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Gwadar port city development project | News and Updates

QUETTA: China Power Company head Sho has said that his firm will set up a 300 megawatts coal-based power plant at Gwadar for electricity generation.

“We will provide free of cost electricity, basic necessities to poor fishermen of coastal areas and gradually uplift their standard of living,” said the Chinese firm’s head during a meeting with Provincial Minister for Environment and IT Prince Ahmed Ali Ahmedzai on Thursday.

Environment Director General Capt (retd) Muhammad Tariq and Environment Secretary Ghulam Muhammad Sabri were also present on the occasion.

Sho said that ash generated by coal would be utilised in development projects that would create work opportunities for the locals, adding that trees would be planted in Gwadar for the protection of environment.

The environment minister said that Balochistan government encourages eco-friendly developmental projects.

He said, “We need to pay attention towards marine life as well. The Chinese experts are welcome to lay a sustainable foundation for a desalination plant in Gwadar.”

Sho said, “Work on desalination power plant will begin shortly for ensuring supply of pure drinking water in Gwadar.”
ISLAMABAD: The Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) and China Overseas Ports Holding Company (COPHC) are jointly organising the first international exhibition in Gwadar Free Zone on January 29 and 30, 2018. The Gwadar Free Zone (phase-1) will also be inaugurated on the occasion. Over 200 companies across various industrial sectors from both Pakistan and China will be participating in the event. COPHC Chairman Zhang Baozhong said in a video message that both entities are initiating a series of events starting off with the ‘Gwadar Expo 2018’. He added more than 3,000 exhibitors and over 10,000 visitors had applied for participation, but due to logistics issues only 200 exhibitors and 5,000 visitors were allowed. This event will boost economic cooperation not only between Pakistan and China but also with Iran, Afghanistan and the Middle East, he added.
GDA Hospital has so far treated 229,000 patients while it has conducted 51,000 lab tests and 4,600 X-Rays have been performed.





I love the Sikh Mandir style architecture of the Gwadar expo centre - the quality of work and finish is way above what you normally see in Pakistan in similiar style scale projects. On the external aspect enough space has been given to pavements, pedestrians etc giving the look of a first world town. No doubt that is Chinese influence.
Flag March conducted in the area of Makran Coastal Highway N-10 Gwadar to ensure visibility of the police vehicles and to strengthen the trust of general public .


I love the Sikh Mandir style architecture of the Gwadar expo centre - the quality of work and finish is way above what you normally see in Pakistan in similiar style scale projects. On the external aspect enough space has been given to pavements, pedestrians etc giving the look of a first world town. No doubt that is Chinese influence.

I think architecture is more to do with Oman than Sikh. As Gawadar had influence of Oman, so it makes sense as well.
Pictures From Gwadar Expo 2018 at Newly Built Gwadar Free Zone






Higher Education Commission of CPEC Unit on Wednesday held special consultation meeting to review the ongoing projects of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) related to establishment of Government University Gwadar and educational city in Gwadar.

The meeting was chaired by Higher Education Commission's Head of the CPEC unit Lt Gen (R) Mohammad Asghar here at the Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEM).

The committee discussed the employment opportunities which would be provided after completion of CPEC project.

Special focus was made on provision of technical training to youth of Gwadar. In the meeting, comprehensive consultation was conducted for construction and establishment of world class government university in Gwadar and launch of certain educational and technical training programmes and courses.
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