shah Israel and Iran were the best of friends, and even under the mullahs during the Iran-Iraq war Israel supplied weapons, intelligence, spare parts, and other supplies. Persian Jews are the nicest people and have fond memories of the Iran that was. Is it really the Zionists fault that you've absorbed some of the mullahs' vile propaganda?

What happened is Iran's fault, the regime's fault to be correct. But at the end of the day **** happened and here we are. Today Iran-Israel are enemies.
As I recall, under the Shah Israel and Iran were the best of friends, and even under the mullahs during the Iran-Iraq war Israel supplied weapons, intelligence, spare parts, and other supplies. Persian Jews are the nicest people and have fond memories of the Iran that was. Is it really the Zionists fault that you've absorbed some of the mullahs' vile propaganda?

Israel has done its fair share of demonization against Iran too you know?

If you think that Iran has wrongly accepted some of the "Mullah's vile propaganda" (as you call it), then why make the situation worse by constantly threatening attacks against them?
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