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Gunmen attack Saudi consulate car in Karachi, one Saudi dead

انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون
Inna lillahi wa inna Ilahi rajioun

Well TTP took the responsibility of the killing..

that's CIA created virus.
Taliban say support killing of Saudi diplomat
Updated 30 minutes ago
KARACHI: Pakistan's al Qaeda-linked Taliban said it could not confirm its fighters killed a Saudi diplomat in the Pakistani city of Karachi on Monday but expressed "full support" for the attack.

"Whoever has done this, has done a very good job because, like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia is also an American slave. In fact, it's two steps ahead of Pakistan. Whichever organisations are engaged in such activities, we fully support them," said Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan by telephone from an undisclosed location. (Reuters)
that's CIA created virus.
Well, of course, after all, no "real" Muslim could do this - not to Saudis anyway -- TTP seem to be responding to suggestions that the Saudi regime through Prince Bandar, had help make arrangements in Pakistan to facilitate operation Geronimo

What does it stand for bro ?

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (the TTP) (Urdu: تحریک طالبان پاکستان; Student Movement of Pakistan)

نقدر نقول نسخة باكستانية لحركة طالبان الافغانية​
Maybe it's good to separate Pakistan from Saudi Arabia, after all, that country is the reason for all the problems in Pakistan & the rest of the Muslim world today.

So the reason of our current situation (Saudi Arabia) is being attacked by the reason (AQ- PTT) responsible for our current state- Whats the reason again?-

Why it has to either way fault of Saudi Arabia?-
May be Saudi Arab-Iran rivalry of Bahrain and Yemen is spilling over to Pakistan
Pakistan is struggling- every one wants a piece of it-
Now the AQ doesn't know who attacked the Saudi Consulate Driver-
Its a right time to bring RAW into the equation-
Pakistan has put itself in the situation where literally anyone in the world can carry out terrorism within Pakistan. They don't even have to do it themselves; there are plenty of fanatics for hire within Pakistan who just need some money and a good pep talk to go and kill people. This bombing could have been indirectly 'sponsored' by Zimbabwe, for all we know.

When the government and army fail in their duty to ensure security within the country, it's open season for everyone.

The Pakistani generals don't seem to understand that, even if you are using guerillas as a tool of state policy, it is criminally insane to allow these lunatics to operate within your own country. India created and/or supported Mukhni Bharti, LTTE and BLA, but they didn't allow their Frankenstein to operate within India. As soon as LTTE deviated from the plot and started causing trouble in Tamil Nadu itself, the Indians went ballistic on their as$.

Just because you train a dog to hunt doesn't mean he should be doing it in your living room.
Pakistan is struggling- every one wants a piece of it-
Now the AQ doesn't know who attacked the Saudi Consulate Driver-
Its a right time to bring RAW into the equation-

Now you are talking like a true Pakistani!! Conspiration theory, denial and refusal to introspect... Or you're really consistently incosistent like your signature says..

May be RAW is also alined to AQ's cause...
May the deceased rest in peace , why would some group or gang attacked saudis ?
Now you are talking like a true Pakistani!! Conspiration theory, denial and refusal to introspect... Or you're really consistently incosistent like your signature says..

May be RAW is also alined to AQ's cause...

You can call it a conspiracy- but i have not put forth any theory-
and about Denial and Refusal to introspect- what did i deny? and what is there to introspect?- According to popular theory- Isn't Al- Qaida being sponsored by the Saudis- and has close relations with TTP?- And AQ has not taken the responsibility of the attack- Which third party am i missing here?-

About RAW it will love to align itself with any cause which is meant to harm Pakistan-
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