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Does your cruise missile use Indian developed indigenous turbo jet already or imported engine ? If yes, please provide link from credible source to back the claim, thanks
Yeah like all other indigenisation effort, new Nirbhay cruise missile has our own STFE MANIK engine which produces 450 kgf thrust.
manik eng. 1.jpg
manik eng.2.jpg
Does your cruise missile use Indian developed indigenous turbo jet already or imported engine ? If yes, please provide link from credible source to back the claim, thanks
why you laughing troll you're nothing but a puppet of west/USA to contain China
And you are a puppet of China to contain India. And no one controls us, USA tried all ways by pressurising us but was unable to stop us from buying S-400. We both have strategic intersts nothing else. While whatever China says you obey.
So you think Americans gave us the technology?

It will enhance Tejas’ capability beyond Point Area Defence!

Who said America gave you the technology?

Are you born stupid or have you done a special course on stupidity?
Did I say American gave us the technology? See the message that I quoted.

Silly Bharati

I said the pics you posted of stealth Ucav looks like XQ-58

But I dont know why your lungi caught fire and you had to reply back with

So you think Americans gave us the technology.
The russian mock-up from a few months back also follows the same basic template


Its not really a new design configuration tho,the EADS Barracuda dates all the way back to the early 2000s

And you are a puppet of China to contain India. And no one controls us, USA tried all ways by pressurising us but was unable to stop us from buying S-400. We both have strategic intersts nothing else. While whatever China says you obey.
you're our enemy before we start our warm relation with China and lets wait and see what happen to your S-400 deal, and we are not puppet of Chine like you're to west/USA
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