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Gwadar port city development project | News and Updates

New Gwadar International Airport (GWD/OPGD)

Initial work




They are performing Standard Penetration test (SPT) on soil to Check the strength and bearing capacity of soil underneath layers.
First Water Desalination Plant in Gwadar Becomes Operational

It seems that the water shortage crisis at Gwadar has come one step closer to being resolved. A water desalination plant was recently inaugurated by Pakistan’s Minister for Ports and Shipping yesterday at the port city.

Hasil Khan Bizenjo — in his inaugural address — said that now water supplies in Gwadar would be cheaper compared to before when water was used from the Mirani dam in Turbat.

To drive this point home, he mentioned that this plant (which can hold 5 million gallons of water) will provide 254,000 gallons of clean potable drinking water per day – at Rs. 0.8 per gallon.

Water supplies have been made available in tankers for public since 1st January, 2018.

Senator Bizenjo said that 2018 has had a good start for the people of Gwadar. The port city is being built under China’s Shenzhen model of development, with links to both land and maritime Silk Roads.

The water desalination plant has been developed as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The head of China Port Holding has said that China plans to invest $4.2 billion in the development of Gwadar itself – the results of which can be seen.

Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo has declared that 2018 will be a year of massive development in Balochistan.

Gwadar Expo Centre will be inaugurated on 28th January, 2018 – and local sources have reported that various other buildings in the Free Zone are to be inaugurated before the month is out.

I have been saying from long ago, Pakistan need to put up as many desalination plants all along the coastal line as much possible and than run pipelines deep into the country.
First Water Desalination Plant in Gwadar Becomes Operational

It seems that the water shortage crisis at Gwadar has come one step closer to being resolved. A water desalination plant was recently inaugurated by Pakistan’s Minister for Ports and Shipping yesterday at the port city.

Hasil Khan Bizenjo — in his inaugural address — said that now water supplies in Gwadar would be cheaper compared to before when water was used from the Mirani dam in Turbat.

To drive this point home, he mentioned that this plant (which can hold 5 million gallons of water) will provide 254,000 gallons of clean potable drinking water per day – at Rs. 0.8 per gallon.

Water supplies have been made available in tankers for public since 1st January, 2018.

Senator Bizenjo said that 2018 has had a good start for the people of Gwadar. The port city is being built under China’s Shenzhen model of development, with links to both land and maritime Silk Roads.

The water desalination plant has been developed as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The head of China Port Holding has said that China plans to invest $4.2 billion in the development of Gwadar itself – the results of which can be seen.

Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo has declared that 2018 will be a year of massive development in Balochistan.

Gwadar Expo Centre will be inaugurated on 28th January, 2018 – and local sources have reported that various other buildings in the Free Zone are to be inaugurated before the month is out.
0.8 rs/gallon cannot be accurate that is dirt dirt cheap
I have been saying from long ago, Pakistan need to put up as many desalination plants all along the coastal line as much possible and than run pipelines deep into the country.

This is not the way how it should be.
Desalination plants are expensive to build and energy intensive.
They are at best a short to medium term solution.
Efforts should be put in building a number of small dams ; there is enough seasonal water that flows out to the sea or gets dried up over time.
A network of aqueducts is needed around the water sources both dams and aquifers.
The remaining shortage should be covered by desalination plants but i doubt you will even reach that point.
Californian or Australian model should be adopted.
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Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) is inducting two Aframax-category tankers and will soon be commencing a coastal ferry service between Karachi & Port Qasim, and Karachi & Gwadar.



AFRA stands for Average Freight Rate Assessment. As the name suggests, Aframax are medium-sized oil tankers with a dead weight tonnage (DWT) between 80,000 and 119,999. Though relatively small in size in comparison to VLCC and ULCC, Aframax tankers have a capacity to carry up to 120,000 metric tonnes of crude oil. They are just ideal for short to medium-haul oil trades, and are primarily used in regions of lower crude production, or the areas that lack large ports to accommodate giant oil carriers.
Jan 2018....
A vessel named Mandarin Ocean owned by "DASIN" company berthed at Port. It carried containers and general cargo for different projects under construction and Expo 2018 at Gwadar.




China to revise master plan of Gwadar city

GWADAR: Though the mushrooming real estate companies are advertising plots at Gwadar, the Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) has suspended around 100 housing schemes for changes in master plan.

According to details, China will revise the master plan of Gwadar city, for which a joint committee of GDA is reviewing the development of master plan after every six months. The decision of suspending the housing schemes was taken by the authority to avoid the haphazard construction in the area.

Talking to Pakistan Today, GDA Director General (DG) Dr Sajjad said that the private real estate firms will remain suspended till formulation of the master plan. The plan is expected to be ready by August 14, 2018.

He said that the master plan of the city is being developed at 290,000 acres of land, out of which private housing societies own almost 16,000 acres. Out of the 290,000 acres, 160,000 acres will be allocated for the residential area.

According to the DG, an ‘oil city’ is also being developed in Gwadar at 80,000 acres of land for which PC-I have been prepared. Replying to a question, he said that apart from the private housing societies, Pakistan Navy holds 1,400 acres for constructing a naval academy in Gwadar.

According to a source, 70 per cent of Gwadar’s land is now in private hands.

Earlier, the Planning Commission had initiated the process to launch a project for developing Gwadar as an integrated ‘smart port city’. The plan was aimed to leverage information technology-based solutions to boost economic productivity and quality of life of citizens of Gwadar, whilst minimising resource consumption and pollution.

As per documents, the current master plan of Gwadar city, last updated in 2005, has two interdependent elements: the port and the city of Gwadar. The strategic focus on simultaneous development is primarily due to the natural and symbolic relationship that exists between a port and the city that surrounds it; one cannot be developed without the other.

A shortage of resources, non-fulfilment of concession agreements by the Pakistan government and the original concessionaire – the Port of Singapore Authority – and the limited commercial activity in Gwadar city have together retarded the development of the port over the last few years.

As of 2013, the concession for the port has been awarded to a Chinese operator who is in the process of updating the port master plan. Under the new plan initiated by the Planning Commission, the port will be considered as a separate entity from the city.

The new plan is also designed to update the existing master plan of Gwadar city, and develop strategies for the establishment of Gwadar as a preferred economic and lifestyle destination.

The plan will be based on inclusive and sustainable strategic development to ensure the socio-economic uplift of the Makran coast in general and the Gwadar region in particular. The plan will recommend regulatory interventions and ways and means to develop Gwadar as a special economic zone (SEZ), and ensure short-term economic growth, including trickle-down effects.
China to revise master plan of Gwadar city

GWADAR: Though the mushrooming real estate companies are advertising plots at Gwadar, the Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) has suspended around 100 housing schemes for changes in master plan.

According to details, China will revise the master plan of Gwadar city, for which a joint committee of GDA is reviewing the development of master plan after every six months. The decision of suspending the housing schemes was taken by the authority to avoid the haphazard construction in the area.

Talking to Pakistan Today, GDA Director General (DG) Dr Sajjad said that the private real estate firms will remain suspended till formulation of the master plan. The plan is expected to be ready by August 14, 2018.

He said that the master plan of the city is being developed at 290,000 acres of land, out of which private housing societies own almost 16,000 acres. Out of the 290,000 acres, 160,000 acres will be allocated for the residential area.

According to the DG, an ‘oil city’ is also being developed in Gwadar at 80,000 acres of land for which PC-I have been prepared. Replying to a question, he said that apart from the private housing societies, Pakistan Navy holds 1,400 acres for constructing a naval academy in Gwadar.

According to a source, 70 per cent of Gwadar’s land is now in private hands.

Earlier, the Planning Commission had initiated the process to launch a project for developing Gwadar as an integrated ‘smart port city’. The plan was aimed to leverage information technology-based solutions to boost economic productivity and quality of life of citizens of Gwadar, whilst minimising resource consumption and pollution.

As per documents, the current master plan of Gwadar city, last updated in 2005, has two interdependent elements: the port and the city of Gwadar. The strategic focus on simultaneous development is primarily due to the natural and symbolic relationship that exists between a port and the city that surrounds it; one cannot be developed without the other.

A shortage of resources, non-fulfilment of concession agreements by the Pakistan government and the original concessionaire – the Port of Singapore Authority – and the limited commercial activity in Gwadar city have together retarded the development of the port over the last few years.

As of 2013, the concession for the port has been awarded to a Chinese operator who is in the process of updating the port master plan. Under the new plan initiated by the Planning Commission, the port will be considered as a separate entity from the city.

The new plan is also designed to update the existing master plan of Gwadar city, and develop strategies for the establishment of Gwadar as a preferred economic and lifestyle destination.

The plan will be based on inclusive and sustainable strategic development to ensure the socio-economic uplift of the Makran coast in general and the Gwadar region in particular. The plan will recommend regulatory interventions and ways and means to develop Gwadar as a special economic zone (SEZ), and ensure short-term economic growth, including trickle-down effects.
Excellent idea.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided to construct a mega oil city at Gwadar on 80,000 acres under much hyped China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

This mega oil city will be used for transportation of imported oil through the Gwadar Port to China. The oil will be imported from Gulf and will be stored at this proposed mega Gwadar oil city.

The distance to China will be reduced, and it will take just seven days to cover the distance from Gwadar to Chinese border as import through western China took almost 40 days by covering double distance.

“We have forwarded PC-1 to the Ministry of Petroleum for acquiring 80,000 acres for this mega oil city at Gwadar with estimated cost of Rs10 billion. There will be additional cost for construction of its storage and other aligned facilities with the help of investments,” Director General, Gwadar Development Authority (GDA), Dr Sajjad H Baloch, told Islamabad based journalists who visited the Gwadar Port last week. This visit was arranged by the Planning Commission in order to show case different ongoing projects under CPEC.

A refinery, petrochemical industries and storage will be established in the oil city, he added.

The Gwadar oil city, he said, would be used for storing oil for its onward transportation to China. Usually, it takes 40 days for vessels to transport oil to China but via Pakistan it will reach China within 7 days, he added. He said that the total area of Gwadar Model City is 290,000 acres which includes 160,000 acres of residential area while the remaining is for industrial purposes. A Chinese company is working on the Model City Plan and it will be ready by August 14, 2018.

To another query regarding different measures for overcoming water shortages at Gwadar, he said that the current water requirement stood at six million gallons per day and there is no direct water supply taking place to the area. Two MGD water is being supplied from two water small dams through tankers and nearest distance is almost 70 kilometres.

“We have a deficit of four million gallons per day in water supply to the area,” he said and added that by 2020, the water requirement of Gwadar would be 12 million gallons per day, for which additional arrangements were made to get 10 million gallons of water.

New Gwadar International Airport: Earlier, the journalists visited the site of proposed new airport at Gwadar. The China Airport Construction Group Engineering Company representative Jianxin Liao told the visiting journalists that they were conducting soil investigation on the basis of which, the design of new airport at Gwadar will be finalised. He said that the procured land for this new airport stood at 4,300 acres, and this airport will possess capacity to handle one million passengers on annual basis. He said that by April this year the design will be completed after which the cost of the project will be estimated. It will be the biggest airport of Pakistan.
Drone Uqab


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan army has acquired Uqab to monitor China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Sui gas pipeline, sensitive installations, bridges, dams and borders.

The Uqab, second drone, prepared by a private company Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS), Pakistan, has flight capacity of 15 hours; it can carry missile with weight of 1,000kg ammunition and can hit the target.

The Uqab can be flown in the limit of 250km with remote control, and its range can be minimised after connecting through satellite.

Through this technology, surveillance of whole world could be done while sitting in Pakistan. It has also some unique features, and expenditures incurred on its preparation are far less than the drones prepared by other countries.

The Uqab could be used to carry out scientific and climatic analysis besides surveillance programme and destroying enemy’s hideouts.

According to sources of the company, the drone would soon be presented in market for sale as 15, including some European countries, submitted application showing interest in purchase of Pakistani drone.
Drone Uqab


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan army has acquired Uqab to monitor China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Sui gas pipeline, sensitive installations, bridges, dams and borders.

The Uqab, second drone, prepared by a private company Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS), Pakistan, has flight capacity of 15 hours; it can carry missile with weight of 1,000kg ammunition and can hit the target.

The Uqab can be flown in the limit of 250km with remote control, and its range can be minimised after connecting through satellite.

Through this technology, surveillance of whole world could be done while sitting in Pakistan. It has also some unique features, and expenditures incurred on its preparation are far less than the drones prepared by other countries.

The Uqab could be used to carry out scientific and climatic analysis besides surveillance programme and destroying enemy’s hideouts.

According to sources of the company, the drone would soon be presented in market for sale as 15, including some European countries, submitted application showing interest in purchase of Pakistani drone.

Excellent decision by PA. Buying drones from local private manufacturers is a good move.
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