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Does your cruise missile use Indian developed indigenous turbo jet already or imported engine ? If yes, please provide link from credible source to back the claim, thanks

Which CM are you talking about? Both the Brahmos Supersonic and Nirbhay Subsonic CMs use Russian ramjet & turbojet respectively, the only Russian component in both systems. DRDO doesn't intend to replace Russian ramjet on the Brahmos since it started out as a JV and there should be atleast one Russian component left per the JV contract as the booster, seeker, onboard electronics and airframe are all Indian

Regarding Nirbhay which also uses Russian ramjet, the most recent test was conducted replacing the Russian ramjet with an indigenous one which failed to meet the designated parameters. I'm sure DRDO will actively work on perfecting the ramjet tech on future Nirbhay versions
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India is yet to make a simple target drone surveillance or attack drone. The drone programme initiated in 2000s called nishant failed...

Now they are launching stealth drone drone swarm and loyal wingman drone without completing the previous programs

Most of Indian defence programs from my childhood like arjun and tejas are yet to bear any fruit or so rotten that already obsolete....

They keep throwing these fictional projects to stroke their ego and propaganda purposes and that's about as far 90 percent of these will go

My thoughts exactly.

This is another hype drive by Godi Media to put an imaginary feather on Modi's cap, when reality is, he effed up India's economy for another half decade at least.

Good luck to Bhakts, they are jumping up and down with a plywood lifesize replica of the XQ-58A Valkyrie, while no test program or no actual flying footage of the real thing exists.

Build a model from the Kratos provided rough drawings, paint it in IAF colors and then convince the clueless bhakt electorate that they have the actual UCAV.


Dhokeybaaji Sanghi Ishtyle!
My thoughts exactly.

This is another hype drive by Godi Media to put an imaginary feather on Modi's cap, when reality is, he effed up India's economy for another half decade at least.

Good luck to Bhakts, they are jumping up and down with a plywood lifesize replica of the XQ-58A Valkyrie, while no test program or no actual flying footage of the real thing exists.

Build a model from the Kratos provided rough drawings, paint it in IAF colors and then convince the clueless bhakt electorate that they have the actual UCAV.


Dhokeybaaji Sanghi Ishtyle!
Yah Bangladesh has special technology that makes weapons overnight on its own, everything takes time and it is an airshow hence a model is being revealed. And no Indian media is even covering it so was it necessary to use the word Godi Media? You are just a troll guy.
Which CM are you talking about? Both the Brahmos Supersonic and Nirbhay Subsonic CMs use Russian ramjet,
Wow this is show much you have the information about your defense product, Nirbhay uses turbojet or turbofan not Ramjet, and do research before you post
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