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Had Russia Offered Nuclear Carrier for India?


Mate do you think we should conduct a deep-upgrade on the INS Viraat (ex-Hermes) and re-engine it with new GE-supplied gas turbine engines, re-arm it with Barak-8 LRSAM, 9M337 Sosna-R, and re-equip it with all-new superstructures and upgraded electronic/bridge equipment and keep it till 2025-2030?...

Too complicated and expensive, it's better to buy some new helicopter carriers or LHDs. That carrier is far too old and has is currently more in the dock, than in active service. As I recently said, my choice would be Enforcer Joint support ships with a wel deck + 2 x helicopter carriers based on the same design.

The only STOVL fighter that is in production and has some future potential is the F35, but it's too costly and not capable enough, especially since LHDs or helicopter carriers don't necessarily require fighters. The USMC uses them in Sea Control roles, independent from their aircraft carriers, other countries have only STOVL carriers or LHDs, so for them it is the only option. India on the other side will have at least 4 x dediacated carriers that can operate fighters more effectively, so no need for Harriers, Yak or even F35B anymore.
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Too complicated and expensive, it's better to buy some new helicopter carriers or LHDs. That carrier is far too old and has is currently more in the dock, than in active service. As I recently said, my choice would be Enforcer Joint support ships with a wel deck + 2 x helicopter carriers based on the same design.

The only STOVL fighter that is in production and has some future potential is the F35, but it's too costly and not capable enough, especially since LHDs or helicopter carriers don't necessarily require fighters. The USMC uses them in Sea Control roles, independent from their aircraft carriers, other countries have only STOVL carriers or LHDs, so for them it is the only option. India on the other side will have at least 4 x dediacated carriers that can operate fighters more effectively, so no need for Harriers, Yak or even F35B anymore.

Won't it make sense to go for a little extended Juan Carlos, given that it's already around 230m long, another 20-30m will make it capable of launching Mig-29Ks.
Sancho, it is not at all a rumor, there was always a provision of second Akula since the very beginning, officially confirmed by Mr. Antony:

Livefist: Govt Considering A 2nd Akula-II

I cannot say when but i m pretty sure that we will go for the second one as IN desperately needs SSNs as we are currently only building SSBNs.

That's what I said, in the begining there were such rumors, but today with all the delays and us building our own nuclear subs that is not necessary anymore. Why would be pay for the production of a Russian SSN, when we can produce an own one now? The Akula sub was procured mainly to train IN crews how to operate a nuclear sub, not because we need them in operational terms now.
Also IN currently don't need SSNs, only when the bigger SSBNs and carriers will be available, to provide them with escorts. For the close to mid range, SSKs are more cost-effective and useful.

PA2 from DCNS is a pretty cool concept if we are now into buying concepts.

Actually that design is from Thales UK, DCNS would build it in France, if they would go for another carrier. DCNS is proposing this carrier in a similar class and only for export countries like Brazil, or India:


Won't it make sense to go for a little extended Juan Carlos, given that it's already around 230m long, another 20-30m will make it capable of launching Mig-29Ks.

But you forgot the landing! It has no angled deck or landing system for arrested landing and actually, the lenght of Juan Carlos is also the reason why it won't fit to INs requirements for an LPD/LHD (199m max).
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