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Gunmen target Shia community in Quetta, kill 12

This is not terrorism, this is act of sectarian violence.. There is difference btwn Terrorism, Communal riots, Maoists, Political violence and sectarian violence.

I explained the differences in great detail in Post # 11.
i think this is the 3rd time in this month the same thing has happend to shias.
i think this is the 3rd time in this month the same thing has happend to shias.

Quetta is an extremely volatile city, & most Pakistani cities are nothing like that. I wouldn't feel safe going there right now, even though I've been there a few times in the 90s.
R.I.P to the dead.

Waiting for my government to do action against SSP and LeJ.
GeoTV, 12 dead and many injured...

what the F !! this is horrible, the government is totally run by idiots !!

Allow me to abuse :

that MF lashkari raisani said "Balochistan is home to millions, if 40 people are killed whats the big deal? and further added I will send trucks loaded with tissues to victims's houses to dry their tears"


hay koe insaniyat !!

yeah hamne apnay opper kia log musalat ker liye hain ?






Someone should do something about these scum terrorists. :tdown:
F*cking hate the Baloch provincial government that refuses to do anything about this situation :angry:
It is sectarian terrorism, because the Hazaras are overwhelmingly Shia & easily recognizable with their Mongloid features. The border region with Afghanistan (Quetta) is also full of sectarian terrorism. But with the Hazaras, as well as other non-Baloch people, it can sometimes also be a case of Baloch nationalism, not sectarianism; but that occurs mostly outside the Pashtun belt of Balochistan.

Absolutely wrong.

The Baloch fighters have not targeted any other community other than the Punjabis whom they resent as "colonizers" and "imperialists". As far as my memory goes there has not been a case of Baloch nationalists attacking the Hazaras.

Infact the Baloch have a reputation of being quite secular (a rarity among the tribes).

These sectarian attacks are the work of South Punjab based LeJ, SSP etc in active collusion with the Taliban.

F*cking hate the Baloch provincial government that refuses to do anything about this situation :angry:

What can the Baloch Govt do when the court itself releases a murderer and the FC which is touted as the most powerful force in Balochistan refuses to do anything to check this ?
This form of green on green terror and intra-mohamadden barbarism is really getting nasty and catching up!!
Why do shias travel in their own special buses??
I think last time also a shiate bus was butchered in Pakistan
Absolutely wrong.

The Baloch fighters have not targeted any other community other than the Punjabis whom they resent as "colonizers" and "imperialists". As far as my memory goes there has not been a case of Baloch nationalists attacking the Hazaras.

Infact the Baloch have a reputation of being quite secular (a rarity among the tribes).

These sectarian attacks are the work of South Punjab based LeJ, SSP etc in active collusion with the Taliban.

As I said, Jundullah has been aided by the LeJ & the SSP for sectarian violence, & it is a Baloch nationalist movement as well. Baloch nationalists do not target only Punjabis, there is no tag on a person that says "I'm Punjabi", & "I'm non-Punjabi". Baloch nationalism is aimed at all non-Baloch ethnicities, & the government especially, who the Baloch nationals feel have "converted" Balochistan from a Baloch majority province, to a Pashtun majority one. The BLA/BLF are more secular than Jundullah of course. But they target all non-Balochs equally without discrimination.

Statistics from last year's Pakistan security report:

Balochistan was the most volatile region of the country in 2010. As many as 737 attacks— including 614 by nationalist insurgents, 105 militant, 12 sectarian and two communal—were reported across the province in 2010, which claimed the lives of at least 600 people, including 483 civilians, 51 FC personnel, seven army soldiers, 53 policemen and six Levies paramilitary personnel.
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