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Lot of Venom spitted here.. :P I would like to add some points...
1. In teh initial phase of LCA many parts were non indigenous, later they were replaced by indigenous one....
2. The ENgine is American, so whats problem?? The same engine used in Rafael, later french developed there engine... India too is developing, soon we will see its fitted into LCA.
3. @ defense minister comments on MiG21++. MiG21 is very potent Platform, A mach2 machine with BVR capability (BiSon) It is as deadly as some middle variant of F16.
4. There are very few country who make fighter plane for them... Its very complicated technology

They all know this..They are just being themselves..
LCA-Tejas has completed 1613 Test Flights successfully. (24-Mar-2011).


old:LCA-Tejas has completed 1606 Test Flights successfully. (16-Mar-2011).
Lot of Venom spitted here.. :P I would like to add some points...
1. In teh initial phase of LCA many parts were non indigenous, later they were replaced by indigenous one....
2. The ENgine is American, so whats problem?? The same engine used in Rafael, later french developed there engine... India too is developing, soon we will see its fitted into LCA.
3. @ defense minister comments on MiG21++. MiG21 is very potent Platform, A mach2 machine with BVR capability (BiSon) It is as deadly as some middle variant of F16.
4. There are very few country who make fighter plane for them... Its very complicated technology

Okay. I think I can't be so straight forward. Might hurt Indian feelings. Let me put it in a more polite way.

1) How many % is indigenous?
2) How do you define it? Does buying 99% foreign parts and then assembling it with Indian labor count?
3) Example avionics? Does India have an electronic industrial base? All the sudden you can produce indigenous avionics?
4) Does India have an active reverse engineering program to gain technical strength? You think just by signing a ToT. The foreigners are going to transfer everything to you? That's a bit naive isn't it?
5) If India indeed has got a strong innovation or reverse engineering base, why are you still buying even simple components from China? And I mean military components.
6) Why are the Russians, French, American so eager to sell you things if you can reverse engineering properly. Have you ever thought that maybe they find you guys easy to fleece and have a none committed government. A government that keeps on boasting to appear useful but full of opposing parties that keep on arguing and can't get things done. At last they buy all the components, employ some foreign supervisor and use cheap Indian labor to assemble something and then broadcast it to the world, it's an indigenous platform.

You see, the arguing talent is still present. Instead of admitting your weakness and improve. You keep on arguing, arguing that Mig-21 is a formidable plane. Friend, if Mig-21 is a formidable plane, you would't need to have LCA, don't you?

Ever wonder why LCA, is always in 'testing' phase? Or some improvement phase, whatever MK this and that? Have you ever thought just maybe, it is all bullshit and they keep on creating all these different models, test to keep you DRDO guys employed and fleece some more cash? Or maybe keep you guys hopeful that 20 years down the road, India shall be a SUPAHPOWWAH with a SUPAHDUPAH plane?:no:
Okay. I think I can't be so straight forward. Might hurt Indian feelings. Let me put it in a more polite way.

1) How many % is indigenous?
2) How do you define it? Does buying 99% foreign parts and then assembling it with Indian labor count?
3) Example avionics? Does India have an electronic industrial base? All the sudden you can produce indigenous avionics?
4) Does India have an active reverse engineering program to gain technical strength? You think just by signing a ToT. The foreigners are going to transfer everything to you? That's a bit naive isn't it?
5) If India indeed has got a strong innovation or reverse engineering base, why are you still buying even simple components from China? And I mean military components.
6) Why are the Russians, French, American so eager to sell you things if you can reverse engineering properly. Have you ever thought that maybe they find you guys easy to fleece and have a none committed government. A government that keeps on boasting to appear useful but full of opposing parties that keep on arguing and can't get things done. At last they buy all the components, employ some foreign supervisor and use cheap Indian labor to assemble something and then broadcast it to the world, it's an indigenous platform.

You see, the arguing talent is still present. Instead of admitting your weakness and improve. You keep on arguing, arguing that Mig-21 is a formidable plane. Friend, if Mig-21 is a formidable plane, you would't need to have LCA, don't you?

Ever wonder why LCA, is always in 'testing' phase? Or some improvement phase, whatever MK this and that? Have you ever thought just maybe, it is all bullshit and they keep on creating all these different models, test to keep you DRDO guys employed and fleece some more cash? Or maybe keep you guys hopeful that 20 years down the road, India shall be a SUPAHPOWWAH with a SUPAHDUPAH plane?:no:

No you see unlike Bhutan we have a massive industrial base.So it is possible for us to produce a 4.5 gen plane with 75-80% indigenous content.Also on your opinion about the Mig-21 I would like to say that F-16 is a formidable aircraft then why is USAF involved in the JSF program to replace F-16s.
We Indians believe in Gross Domestic Product not Gross National Happiness.:lol::lol:
Okay. I think I can't be so straight forward. Might hurt Indian feelings. Let me put it in a more polite way.

1) How many % is indigenous?
2) How do you define it? Does buying 99% foreign parts and then assembling it with Indian labor count?
3) Example avionics? Does India have an electronic industrial base? All the sudden you can produce indigenous avionics?
4) Does India have an active reverse engineering program to gain technical strength? You think just by signing a ToT. The foreigners are going to transfer everything to you? That's a bit naive isn't it?
5) If India indeed has got a strong innovation or reverse engineering base, why are you still buying even simple components from China? And I mean military components.
6) Why are the Russians, French, American so eager to sell you things if you can reverse engineering properly. Have you ever thought that maybe they find you guys easy to fleece and have a none committed government. A government that keeps on boasting to appear useful but full of opposing parties that keep on arguing and can't get things done. At last they buy all the components, employ some foreign supervisor and use cheap Indian labor to assemble something and then broadcast it to the world, it's an indigenous platform.

You see, the arguing talent is still present. Instead of admitting your weakness and improve. You keep on arguing, arguing that Mig-21 is a formidable plane. Friend, if Mig-21 is a formidable plane, you would't need to have LCA, don't you?

Ever wonder why LCA, is always in 'testing' phase? Or some improvement phase, whatever MK this and that? Have you ever thought just maybe, it is all bullshit and they keep on creating all these different models, test to keep you DRDO guys employed and fleece some more cash? Or maybe keep you guys hopeful that 20 years down the road, India shall be a SUPAHPOWWAH with a SUPAHDUPAH plane?:no:

Nice Question... You Deserve an answer...
1. Do you know anything about military aviation... a simple Nut and Bolt need to be certified (Air worthiness). How many indian firm make airworthy nut bolts?? for making 5 LCA (TD1/2 PV1/2/3) do you think it's wise to set up a plant for nut-bolt?? or its ok to buy it from USA/Russia and when we will do mass production we can have our certified Nut_bolt???

2. The Ejection seat was frm Martin baker, which is replaced by Indian one (certified from Martin baker).
3. Engine and propulsion : As I said, once Kavery will be ready, it will be incorporated. \
4. Airframe : totally designed, verified and validated by DRDO/HAL.
5. Landing Gear : Originally imported, later developed and replaced by our one.
6. Flight control: After USA seized our machines and developed software, we start working on it in India and made it for us.
7. Avionics: HUD replaced by our one
8. Radar: We wrote our code on Israeli processor, later we replace it with more powerful radar.
9. EW suit: developed by India...
Now tell me what else you want???

3. Its not all of sudden... we spent time and then developed these EW suit.. and we do have electronic base, We do have stealth testing lab, we do have wind tunnels, we do have composite lab.
4. We don't do un-ethical work.. we don't believe in reverse engineering.. we do our research and if we face any problem , we seek help from expert, based on our reputation other countries provide us help... They know that we will not make cheap copy of their product and back-stab them...
5. Oops! what we are buying from china??? I think you misunderstood me as a pakistani citizen... we know quality of Chinese products..

and finally, LCA is not in testing phase... yes but it is in improvement phase... it will be improved till end of its life... LCA is formally inducted in IAF... IAF pilots are happy with this machine..
No you see unlike Bhutan we have a massive industrial base.So it is possible for us to produce a 4.5 gen plane with 75-80% indigenous content.Also on your opinion about the Mig-21 I would like to say that F-16 is a formidable aircraft then why is USAF involved in the JSF program to replace F-16s.
We Indians believe in Gross Domestic Product not Gross National Happiness.:lol::lol:

He's not from Bhutan but a false flagger. People from Bhutan are not Hans :rolleyes:

Tshering22 can probably confirm his identity, since he's a bhutia ;)
Okay. I think I can't be so straight forward. Might hurt Indian feelings. Let me put it in a more polite way.

1) How many % is indigenous?
2) How do you define it? Does buying 99% foreign parts and then assembling it with Indian labor count?
3) Example avionics? Does India have an electronic industrial base? All the sudden you can produce indigenous avionics?
4) Does India have an active reverse engineering program to gain technical strength? You think just by signing a ToT. The foreigners are going to transfer everything to you? That's a bit naive isn't it?
5) If India indeed has got a strong innovation or reverse engineering base, why are you still buying even simple components from China? And I mean military components.
6) Why are the Russians, French, American so eager to sell you things if you can reverse engineering properly. Have you ever thought that maybe they find you guys easy to fleece and have a none committed government. A government that keeps on boasting to appear useful but full of opposing parties that keep on arguing and can't get things done. At last they buy all the components, employ some foreign supervisor and use cheap Indian labor to assemble something and then broadcast it to the world, it's an indigenous platform.

You see, the arguing talent is still present. Instead of admitting your weakness and improve. You keep on arguing, arguing that Mig-21 is a formidable plane. Friend, if Mig-21 is a formidable plane, you would't need to have LCA, don't you?

Ever wonder why LCA, is always in 'testing' phase? Or some improvement phase, whatever MK this and that? Have you ever thought just maybe, it is all bullshit and they keep on creating all these different models, test to keep you DRDO guys employed and fleece some more cash? Or maybe keep you guys hopeful that 20 years down the road, India shall be a SUPAHPOWWAH with a SUPAHDUPAH plane?:no:

point 5 and 6 we are not damn chinese who steal tech from americans and europeans who make copies of su 27 reverse engineering every thing making cheap quality products
No you see unlike Bhutan we have a massive industrial base.So it is possible for us to produce a 4.5 gen plane with 75-80% indigenous content.Also on your opinion about the Mig-21 I would like to say that F-16 is a formidable aircraft then why is USAF involved in the JSF program to replace F-16s.
We Indians believe in Gross Domestic Product not Gross National Happiness.:lol::lol:

he is not from buthan,just a flase flagger..
Dont chage ur opinion on buthan..its a peaceful and friendly nation to india
No you see unlike Bhutan we have a massive industrial base.So it is possible for us to produce a 4.5 gen plane with 75-80% indigenous content.Also on your opinion about the Mig-21 I would like to say that F-16 is a formidable aircraft then why is USAF involved in the JSF program to replace F-16s.
We Indians believe in Gross Domestic Product not Gross National Happiness.:lol::lol:


F-16 is a gen 4 aircraft while Mig-21 is a gen-2 aircraft...:no: you dare to even compare that? OMG. It's like saying my bicycle is cool because Ravi changed his Honda to a Harley.:D

You are saying LCA is a gen 4.5 aircraft after your own Air Marshall admitted it is a Mig-21+ aircraft? And how did you get the 80% figure? IIT statistics? Let me get this staight....so basically you can't make bolts and nuts for a plane, no electronic industrial base, no advanced composites base, no research nor reverse engineering capability and yet you can produce a 80% gen 4.5 plane that is more capable that a gen 4 plane which is basically F-16?

It seems India has got alot of mouth power. Gross national happiness? Hey, you can't even compare to Bhutan OK. Ask those hungry slum kids if they are happy when they are starving.

F-16 is a gen 4 aircraft while Mig-21 is a gen-2 aircraft...:no: you dare to even compare that? OMG. It's like saying my bicycle is cool because Ravi changed his Honda to a Harley.:D

You still dont know which block of F 16 belongs to which generation...nor do you know what is the difference between a MiG 21 FL and a bis and bison.

Let me ask you one question...can you tell me in detail which parts of the LCA are non-indigenous or a non JV....please go ahead and I will clarify your doubts. Other than the engine.

F-16 is a gen 4 aircraft while Mig-21 is a gen-2 aircraft...:no: you dare to even compare that? OMG. It's like saying my bicycle is cool because Ravi changed his Honda to a Harley.:D

You are saying LCA is a gen 4.5 aircraft after your own Air Marshall admitted it is a Mig-21+ aircraft? And how did you get the 80% figure? IIT statistics? Let me get this staight....so basically you can't make bolts and nuts for a plane, no electronic industrial base, no advanced composites base, no research nor reverse engineering capability and yet you can produce a 80% gen 4.5 plane that is more capable that a gen 4 plane which is basically F-16?

It seems India has got alot of mouth power. Gross national happiness? Hey, you can't even compare to Bhutan OK. Ask those hungry slum kids if they are happy when they are starving.

List down list of points by comparing with F-16 and let me know where LCA is lacking??
F-16 and LCA difference?

It's not in operation. =). Induct it, fly it in combat, then talk OK? No testing without bombs, testing without radars, or some future super duper radar, super duper missile.
Why don't you tell me what is indigenous? It's your plane isn't it? I asked you a question and you ask me back. Pretty smart Indian logics. And I want prove!!! Where is it....I can say China produces the super duper avionics right? Better than F-16 too =)
Why don't you tell me what is indigenous? It's your plane isn't it? I asked you a question and you ask me back. Pretty smart Indian logics. And I want prove!!! Where is it....I can say China produces the super duper avionics right? Better than F-16 too =)

Well you are the one who claimed it isn't we never did...so it is your duty to provide data and it's sources. Your Chinese logic thinks something then we aint responsible for that.

Well I dont care if you say that China can make better avionics then I dont care....but back up your claims with sources.
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