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Is the ejection issue still there?

The pilot's feet hitting instruments while ejecting and helmet hitting canopy while ejecting.

I think it should be illegal to fly Tejas unless these problems are resolved.
According to saurav jha's tweet....
There is "no" ejection issue with the HAL tejas MK-1. And there is no weight reduction target for the Mk-1 either

Got this from BR
Are they cradling the designs to mold as India's indigenous fighters or willing to scrap it if the Finance Ministry has the $ to buy western fighters?

It's not going to be scrapped, it's far too important as a project for India and the aero industry and with the recent steps forward, there is no reason to stop it. They are making changes to reach FOC and the first fighters are in production, what's more important though is, how the MK2 development will go on. If they keep it simple, they might be able to keep the time lines, if they try to make too much out of it again, we will see delays again and that might work against additional LCAs beyond the current orders.
Bangalore mirror has entire page dedicated to LCA tejas, lots of Info ...

apologise for crappy camera ..


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So no chances of a Rocket pod or any A2G or electronic ordnance on the wingtip stations?
No that easy buddy.Aside from economic backlash from engine developing country,developing upon a ancient structure is more of a complex task than developing one
It's okay brother Not a problem at allThe answer to ur question is noWe can't improve the engine the way you are saying Reverse engineering is also not that easy So,it's gonna take a little more time but we are going to have it sooner or later....U r from which place brother????
No offence but i cant understand a sentence of what you have posted. :crazy:
if China is working on ws-13 than the Question is valid ???
LCA is not going to take up air superiority missions. It will be a point defense fighter and a bit more.
So no chances of a Rocket pod or any A2G or electronic ordnance on the wingtip stations?

Smaller self protection EW pods might be possible, but the aim was to integrate the EWS and not carry it on external pods as in the past for older fighters. Rocket pods only at the midwing or inner hardpoints.
What possible squadron could be the first to receive the Tejas?
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