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Hafiz Saeed on TV Threatens Terror Attacks Against India

Why dont this disgusting coward come inperson instead of sending his nephew like Kasab of okara.
some unruly drugged up kids with AKs, all who perished following engagements with indian security forces

the last one was sentenced to hang, which closed the chapter of 26/11

Would that be how you describe cold blooded killers? Unruly? What is this? Juvenile watch?

And these guys were led by who? Trained by who? Indoctrinated by who? Directed by who? Funded by who?

Every step of the way till their end? And from where?

Killing Troops in jungle and killing in temples, City , Stations etc both are different things.

When HZ is blaming India, IS anyone in PAK told him India is not our problem its TTP in School??

can you find a video link to the speech

most of the indians here dont even speak Urdu and yet they claim to be experts on what he talked about....i'd like to judge for myself

One can understand language and not to be expert to be it.
That is tantamount to saying that you guys are making Fazullah whatshisname a celebrity, not the Afghans ? :undecided:


--Fazlullah is a Pakistani national in Afghanistan illegally
--has admitted responsibility for acts of terrorism in Pakistan
--has actually waged war against the Pakistani state, as a citizen of Pakistan
your only bone of contention is the fact that he's outspoken on his views on Kashmir and his activities in Azad J&K in which he calls for greater mobilization and support for Kashmiris across the LoC

had it not been for that - you guys wouldnt mutter anything about him. I'll tell you right now.

No There are several others who are outspoken....so why HS????? Just because he was the founder of LeT and according to our investigation he was one of the mastermind behind 26/11.... But since you think there is no organisation called LeT.... you may not understand the point which i was making....
Would that be how you describe cold blooded killers? Unruly? What is this? Juvenile watch?

And these guys were led by who? Trained by who? Indoctrinated by who? Directed by who? Funded by who?

Every step of the way till their end? And from where?

these are questions that still need to be answered.......neither india nor Pakistan nor the US, EU or global police bodies like Interpol have the answers to.....evidently the investigation is still ongoing
Isn't it great how Indians managing to turn Peshawar Tragedy to their own gains, so that any mishap there will automatically point towards Pakistan. And how this Saeed Idoit is filling the blanks for India.

I for one am not going to draw any parallels of cheap shots between the two.

26/11 stands on its own.

As does Peshawar.

I have been blocked from posting on the Peshawar thread. "Off topic" posts - for replying to a similar off topic post of a mod where he started the whole thing by claiming (out of the blue) that 26/11 was an Al Quaeda plot.

What was the need to pull in 26/11 there?
You failed to provide evidence that could lead to his effective prosecution. We held him under house arrest and the courts released him due to lack of evidence. Dont accuse ME of being in denial - its you people who are in denial.

And if you want to talk about score-settling, then why dont you hand over Col. Purohit and his ilk who bombed Samjhota Express to Pakistan?

Humour me

You have to know we can't hand over Col. Purohit or his ilk to you. He didn't commit any crime in Pakistan. So Pakistani courts have no jurisdiction.
Killing Troops in jungle and killing in temples, City , Stations etc both are different things.

Is it???

I see. . .

You have to know we can't hand over Col. Purohit or his ilk to you. He didn't commit any crime in Pakistan. So Pakistani courts have no jurisdiction.

same logic applies to HS vis a vis india -- and unlike Col Purohit who confessed to his crime, HS denies wrong-doing and therefore the onus is on YOU (the accuser) to bring forth evidence that could be used to convict him

so far india has not done that

One can understand language and not to be expert to be it.

ill come back to this thread when you indians can find me a FULL link to the video speech so i can judge for myself.....since you follow Hafiz Saeed closely and his every move and action, finding the link shouldnt be much problem for you.
I for one am not going to draw any parallels of cheap shots between the two.

26/11 stands on its own.

As does Peshawar.

I have been blocked from posting on the Peshawar thread. "Off topic" posts - for replying to a similar off topic post of a mod where he started the whole thing by claiming (out of the blue) that 26/11 was an Al Quaeda plot.

What was the need to pull in 26/11 there?

I don't know whether Al Qaeda, or Pakistan or India or Israel pull the 26/11 stunt but what i surely know is that this Saeed Idoit does neither have the brains nor the resources to pull 26/11.
I have been reading this forum for a year now, and the bullshlt i see between our people baffles me, 2 countries sharing a similar culture, similar history, at each others throats.

We have fought countless fraticidal wars, killing brothers who are separated by a imaginary line on the soil.

Its time our people should rise up. Everytime there is an innocent in Pakistan who is killed by terrorism, people in India should rise up in solidarity and everytime an innocent is killed in India by terrorism, people in Pakistan should rise up in solidarity.

Let our people join hands. Once we the people of our respective countries unite, lets see how people like these both here and in Pak can force a war between brothers.
Nice try..If wishes were horses. Hawks here will not let it happen.
I don't know whether Al Qaeda, or Pakistan or India or Israel pull the 26/11 stunt but what i surely know is that this Saeed Idoit does neither have the brains nor the resources to pull 26/11.

Sir he has brains and funding and followers to start and run one of the world's most feared terror bands.

What more brains do you need to kill?
Again spreading misinformation. And only indian media reporting some knowledge park at "markaz e taiba" ??

Just like the special train run by govt for Hafiz Saeed? My friend anybody can book an entire train,even 1 man show shiekh Rasheed did that for his supporters (he has only 1 seat in NA) and is in the opposition.

Bhai aapkey he pakistani source pad le fir:

Pakistan government gives Rs 61 million aid to Indias most wanted Hafiz Saeed | Local News of Lahore
Pakistan News - Pakistan government gives Rs 61 million aid to India's most wanted Hafiz Saeed

pet bhare toh batana
same logic applies to HS vis a vis india -- and unlike Col Purohit who confessed to his crime, HS denies wrong-doing and therefore the onus is on YOU (the accuser) to bring forth evidence that could be used to convict him

so far india has not done that

No, HS's crime was in Indian territory. So it does fall under the jurisdiction of the Indian courts. I don't believe there's prima fascia evidence against HS. Not because he didn't do it but because top guys in any enterprise rarely leave evidence that incriminates them.

Purohit didn't confess. His stance has always been that he was an undercover operative who was working on Hindu extremist groups. His story is backed up by 59 other officers. That's why the case isn't going anywhere.
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