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Nice summary, any chance to get an idea of what Dassault officials / designers that were part of the LCA design process thinks about the fighter? Apart from the reports that Dassault did consultancy work in the design stage, there is not much known about it. Would be interesting to hear something from the French side about that.
Is it difficult to have
1.wing tip pylons
2.increase wing span thereby getting space for additional hard point
3. Tandem fuselage pylons from the proposed increase in fuselage length

In mk 2 LCA ..?
increase wing span thereby getting space for additional hard point

Wings are already large compare to fuselage. No need to increase the size. In one pylon itself, upto 4 missiles can be mounted.

Increase in fuselage length, Redesigned radome and redesign air intake, redesign cockpit and other aerodynamic improvements shall make this plane a very good one.
Wings are already large compare to fuselage. No need to increase the size. In one pylon itself, upto 4 missiles can be mounted.

Increase in fuselage length, Redesigned radome and redesign air intake, redesign cockpit and other aerodynamic improvements shall make this plane a very good one.

In aircrafts with longer fuselage especially twin engine ones , they have four pylons .
If we increasing fuselage length can we have 2 at least?

Wingtip pylons were not used by India , why ?

Additional pylons under wings ,
Is it difficult to have
1.wing tip pylons
2.increase wing span thereby getting space for additional hard point
3. Tandem fuselage pylons from the proposed increase in fuselage length

In mk 2 LCA ..?

According to statements of ADA officials at Aero India it would require a major re-design of the wings and that's not what they (at least initially) wanted for the MK2 upgrade. Now however they will re-design a large part of the fuselage, which is a credible change too. Adding hardpoints like the Gripen NG has done it, would had been the best choice, since it's a spin off of the re-design to increase internal fuel. The ADA / DRDO way of increased fuel however doesn't add any advantages to free space for hardpoints and so far we don't even know how much fuel can actually be increased. If the addition is good enough, we might be able to free hardpoints at the wings for example:

LCA MK1 with 2 wingtanks = 2400l fuel
LCA MK2 maybe with 1200l increased internal fuel + 800l centerline tank = 2000l fuel

Still wouldn't be equal, but could be useful enough and then 2 wingstations would be free for heavier strike loads and BVR missiles.
Questions from a newbie:

1) Is a Tejas Mark III likely?
2) Will the Tejas Mark II be a formidable fighter with export value?
Questions from a newbie:

1) Is a Tejas Mark III likely?
2) Will the Tejas Mark II be a formidable fighter with export value?

Welcome to the forum!

MK3 upgrade will come at some point for sure, simply by the fact that you have to modernise fighters after a certain time. What upgrades it will include however can't be said right now, just that it won't be a stealth fighter, contrary to what DRDO claims.
MK2 is meant to be a propper 4.5th gen fighter and comes in a time, when there are are not many cost effective fighters left on the market. But so far it's only in design stage and without knowing final specs and changes, you can't say how good or bad it will be.
Tejas vs M2K?

M2K has a 20km advantage in missile range so its no competition really.
Tejas vs M2K?

M2K has a 20km advantage in missile range so its no competition really.

Just wait and watch the game unfolding. Time has come for Many Meths to go down.
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