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Gwadar port to be operational by year end :Chinese official

We should model Gwadar like shanghai and not Dubai
There is the potential. huge potential. No doubt about that. So no harm in talking about it as people are excited about the prospects. I have looked at this whole Gwadar thing and without doubt this could go on to became catalyst for major change.

For that strong, dedicated leadership is required to muzzle the rabid Islamists and bring law order in areas which resemble the wild wild west. At present Gwadar's immediate hinterland is just miles of rock and sand. Direct roads and railways have to be built to link it to CARs and Western China. I can't fault the effort being put in. However this has to be consistently applied over the next two decades. If so this will be game changer but for that lots of variables have to be aligned and whether that happens is the billion dollar question.

More of this (below) is needed. Driving new roads through virgin land that also requires law and order being established so that it is safe for your grandma to drive through all the way to China. Then this will begin to take off.



InshAllah General Sharif will go for the highest office after retirement (an ardent wish from a well wisher). He will make a great PM since he has the tenacity and temperament, above all the courage, to get the outstanding issues solved. I see the shadow of Erdogan of Turkey in him as far as the courage against the enemies is concerned. He has already proved his mettle against the most accomplished insurgents/terrorists money can buy in simultaneous fronts..
156 truckloads of what, exactly? What goods will go through here better than existing patterns?
Wheat, coal, minerals and petrochemical goods will certainly top the list.

Hot air. Nothing much is going to go through the port until the roads linking it to China are completed. I can't see that happening before 2020. Even than it would require rail network and I can't see that emerging before 2025. Until then lots of hot air I am afriad
I'm afraid you're wrong. Gwadar was built to reduce the burden on Karachi and serve as a second maritime gateway to Pakistan. Some of Karachi 's work will be shifted to the new port.
The Chineese folks have this tendency to go for the toughest job or what the third parties think. They built the Great Wall of China to have a milti purpose line of defense/logistics against the invaders. No matter how many pessimists are out there the Chineese will surely make this CPEC operational unlike some folks whose only redemption lies in destroying whatever positive things are there. They used to send the widows to the fire along with their dead husbands - it can go that cynic..

Why don't you god
Very good to hear. We need to do these developments at a stellar pace. CPEC entirely will take two decades 2035 ( is the end date) to complete. That means a lot of govts and massive attention span required by our ADHD leaders.

However no doubt its early completion will help Pakistan economy a lot.
Btw the Cat F mentioned by @Blue Marlin relates to Aircraft Weight and not Aircraft Speed.
Yes, I'm aware bro :)

ok cool so have you flown the cessna 172 yet? or have you joined a school. or try a pilot program with british airways. i recommend looking at cae oxford. but be warned it's very expensive £80k+ and if you fail.... well bye bye 80 grand.
a friend of mine is a pliot for ethiad he only just passed recently.
CAE Oxford Aviation Academy: Pilot Training
Haven't gone up in a Cessna 172, I have only flown a Grob Tutor and G 109 thus far. I'm just finishing my degree (graduating this year) so haven't joined any acadamies yet but have researched a few, Oxford would be very convenient for me as I'm only about 30 mins away by car or 20 mins by train. I'm also looking to apply for pilot programs with Virgin and BA (it's annoying these are the only two airlines that offer these schemes in the UK). The cost is enourmous, £80K for the CPL and £20K on top of that for type training but It's what I really want to do and I'd do anything to make it possible. Your career is your life, might as well enjoy what you do, right?

If he wishes to become a pilot he can attain the training in India or USA for half the price that has to be spent in UK. I know in Pakistan the Fuel costs are high but still the total cost to get CPL is half the price then UK. Though the books that are prescribed are the same Oxford ones.
I've thought about training abroad but even if they are half the price of training in the UK, the travel and accomodation expenses I would incur would be rather sizeable in themselves over the training period. If I do my training in the UK I won't have any accomadation expenses and minimal travel expenses plus I don't have the contacts in either the US or India to embark upon training in a foreign country.
Yes, I'm aware bro :)

Haven't gone up in a Cessna 172, I have only flown a Grob Tutor and G 109 thus far. I'm just finishing my degree (graduating this year) so haven't joined any acadamies yet but have researched a few, Oxford would be very convenient for me as I'm only about 30 mins away by car or 20 mins by train. I'm also looking to apply for pilot programs with Virgin and BA (it's annoying these are the only two airlines that offer these schemes in the UK). The cost is enourmous, £80K for the CPL and £20K on top of that for type training but It's what I really want to do and I'd do anything to make it possible. Your career is your life, might as well enjoy what you do, right?
what degree are you doing?
i would go for BA as its larger and more reliable. or if your single and intrested then go virgin.(have you seen the cabin crew! DAMN!!)
if your heart says it then go for it and good luck.
Inshallah it will be ,Chinese are smart and they are not putting any thing to risk .

Of course. That is why they have high interest rates and loan guarantees to secure the risk on their investment. Smart.
Of course. That is why they have high interest rates and loan guarantees to secure the risk on their investment. Smart.
For guarantees im sure it is Govt of Pak /Interest rate is quite low for these projects with deferred payments in some cased after 7 years from operational start
For guarantees im sure it is Govt of Pak /Interest rate is quite low for these projects with deferred payments in some cased after 7 years from operational start

Not all terms have been disclosed, but the rates are quite high, reflecting the high risks involved.
what degree are you doing?
i would go for BA as its larger and more reliable. or if your single and intrested then go virgin.(have you seen the cabin crew! DAMN!!)
if your heart says it then go for it and good luck.
Accounting and finance BSc, 3 years of this has shown me I do not want to be an acountant haha.

I'm gonna go for anything and everything sir, BA, Virgin or EasyJet I would be thrilled with any chance to sit in a cockpit and do that as my job (okay, maybe not so much with EasyJet lol).

+(VERY single)
Not all terms have been disclosed, but the rates are quite high, reflecting the high risks involved.
Just to put you in reference .Every investment in Pak is subjected to certain risks which all investors incorporate e.g my last company was operating in 80+ countries and with average rate of pay back around 10% investments were done but for Pak investment average rate was around 26% . so you see Pak is not very good place to invest by any one
Just to put you in reference .Every investment in Pak is subjected to certain risks which all investors incorporate e.g my last company was operating in 80+ countries and with average rate of pay back around 10% investments were done but for Pak investment average rate was around 26% . so you see Pak is not very good place to invest by any one

Such added costs for Pakistan only make economic viability of such projects more problematic.
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