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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Its 20 years later ...............

Pakistanis in Flying Cars and .........

Kent Says ....

LCA is ready ..
LOL....please send me the pictures of Pakistanis going around in flying cars!!

There is no need to ask him anything, already his tongue is seems to have gone haywire, it is his usual response when he can't come up with resonable explanation.
Your statements are explanations... For making wrong look right without facts!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are not funny but .....
Your statements are explanations... For making wrong look right without facts!

atleast one can contribute to the discussion by making wrong explantion which is not unwise afterall, but still it can be qualifyable for discussion, rather then your response which spoke very loudly about yourself.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are not funny but .....

But what, oh I think you even have run out of words for making anymore trolling.
atleast one can contribute to the discussion by making wrong explantion which is not unwise afterall, but still it can be qualifyable for discussion, rather then your response which spoke very loudly about yourself.

But what, oh I think you even have run out of words for making anymore trolling.

Kent why there always delays in the Indians Army Airforce and other project.. LIKE LCA ARJUN and SUBMARINES

and on the other hand if you compare it with us we JF-17 going to be production just in 10 years of research

AL Khalid more then 350 tanks are produce and they are in serive from last 9 years and the other upgradation in also comming soon the ALKhalid II

Agusta 90B manufactured in Karachi Docks and they are retrofited to the MESA the other two which is improted from France and the one semi assembled in Karachi .. and sooner the U214 or Marlines will be in Karachi docks

While indians now started to build the scorpions after 6 years and where we in 6 years of time
Kent why there always delays in the Indians Army Airforce and other project.. LIKE LCA ARJUN and SUBMARINES

History speaks for itself, Delays and Cost overrun are indespensible part of any kind of engineering projects in the world.

If you are a wise men, then just tell me how many developing countries in the world have been engaged with LCA, Arjun and submarine like projects. This projects are too complex, this milstone cannot be achieved overnight. India wanted to keep pace with growing technological needs and hence it had taken the path filled with numerous barriers.

Hussains just tell me, US having despite decades of experience in weapons building projects, how many years it has taken to builds its F-22.

and on the other hand if you compare it with us we JF-17 going to be production just in 10 years of research

Pls tell me the year during which JF-17 was first conceived. Even if it takes 10 years, then it only because of tonnes of hardship by chinese in aircraft building. During 70's and 80's, chinese were struggling in aircraft building like
J-8 in terms of cost overrun and delays in a same manner like india struggling now. But all those years of hardworks and dedication of chinese didn't gone waste and hence now they have J-10 and JF-17 as well as host of all other jet trainers project on shedule now. Same thing happening with India now in terms of IJT-36, IJT-36 makes its maiden flight after just two years of reserach and now its testing and induction is way ahead of shedule.

AL Khalid more then 350 tanks are produce and they are in serive from last 9 years and the other upgradation in also comming soon the ALKhalid II

Definetly Pakistan's effort in Al-khalid is fantastic and alluding, but still it is license production of Chinese MBT-2000 alongwith Ukranian input like engine in it. In contrast India started Arjun project from scratch, hence legacy of weapon development speak for itself, Arjun also face same fat as all other weapon projects in the world that is Cost overrun and Delays. India need to do various ractifiction in Arjun from time to time to meet today's technological standard to match with tanks of its Western Counterparts.

Agusta 90B manufactured in Karachi Docks and they are retrofited to the MESA the other two which is improted from France and the one semi assembled in Karachi ..

Just tell me how many years it takes pakistan to build Agusta 90bs, that is 11 long years to build just 3 subs. Submarine Buidling was one and only option for PN to create creadible and powerful deterrance against Gigantic IN and hence Pakistan has no other option but opt as priority for Sub Buidling project over Surface Vessel.

and sooner the U214 or Marlines will be in Karachi docks

Just tell me what will be exact date of this construction of this submarine.

While indians now started to build the scorpions after 6 years and where we in 6 years of time

Indian doesn't have any kind of experience even in conventional sub buidling then only india took bitter path of buidling Nucler Submarine, even in the past during 80's India had license buid one German Foxtrot class of submarine.
Indian doesn't have any kind of experience even in conventional sub buidling then only india took bitter path of buidling Nucler Submarine, even in the past during 80's India had license buid one German Foxtrot class of submarine.

Your facts are bogus ... as your understanding!

Foxtrot is a Russian Diesel Electric Submarine and not German.
PtbP and Kent, get a room or stick to the topic!
Yaar "Kent" come on, be bold enough to face the fact , that LCA is already to late,

In 1983, the DRDO obtained permission to initiate a programme to design and develop a Light Combat Aircraft. In 1984, the Aeronautical Development Agency was established to manage the LCA programme. The IAF's Air Staff could not finalised requirement for the LCA until October 1985. This delayed the original schedule which called for first flight in April 1990 and service entry in 1995;
just see it was 1995 , its now 2008, and still 5 more years more(indian defence ministry them self have said that LCA will get be inducted by 2012 at the earliest).

HAL and ADA try to justify it bcoz they had to justify some way or other. and lets not try to justify this 13 yrs (5 more to come) by the word" indeginization".

even in its present state, most of the major system, are foreign. though many subsystem and components have been develoyed locally but, even today most major system are foreign. i am just listing few if any ask i can write a two dozen other:
1. Engine by General Electric F404-GE-IN20. (KAveri may be ready by 2012 yet another claim by HAL)
2. Multi-function displays function (MFDs) by Sextant (France) & Elbit (Israel),
3. The helmet-mounted display and sight (HMDS) cueing system by (Elbit)
4. the laser pod supplied by (Rafael Israel).
5. FBW digital control sysytem.by Lockheed Martin.
6. zero-zero ejection seats by Martin Baker (UK)
7. (Elta radars ) (Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) will provide a radar system for LCA, India's electronics industry has been unable to build a radar system for LCA, recently IAI head visited India & reached an agreement with local authorities to develop the system.)

no pakistani ever said JF17 is indeginious product , as i said earleir PAF come up with a different approach , (coproduction and get product as per PAF reqirement) and the end product are very much similar in quality, but in short time in case of JF-17 as compared to LCA.

just compare the two aircraft and judge urself , i posted compelete comparision of two aircrafts in my previous reply.
Yaar "Kent" come on, be bold enough to face the fact , that LCA is already to late,

In 1983, the DRDO obtained permission to initiate a programme to design and develop a Light Combat Aircraft. In 1984, the Aeronautical Development Agency was established to manage the LCA programme. The IAF's Air Staff could not finalised requirement for the LCA until October 1985. This delayed the original schedule which called for first flight in April 1990 and service entry in 1995;
just see it was 1995 , its now 2008, and still 5 more years more(indian defence ministry them self have said that LCA will get be inducted by 2012 at the earliest).

HAL and ADA try to justify it bcoz they had to justify some way or other. and lets not try to justify this 13 yrs (5 more to come) by the word" indeginization".

even in its present state, most of the major system, are foreign. though many subsystem and components have been develoyed locally but, even today most major system are foreign. i am just listing few if any ask i can write a two dozen other:
1. Engine by General Electric F404-GE-IN20. (KAveri may be ready by 2012 yet another claim by HAL)
2. Multi-function displays function (MFDs) by Sextant (France) & Elbit (Israel),
3. The helmet-mounted display and sight (HMDS) cueing system by (Elbit)
4. the laser pod supplied by (Rafael Israel).
5. FBW digital control sysytem.by Lockheed Martin.
6. zero-zero ejection seats by Martin Baker (UK)
7. (Elta radars ) (Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) will provide a radar system for LCA, India's electronics industry has been unable to build a radar system for LCA, recently IAI head visited India & reached an agreement with local authorities to develop the system.)

no pakistani ever said JF17 is indeginious product , as i said earleir PAF come up with a different approach , (coproduction and get product as per PAF reqirement) and the end product are very much similar in quality, but in short time in case of JF-17 as compared to LCA.

just compare the two aircraft and judge urself , i posted compelete comparision of two aircrafts in my previous reply.
I challenge you to produce proof of the part you mentioned about the MFD's and the FBW control systems. Where did you get the proof for saying that FBW is from LM and MFD's are from sextant.
Yaar "Kent" come on, be bold enough to face the fact , that LCA is already to late,

Definetly I should rather face facts, since the person who is suggesting me to face facts who like to twist facts and craft them according to suit his own sensitivity and then come and suggest me to face those twisted facts.

Pls point me out a single sentence from previous posts, where I had claimed that LCA is on schedule, instead I was glorifying the success of LCA project and its associated benefits that have been going through IAF fleet and taking place of magnificent transformation all the way in Indian Aviation Industry.

In 1983, the DRDO obtained permission to initiate a programme to design and develop a Light Combat Aircraft. In 1984, the Aeronautical Development Agency was established to manage the LCA programme. The IAF's Air Staff could not finalised requirement for the LCA until October 1985. This delayed the original schedule which called for first flight in April 1990 and service entry in 1995;

This is an best example of highlighting the those hardcore facts that this person extracted from wikipedia and who is now suggesting me to face it. Joodi, extract about LCA in wikipedia has lots of all other things that glorify its success as projects and associated benefits and milestones. I think you had intentionally missed them to highlight over here, otherwise they could have burst you bubble.

just see it was 1995 , its now 2008, and still 5 more years more(indian defence ministry them self have said that LCA will get be inducted by 2012 at the earliest).

Offcourse, LCA is India’s first effort to build aircraft on its own and hence delay was inevitable. Joodi pls name a single fighter plane project all over the world that wasn’t face delays.

Even Aviation giants US, France initiated projects like F-22 and Rafale respectively, still in spite of having decades of experience and booming economy, they could not complete their projects in time.

Newly born kids can’t speak in human language or rather learn to walk on its legs instantly, such kids take some years to speak and walk properly, same is with LCA

HAL and ADA try to justify it bcoz they had to justify some way or other. and lets not try to justify this 13 yrs (5 more to come) by the word" indeginization".

Which words relating to justification are you trying to put within the mouths of HAL and ADA?

Joodi, Delays and cost overrun are requisite part of every engineering projects and especially those that are initiated from scratch, so HAL and ADA are no exception to it.

even in its present state, most of the major system, are foreign. though many subsystem and components have been develoyed locally but, even today most major system are foreign. i am just listing few if any ask i can write a two dozen other:

Courtesy for acknowledging atleast subsystem are locally developed.

Engine by General Electric F404-GE-IN20. (KAveri may be ready by 2012 yet another claim by HAL)

Atleast be sincere in accusing the maker of Kaveri.

Kaveri is being made by GTRE, not HAL. HAL will only integrate Kaveri in LCA. Just tell how many countries in the world are versatile in Aircraft engine making?

2. Multi-function displays function (MFDs) by Sextant (France) & Elbit (Israel),

I think you have forget to read about subsequent sentence in wikipedia about LCA. Let me remind you those if you couldn’t read as far as your sensitivity is concerned. “when the LCA reaches the production stage, the MFDs are expected to be supplied by Indian companies”

3. The helmet-mounted display and sight (HMDS) cueing system by (Elbit)
4. the laser pod supplied by (Rafael Israel).

Same as my statement of wikipedia “when the LCA reaches the production stage, the MFDs are expected to be supplied by Indian companies” When MFD can be made locally, then I think HMDS, Cueing system, Laser pod would not be a problem.

5. FBW digital control sysytem.by Lockheed Martin.

Once again let me remind if you have forget to read in wikipedia,
“A second series of inflight simulation tests of the integrated flight control software were conducted on the F-16 VISTA (Variable In-flight Stability Test Aircraft) simulator in the U.S. in July 1996, with 33 test flights being carried out. However, Lockheed Martin's involvement was terminated in 1998 as part of an embargo enacted by the U.S. in response to India's second nuclear tests in May of that year.
The NAL's CLAW team eventually managed to successfully complete integration of the flight control laws indigenously, with the FCS software performing flawlessly for over 50 hours of pilot testing on TD-1, resulting in the aircraft being cleared for flight in early 2001.”

6. zero-zero ejection seats by Martin Baker (UK)

When you choose to forget so many facts in wikipedia about LCA, so how does ejection seat would be an exception?

Although two-seat variants of the LCA are planned, the examples built to date are crewed by a single pilot on a Martin-Baker zero-zero ejection seat. The ejection seat is slated to be replaced with an indigenous ejection seat[35] To improve pilot safety during ejection, the Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune, India created a new line-charged canopy severance system, which has been certified by Martin-Baker. This system, which is the first of its kind, can be operated from outside the aircraft, an important consideration when the pilot is trapped or unconscious

7. (Elta radars ) (Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) will provide a radar system for LCA, India's electronics industry has been unable to build a radar system for LCA, recently IAI head visited India & reached an agreement with local authorities to develop the system.)

How does it is so convinced for you to describe the inability of Indian electronics industry?

Let me remind you words of wikipedia as far as your sensitivity goes, Due to delay in development of MMR, government have come out with the collaboration with IAI for development of Radar the sernsor for the new radar is supposed to be Aesa 2052 and the remaining item and softwares will be combination of MMR and IAI developed products.

As far as role of LCA goes it is point defence fighter, so Indian developed MMR was absolutely compatible with LCA as far as Air to Air preposition goes. But IAF also willing to used it also in Ground strike role as well, and hence problem was arises.

no pakistani ever said JF17 is indeginious product

Since nobody has made Pakistani to acknowledge it as indigenous product, just ask your inner instinct, you would definetly get your answer.

, as i said earleir PAF come up with a different approach , (coproduction and get product as per PAF reqirement)

It is an wide spread indisputable truth, I never raise fingered over it

and the end product are very much similar in quality, but in short time in case of JF-17 as compared to LCA.

End product are very much similar in quality in terms of what, I mean is it Engine, Radar, Body structure, Bvr, Speed, Ceiling etc.

just compare the two aircraft and judge urself , i posted compelete comparision of two aircrafts in my previous reply.

Why I should judge myself? Joodie listen I don’t have an exclusivity to judge any aircraft or associated projects.
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