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Hafiz Saeed vows jihad against India will continue

He can vow jihad on India..Nowadays every tom dick and harry declares Jihad on US, Isreal and India.

Tell me something new, like when they declare jihad on cuba..Then it will be news.
Well.. for India it is...in the short term anyway.
Splintered Pakistani state.. religious and national rulers in a Somalia like situation..and then somebody will find a loose nuke here and there. Maybe they will decide to hit Dehli or Bombay.. maybe they'll use it within Pakistan.. who knows.
As long as this so called moderate Pakistani "silent majority" sits still.. it will happen.

This is not about the majority, this is about the state exercising its writ and thus earning its claim of sovereignty. If the state is happy with promoting and protecting terrorism, as it obviously is (JUD has been raising funds through ads in newspapers too), then the option of getting blackmailed is not with us. We can cooperate with the pakistani state, not get blackmailed.

Also, this hurts pakistan more than us, will hurt pakistan more than us, we will ensure that, even in case of that loose nuke. Thats just reality. Pakistan can not dodge responsibility forever.
hope the great hafiz saeed is martyred pretty soon he is a great man and so should his good friends,their martyrdom will pave a new way for the world
This is not about the majority, this is about the state exercising its writ and thus earning its claim of sovereignty. If the state is happy with promoting and protecting terrorism, as it obviously is (JUD has been raising funds through ads in newspapers too), then the option of getting blackmailed is not with us. We can cooperate with the pakistani state, not get blackmailed.

Also, this hurts pakistan more than us, will hurt pakistan more than us, we will ensure that, even in case of that loose nuke. Thats just reality. Pakistan can not dodge responsibility forever.

tell that to the Pakistani people.. the state doesn't seem to care.
Well.. for India it is...in the short term anyway.
Splintered Pakistani state.. religious and national rulers in a Somalia like situation..and then somebody will find a loose nuke here and there. Maybe they will decide to hit Dehli or Bombay.. maybe they'll use it within Pakistan.. who knows.
As long as this so called moderate Pakistani "silent majority" sits still.. it will happen.

That is the most worrisome part. I have to worry less for my family back in India than for my friends in Pakistan. There is not much else that I can do. But that is life..............
do you see anything wrong on your side?
if not I hope we could become Angels like you

no pun intended

With respect to JuD and HS.. No.. Nothing wrong on this side..

Otherwise, $shitloads.. :)
1. A Muslim population living in a Dar ul Harb must resort to Jihad to attain Dar u; Islam. Allah SWT has clearly ordained that a Muslim does not rest till he has slaughtered the occupants of his house to free it.

2. There is, however, a prerequisite for calling for Jihad. There must be a reasonable chance of success. I believe it is there. Kashmiris would have been freed by now but for the traitors, who, holding authority in Pakistan, rather acted as the agents of Satan. Zardari, Mushi, Benazir and ZA Bhutto sabotaged all freedom movements in J&K from the inside. May they rot in hell.

3. When a Jihad has become necessary, and the call to jihad has been made, it is obligatory for all Muslims to participate and pledge life and property.

4. Kashmiris have sacrificed many lives, shed much flood, and withstood so much of barbaric atrocities. No power on earth can keep them under the boot.

Meh, do you see any of that happening in your lifetime? or even in a thousand years??
Don't forget to write it all down for your grand-kids to remember and wait for. LOL.
The organisers had invited the parents of men killed fighting in Kashmir and Afghanistan to the conference. A man who had lost three sons and two nephews was called to the dais to speak briefly. From the stage, men on loudspeakers led the crowd in chants of ‘Sabilina sabilina, al jihad al jihad’, ‘India ka aik ilaaj, al jihad al jihad’.
And then people complain about unidentified graves in J&K ... when will the man who lost three sons and two nephews realize that his true enemies are on the stage.

Hafeez Saeed himself is sitting pretty, having married the beautiful widow of one of the Shaheed freedom-fighters.

Maulana Ahmad Ludhianvi spoke against Ahmedis. He said that US-Pakistani businessman Mansoor Ijaz was an Ahmedi and was conspiring against Pakistan in the form of the memo scandal. He said 4,000 young people he had sent for jihad had died.
This is another amazing passage. This Maulana from Ludhiana has already sent 4000 Shaheeds to Jannat! God alone knows how many Ahmedis he has killed.
Meh, do you see any of that happening in your lifetime? or even in a thousand years??
Don't forget to write it all down for your grand-kids to remember and wait for. LOL.

More Pakistan allows this to happen on its soil, more chances are that Pakistan will get more isolated global, Never in the history of the mankind, Terroism and proxy war won the cause. These actions only makes cause of Kashmir looks more or Pakistan's political tool , Rather then Kashimri struggle.

Because of Kashmir and it being top agenda of Military or Democarcy , Pakistan derailed from path of strengthening itself.

The best time to negotiate peace on Kashmir in favor of Pakistan, could have been early to mid 90's when terrorism was at peak, USA by its side, India in lot of trouble economically & Militarily.

Now its a lost cause , can only damage Pakistan more then its neighbor.

Hafiz sayeed is only working on his own pollitical or power seeking goal, There is nothing for Pakistani citizens to gain out of it.
More Pakistan allows this to happen on its soil, more chances are that Pakistan will get more isolated global, Never in the history of the mankind, Terroism and proxy war won the cause. These actions only makes cause of Kashmir looks more or Pakistan's political tool , Rather then Kashimri struggle.

Because of Kashmir and it being top agenda of Military or Democarcy , Pakistan derailed from path of strengthening itself.

The best time to negotiate peace on Kashmir in favor of Pakistan, could have been early to mid 90's when terrorism was at peak, USA by its side, India in lot of trouble economically & Militarily.

Now its a lost cause , can only damage Pakistan more then its neighbor.

Hafiz sayeed is only working on his own pollitical or power seeking goal, There is nothing for Pakistani citizens to gain out of it.

You've put your finger on it in some ways. Nothing is going to happen the way that Hafeez sayeed and his "chamchas" are hoping and praying for. In the meanwhile, more people will get killed. Not that anybody cares too much about that either, unless it happens to sombody near and dear to them. What with this burgeoning population in the region, its even really no big deal.

In the end who will pay the price for the antics of Hafeez sayeed and his motley crew of loonies will be seen. Right now we can guess who that will be. And may god save the guys who swallow his bilge.
With respect to JuD and HS.. No.. Nothing wrong on this side..

Otherwise, $shitloads.. :)


the place must be stinking then.

You've put your finger on it in some ways. Nothing is going to happen the way that Hafeez sayeed and his "chamchas" are hoping and praying for. In the meanwhile, more people will get killed. Not that anybody cares too much about that either, unless it happens to sombody near and dear to them. What with this burgeoning population in the region, its even really no big deal.

In the end who will pay the price for the antics of Hafeez sayeed and his motley crew of loonies will be seen. Right now we can guess who that will be. And may god save the guys who swallow his bilge.

I share your sentiments. we live in hope that we can negotiate without putting the foot on each other's neck.
guys like Hafeez are the product of the 80s Jihad culture. if I have the power then i will put Hafiz and Bramdagh on the business end to taste the music
Day by day, I see the Government is side lined by some religious nut job and the law enforcing agencies are turing a blind eye towards such meetings and gatherings.
This is not good for the region or Pakistan herself.
Day by day, I see the Government is side lined by some religious nut job and the law enforcing agencies are turing a blind eye towards such meetings and gatherings.
This is not good for the region or Pakistan herself.

awwww my goodness... soo much pain u have for pakistan :hitwall:
Its so funny... Doing a Jalsa in Minaar-e-Pakistan against US/India. Hafiz Saeed says Pakistan and Afghanistan are like brothers, harm one and the other will respond.. Thats why Pakistan is an ALLY in War on Terror and no one did anything about it?

All words.. empty words.. give them land cruisers and they will get happy
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