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Hamas Kills 6 Suspected Israel Collaborators: Witnesses (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Yesterday I met an Israeli who pointed to stories in the Arabic press of Arabs gloating at the mere sign Israelis were terrorized. She was absolutely convinced that without the leaders of Hamas, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, the Arabs surrounding Israel would rise en masse and rush across the border eager to kill Jews in Israel.

If the mullahs' regime were to disappear tomorrow, still their poison would remain. And the mullahs aren't the only source, either. It requires time and medicine to cure people's minds, just as these things are required for their bodies, and the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza have been fed poison for something like five generations, beginning perhaps when the Mufti of Jerusalem recommended to his Ottoman bosses that terror be employed to evict the Jews way back in 1899. The Ottomans rejected this, but the Mufti's post-Ottoman successors eagerly embraced terror.

The fact remains that the Arab and Islamic World is the most anti-Jewish region on the planet and perhaps only rivals Nazi Germany in their hatred of Jews.

The only way the Arabs respect Israel is through the use of its military might.

If in the future the Arabs develop military forces stronger than Israel, they would not hesitate for one second to launch an offensive to destroy Israel.
How old are you? To have a nickname like Chinese Dragon. Sounds like some kid's nickname for a game.

Personal attacks already? :lol:

If it makes you feel any better, you won't have to see China become "strong enough", since that will take several decades more. That is a future for young men to see, not old men.

But you will get to see your prediction of China having a war in the next few years fall flat on its face, while no one knows if America (which is currently at war) will see the end of it by that time.
Personal attacks already? :lol:

If it makes you feel any better, you won't have to see China become "strong enough", since that will take several decades more. That is a future for young men to see, not old men.

Personal attacks already? You just contradicted yourself.
Yesterday I met an Israeli who pointed to stories in the Arabic press of Arabs gloating at the mere sign Israelis were terrorized. She was absolutely convinced that without the leaders of Hamas, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, the Arabs surrounding Israel would rise en masse and rush across the border eager to kill Jews in Israel.

Do spare us the victim-hood. The constant victim-hood refrain has gotten you your colonial outpost in Palestine, and you need to constantly reinforce it to maintain public support.

As for Arabs 'rushing to kill Jews', what would happen if a bunch of white racists invaded a land, threw out the natives, and claimed their divine right to rule the land because they were white?

Yes, you got it, the natives would want to kill every single white invader in sight. The Arab reaction to the Jewish colonial outpost is no different.

The only reason Israel is not recognized as the colonial outpost it is is because of the Holocaust and other guilt drummed into everyone through the constant victim-hood refrain from the Israelis.

P.S. For those bleeding hearts who claim that the Jews only occupy a 'tiny bit of land', fine, evacuate a 'tiny bit of land' in your country, throw out your people and give that 'tiny bit of land' to the Jewish people. If the Europeans feel guilty for their treatment of Jews, let them carve out a 'tiny bit of land' in their countries. Why make the Palestinians pay the price to assuage European guilt?
Personal attacks already? You just contradicted yourself.

I am giving you a compliment. You will get to see America as the sole superpower till the end.

By the way, a Chinese Dragon is a mythical creature, it has nothing at all to do with video games. You must be really out of touch if you thought it had something to do with video games. :lol:
The US electorate system does not apply in Palestinian affairs. So please spare me your semantics.
They had - and still have on paper -their own plan of democratic governance.

Right.......and International Laws? :drag:
Apparently where Israel is concerned few stand up for Israel.

It means a bunch of people were put in gas ovens @ Aushwitz and instead of taking revenge on the perpetrators that actually dicked them over, their ancestors suddenly came up with a myth about a promised land that never belonged to them...
Wanna try this again? Then maybe I'll read the rest of what you wrote. Right now I'm angry and saddened at your heartlessness and injustice, mixed with a bit of a chuckle at your idea ancestors make up stories after their descendants have been murdered.

Clearly you can't even think straight. Will you blame me if you fail your exams?
Don't bring India in this thread. W don't need lecture from guys like you. Better look at your own country.

Stick to topic.

It was an Indian poster who brought India into the thread.
Do spare us the victim-hood.
No. You to figure out who is really who. You have to go against the grain you've been taught all your life to straighten your society out.

As for Arabs 'rushing to kill Jews'
Perhaps you forgot that before the Asad regime weakened it staged a couple of these attacks at the Israel-Syria border?

what would happen if a bunch of white racists invaded a land, threw out the natives, and claimed their divine right to rule the land because they were white
What happened in Palestine is that Jews settled by purchase or on State lands. What Hamas and the PA are doing - once all the legal stuff is shown not be support them - is to fall back by claiming their right to Palestine is "holy" - a holiness that appears to be completely unsupported in Islam or Christianity but is supported by antisemitism, pure hatred of Jews. Their holy book? That old forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Hamas cites it in its charter as justification. So Islam is just their window-dressing.

Why make the Palestinians pay the price to assuage European guilt?
I've already pointed out that Palestinians have plenty of "guilt" of their own. You are no stranger to such arguments; we've discussed this before. You've either forgotten or else you've decided to keep on purveying untruths.
The fact remains that the Arab and Islamic World is the most anti-Jewish region on the planet and perhaps only rivals Nazi Germany in their hatred of Jews.

The fact remains that, if the Jews had invaded India or China or Africa, and established a 'racially superior' colonial outpost, contemptuous of the natives after killing/evicting them, and justified it all on the basis of a divine Jewish right given by God to his Chosen People over other humans, then those regions would have become the most anti-Jewish regions.
No. You to figure out who is really who. You have to go against the grain you've been taught all your life to straighten your society out.

Twaddle. You dodged the point that Holocaust (and other) guilt drummed into people from birth and throughout their lives is the primary reason Israel gets special treatment.

As for Arabs 'rushing to kill Jews', What happened in Palestine is that Jews settled by purchase or on State lands. What Hamas and the PA are doing - once all the legal stuff is shown not be support them - is to fall back by claiming their right to Palestine is "holy" - a holiness that appears to be completely unsupported in Islam or Christianity but is supported by antisemitism, pure hatred of Jews. Their holy book? That old forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Hamas cites it in its charter as justification. So Islam is just their window-dressing.

More twaddle. Jews were a miniscule minority in Palestine, after the Roman conquest and over the centuries. They came back by stealth, some buying property it is true, but the vast majority were shipped in when it was clear the Western powers would back their clandestine plan to take over Palestine.

I've already pointed out that Palestinians have plenty of "guilt" of their own. You are no stranger to such arguments; we've discussed this before. You've either forgotten or else you've decided to keep on purveying untruths.

The Palestinian guilt is a consequence of the Jewish colonial outpost. You, or any other Israeli, has never justified on what basis the Balfour Declaration can be justified to create a Jewish state in a region when 97% of the resident population is not Jewish.
It was an Indian poster who brought India into the thread.
If one idiot do something, should we also become idiot ? It just take one member to take higher ground to avoid derailment of thread. We know there are hell lot of Indians. Probability of one using same old rhetoric is very high. I report many Indians, same should be done by Pakistanis against their own people. Its the only way we can have logical discussions.
The Palestinian guilt is a consequence of the Jewish colonial outpost. You, or any other Israeli, has never justified on what basis the Balfour Declaration can be justified to create a Jewish state in a region when 97% of the resident population is not Jewish.

Interestingly, this has happened all over the world. Many of the major countries today were built on the land of natives that are now nearly gone, mostly originating from around the period of European colonial expansion.

The case with Israel seems to be different though, in that it is still actively being fought over today.
The fact remains that the Arab and Islamic World is the most anti-Jewish region on the planet and perhaps only rivals Nazi Germany in their hatred of Jews.
Yes. Many of the Arabs of the region were Nazi allies until the British suppressed them.

The only way the Arabs respect Israel is through the use of its military might.
Arabs generally respect Jewish brains and industry as well. Most Arab leaders wanted to kill the Jews for this; only the Hussein of Jordan privately claimed he wanted to harness it for their own benefit. Maybe he should have been believed: his well-behaved British-officered (Jordan was purely a British creation as the Husseins are native to Hijaz) Arab Legion was notable for expelling Jews from its territory rather than seeking to murder them. Though I doubt that he'd be able to long resist the Arab hatred of Jews, just as his grandson couldn't resist in 1967 allying with Nasser, thus setting the stage for their disaster.

If in the future the Arabs develop military forces stronger than Israel, they would not hesitate for one second to launch an offensive to destroy Israel.
On paper the Arabs were stronger in '48, '67, and '73. They still lost.
One thing is for sure. Before getting wiped out of the earth, Israel will use all its assets and even nuclear to defend itself which will eventually lead the land to be inhabitable.

There was a comment on YT in a documentary, If Palestine put down arms, there will be peace, But if Israel put down arms, there will be no Israel.

Look at history. Israel is doing what even a small country did to survive. Its matter of survival for Israel too. If the enemy is remorseless and attacks civilians, why should it keep quite. It will attack all Hamas leaders and forces. In this, collateral damage is certain.

No matter how much Hamas attack Israel, there won't be any peace as Israel will always be more powerful than Hamas. At this asymmetry, only diplomatic solution is the only solution.
"Zionists and wahabis are the last people in the world that I would ever support b/c they both hate me"

As I recall, under the Shah Israel and Iran were the best of friends, and even under the mullahs during the Iran-Iraq war Israel supplied weapons, intelligence, spare parts, and other supplies. Persian Jews are the nicest people and have fond memories of the Iran that was. Is it really the Zionists fault that you've absorbed some of the mullahs' vile propaganda?

They are still good friends but the mullahs are using Taqiyyah, the Shah did not.
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