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I think its been 5 years since they have been reporting like this that at the end of the year it will be ready!

Rather then pin-pointing the errors of Journalists, you should understand the essense of those reports and take a look at your comprehension problem seriously. Reporting of journalist on LCA in last five years mainly focused on each and every segments of LCA development like PV-2, LSP, Drop Tanks, R-73 test firings rather then your understanding of quoting these reports of journalist and conclude that LCA as oprationalize by the next year, and then talk about "I think its been 5 years since they have been reporting like this that at the end of the year" .
Do you work in DRDO or its just natural to defend the wrongs of a white elephant in Indian Military Research and Developement! ;)
Good to see many pessimestic guys, showing infentile happiness about the LCA program. The thing they fail to realize is that India is the only developing country that has taken the efforts to indigeneously develop a fighter aircraft. The result of indigenours efforts have been seen in Akash, Dhruv, Prithvi, Agni.
India has done a great job with Akash, Dhruv, Prithvi, and Agni. :)
Good to see many pessimestic guys, showing infentile happiness about the LCA program. The thing they fail to realize is that India is the only developing country that has taken the efforts to indigeneously develop a fighter aircraft. The result of indigenours efforts have been seen in Akash, Dhruv, Prithvi, Agni.

There are a number of things left out, from sonars, Rajendra radars, 3D CARS, Nag, AAD, etc, etc.

All these things take effort and resources, and they tend to be delayed many tiems,even fail but there are always spin offs and benefits that cannot be accrued from buying.

This is what China is also trying to do, achieve self reliance...Yet people, mostly Pakistani's never fail to criticize how the platform is delayed etc, etc. The most important thing is that it is there, and there is a lot to be gained from going it alone rather than buying. Even JV's are useless unless there is a critical mass in knowledge, experience and industry capacity to make use of the JV, otherwise it just ends up being ToT in another form.

People here have NO IDEA how much the development of LCA has helped the Indian Aviation industry..!
People here have NO IDEA how much the development of LCA has helped the Indian Aviation industry..!

Care to enlighten the "people" here, According to "people"

LCA is based on P.106 BAE studies, So India still does not have design experiance. To finalise the design on the P.106, again Dassualt was roped in, so there goes another point. If you talk about wind tunnel sweat, you can do that to all the available aircraft of the world, to study.
Do you work in DRDO or its just natural to defend the wrongs of a white elephant in Indian Military Research and Developement! ;)

I don't mind anything about your accusation as it is your Sheer uniqeness, which spokes a volume as you can't even troll properly.

Before comprehending my naturelness of my attitude, atleast be correct in accusing me of defending DRDO, Where did I quoted DRDO with LCA? afterall LCA is a product of ADA and HAL.

Atleast we have something to critisize as a White Elephant, but you don't even have that distinction in your background, you ask why? because you have yet to see such generation of Organisations in your own backyard.
I don't mind anything about your accusation as it is your Sheer uniqeness, which spokes a volume as you can't even troll properly.

Before comprehending my naturelness of my attitude, atleast be correct in accusing me of defending DRDO, Where did I quoted DRDO with LCA? afterall LCA is a product of ADA and HAL.

Atleast we have something to critisize as a White Elephant, but you don't even have that distinction in your background, you ask why? because you have yet to see such generation of Organisations in your own backyard.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Care to enlighten the "people" here, According to "people"

Before suggesting all other people for enlighting, you should yourself express some courtesy of giving insight in your reasoning.

LCA is based on P.106 BAE studies, So India still does not have design experiance. To finalise the design on the P.106, again Dassualt was roped in, so there goes another point. If you talk about wind tunnel sweat, you can do that to all the available aircraft of the world, to study.

So resemblance of P.106 BAE studies with LCA design or whatever your spontenous comparison of P.106 and LCA translates you India does'nt have design experience. So Professor, tell me How did you manage to uncover such unexpectional discovery?, Why don't you inform journalist from your country to publish such infatile discovery as a Breaking news? Before fuming such redicule you should back it up with some creadible sources.

As India was naive in combact aircraft design and hence getting some assistance from Dassualt as consultant on LCA design wasn't so aweful as compared to what you are trying to create the picture of dreadfulness in over here in taking assistance about LCA.
LCA = late coming aircraft. LCA has been in making since last 24 years how many more years do we have to wait, my godness 24 years, HAL guys plz hurry up,
LCA = late coming aircraft. LCA has been in making since last 24 years how many more years do we have to wait, my godness 24 years, HAL guys plz hurry up,

Don't let your emotion come to fore.
dears indians when i say "late coming aircraft" i don't wanna say LCA is impotent aircraft or JF-17 is better , see the below data urself and judge urself, both aircrafts are very much comparable.


Type: Multirole Fighter
Plan induction 150 confirmed (250 likely)
Production status: 4 delevered to PAF
Empty weight: 6,320kg
Fuel capacity: 2,300kg (5175 lb)
Max take-off: 12,700kg
Max. speed: Mach 1.8, at high altitude
Combat range: 1355 km
ferry range: 3000 km
Service ceiling: 16,700 m,
G-limit: +8.5
Thrust/Wt Ratio 0.96
Wing loading: 270 kg/m²
Engine: 1× RD-93 turbofan, Russian
1 x WS-13, Chinese (future option)

Thrust: RD-93: 49.4kN dry/81.4kN
WS-13: 56.75kN dry/ 86.37kN

Max. Pay load: 3800 kg
Storage points: 7 hard points,
Cannon: 23mm double barrel canon
BVR-AAM: Chinese: SD-10, (range 70 km)
Non- chinese:
R-Darter, AIM-120C, AIM-7F

Weapons: WVR-AAM: Chinese: PL-8, PL-9
Non-Chinese: AIM-9P, A-darter,
AIM-9L/M Sidewinder,

Air to surface munitions:
Pakistani: H-2 glide bomb (60 km)
- H-4 powered glide bomb (120 km)
- Ra'ad cruise mssile (350 km)
- HAFR-2 Anti-Runway bomb

- Anti radiation missiles
- Laser guided weapons
- Programmable delays cluster bombs
- Runway penetration bombs
- General purpose bombs
- Training bombs

Anti-ship missile:
Non chinese: AM-39 Exocet, harpoon
Chinese: C-101, FL-7

Unit cost 15 million $US
Fatigue life 25 yrs, 4000 fly. Hrs.


Type: Multirole fighter
Plan induction 220 IAF & 40 indian navy
Production status: in development phase
Empty weight: 5,500 kg
Fuel capacity:
Max take-off:
Max. speed: Mach 1.8, at high altitude
Combat range: 850 km
ferry range: 2000 km
Service ceiling: 15200m
G-limit: +9, till now only 5G achieved
Thrust/Wt Ratio: 1.07
Wing loading: 221.4 kg/m²
Engine: 1× GE F404 turbofan or
1× GTX-35VS Kaveri turbofan

Thrust: GE F404: dry/83.2kN
Kaveri: 52.0kN dry/81.0kN

Max. Pay load: 4000kg
Storage points: 8 hard points
Cannon: 23mm double barrel canon

BVR-AAM: not known
Weapons: WVR-AAM:
R-77, R-73

Air to surface munitions:
- anti-ship missiles
- laser-guided bombs
- unguided bombs
- cluster bombs
- cluster bombs
- Training bombs

Unit cost: 21-24 million $US
Fatigue life: not known

but my point is, what indian are going to achive in 24+ years pakistanis achieved it in 4 years after the first protoype was flown (with a different approach, instead of indegenization).
the end products are very much same in terms of comparision.
dears indians when i say "late coming aircraft" i don't wanna say LCA is impotent aircraft or JF-17 is better , see the below data urself and judge urself, both aircrafts are very much comparable.

The whole objective of LCA program for India was to set up its own Aviation Industry which will going to augment R & D as well as Manufacturing Infrastcture.
Whereas Object of JF-17 was to fill up the gap in PAF dwindling aircraft Inventory in terms of Numbers.

but my point is, what indian are going to achive in 24+ years

Name me a single nation which has developed 4th Generation Aircraft in limited span of period?

How many countries in the world can manufacture there Own Fighter Plane?

India has acheived a lot in terms of LCA, let me describe in details Su-30MKI
, IJT,SARAS,Jaguar,Dhurv as well as upgradation of MIg-21,MIG-29,Mig-27,Mirage as well as host of all others Avionics, ECM Suit,MMR,BVR etc.

This particuler LCA project save our Tens of billions of foreign Exhange. Moreever from hereon we will not have to depends upon Foreign source excessively.

pakistanis achieved it in 4 years after the first protoype was flown (with a different approach, instead of indegenization).
the end products are very much same in terms of comparision.

Pls let me now what was the date when JF-17 project first conceived? as well as what single part of JF-17 was designed by Pakistan?
Keep designing the LCA within India and ................

Wake up kent!

20 years later ...

People now have flying Cars ....

Kent Says,

LCA has arrived!
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