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Hafiz Saeed vows jihad against India will continue

Did you even read the first sentence of the article?

His entire goal is to free Kashmir, since India has proven.... that despite being a "shining democracy"... they are still refusing to let the Kashmiris have the referendum that was promised to them.

Chinese members can’t help but score brownie points and meddle in our internal affairs can they. :disagree: Kashmir was, is and always will be an integral part of India. We are ready to defend our lands, Mr Saeed if you have balls please present yourself on the LOC. Let’s see you try and free Kashmir through your jihad... we will see if you can put your money where your mouth is our army will be waiting for you. Your petty terrorist’s scum isn’t going do jack all, we can see how they are being trained in the Karachi madrassa’s isolated , chained, gagged forced into terrorism and you call these freedom fighters pathetic. :tdown:
True, they did a great job. In fact if you look at many of the world's conflicts in Middle East, Africa, Asia, you will notice the British have a hand behind it all. Their policies and strategies of division, redrawing of borders, etc all have bogged down people into conflict.

As for Kashmir, this is a legitimate cause 13 million people's lives are at stake, and it is a cause worth fighting for. But this parasitic Hindustan former slave nation to the Muslim empire of the Mughals, was given favorable partition benefits and ever since then has illegally occupied a Muslim majority territory that wishes to be apart of Pakistan.

Also, we can blame the British for this to an extent, but there is another factor and that is Hindustan's dreams of hegemony, slaves have big goals after they're free.

par•a•sit•ic adjective
Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Traditionally parasite referred to organisms with life stages that needed more than one host.

Still smoking the good stuff are you? you call us parasitic! Do even know what the means - do we all need history lessons again, please look at yourself in the mirror before you comment. The world defines Pakistan as the biggest epic-center of terrorism, a major irritant and security threat to the world. You finished leaching off your host the USA, now it will be CHINA so and so forth. All of the terrorists (parasites) are natured in Pakistan are infamous and being exported on missions at various targets around the world. Yet you have the audacity to call us parasitic if that’s not being delusional and hypocritical I don’t know what is.
Better question... why does an INDIAN want to be a member of a Pakistani Defence Forum?

We Chinese are here, because we are allies of Pakistan, we did not join up to get bashed by crying Indians all day long. The moderators here are far too lenient.

The perrinial cry baby is accusing others of crying. Lol. You have tried your best to spread your bitterness here . But we have learnt to laugh at you and move on.
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