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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

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Breaking... IAF chief said that First squadron of LCA would be formed by 2017 and FOC would be given in another 6 months.. He said that LCA is excellent aircraft and we are proud of it..

He gave this interview to DD news
wow, seriously?
Glad he is not like previous IAF chiefs
Tejas coming out as a beast at last...achieving every mile stones, new EW suit..wow
really happy

we are starting mark one with hi end ew suites very efficent usa engines and mix or indian israel and russian weapons.

very low rcs and way cheaper to buy and operate then our other meduim and heavey fighters.

Just like PAF are replacing their F7 with thunders the tejas will replace or MIGS 21/27 in one v one basis


LCA Tejas: An Indian Fighter – With Foreign Help

India reportedly looking at replacing HAL for Mk.2 production. What are the policy arguments, risks, and opportunities?

Oct 4/14: Industrial. Defense News quotes an unnamed source, who says that the Indian government has been talking to major private sector industrial players about setting up a full production line for up to 250 Tejas Mk.2s. That would certainly justify the investment.

If carried out, that move would sidestep HAL’s production difficulties (q.v. Dec 9/12) by partly or wholly removing Tejas from HAL’s purview, create a full competitor to HAL in the aerospace sector, and turn the winner into India’s 1st major private sector defense firm. It would also double planned Tejas Mk.2/naval buys, based on past reports (q.v. Jan 11/14).

Since it seems apparent that the Indian government would have to fund a new production line for HAL anyway, funding the line elsewhere and reaping the benefits of diversification and competition is a logical policy option. Especially since the resulting competitor would also be a potential source for programs like India’s light transport competition, which stalled out because the private sector can’t afford to set up a full production facility for just 40 planes.

The challenge is that setting up a production line for modern combat jets isn’t simple, and major problems could really mess with already chancy schedules for Tejas Mk.2 and the planned naval variant. One obvious way to reduce this risk would be to bring in a foreign firm like Boeing, Saab, Dassault, et. al. to help set up the plant, and assist with management for the first few years. If done in conjunction with Mk.2 design assistance (q.v. June 17/14), the Tejas program as a whole could get a substantial boost.

Tata Group, Mahindra & Mahindra and Larsen and Toubro have been mentioned, and L&T Heavy Engineering President Madhukar Vinayak Kotwal has confirmed that discussions are taking place, but that’s all he is prepared to say. Watch this space. Sources: Defense News, “India Offers To Spend $12B To Break Monopoly”.

LCA Tejas: An Indian Fighter – With Foreign Help
Have any ideas on what would be the unit cost of mk1 ???

It was mentioned as Rs. 160 crores per aircraft, which translates to 26.2 Million $ :D

Earlier it was INR 120 Crores per aircraft which was 20 million $ :angel:
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