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Gunmen attack Saudi consulate car in Karachi, one Saudi dead

But the Saudis are also the biggest donors to the Madrassas from where these guys most likely are recruiting.

That is a very vague statement. Is the Saudi govt. funding madrassas? No

Did the Saudi govt. not hunt down Aq members like dogs and arrest/kill many of them? Yes

Did they not break of diplomatic relations with the Taliban because they sheltered OBL back in in 1999? Yes

Fact of the matter is that AQ was and is anti-Saudi govt. and if you have been following what the SAG is doing in this regard, you would know that they have been tackling AQ militants both ideologically as well as militarily much more effectively than Pakistan.
انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون
Inna lillahi wa inna Ilahi rajioun

Well TTP took the responsibility of the killing..

it could be an act of external enemy trying to create rift between Saudia and Pakistan. specially after Abbottabad incident when our officials went to KSA and seems some low lives are at work to damage Pakistan further.

surely involvement of internal rats is also 100%
You need not to say that brother, many of us enlightened Pakistanis dont want to hear that.

Well most of Liberal Pakistani lot sitting in the west exactly wants to say that-- You are responsible- They dont consider We-
They are not the Saudi Royals but rich Saudi citizens. OBL was one such citizens who hated his king and wanted a regime change.

You clearly haven't been to Saudi Arabia, I have. They have Salafism as their state policy.
So the reason of our current situation (Saudi Arabia) is being attacked by the reason (AQ- PTT) responsible for our current state- Whats the reason again?-

Why it has to either way fault of Saudi Arabia?-

As a Muslim, you understand the importance & authority Saudi Arabia exerts over the rest of the Muslim world. Saudi Arabia is where the holiest sites of the Muslim world are, it is where Islam got its birth & shape. So naturally, they have the highest command & authority over the rest of the Muslim world, & unfortunately, all the world's Muslim extremism that we seen today has emancipated from that country as well, thanks to the wonderful monarchy there. It's sad that the US (& Britain in the past) has never wanted to obliterate extremism, & has used it all over the world to achieve its geopolitical objectives. Saudi Arabia has helped them achieve that. If Saudi Arabia wanted, it could easily the Palestinian issue, ask the US to push for the Kashmir one, wouldn't be supporting the Bahrain monarchy in slaughtering its own people. So I stand by what I said about Saudi Arabia. If it did not have the history & significance it has, I would never go there. Their use of Salafism as state policy discriminates amongst fellow Muslims as well, whether that's Shia or Sunni, I've seen that myself going to Masjid un Nabvi.
As a Muslim, you understand the importance & authority Saudi Arabia exerts over the rest of the Muslim world. Saudi Arabia is where the holiest sites of the Muslim world are, it is where Islam got its birth & shape. So naturally, they have the highest command & authority over the rest of the Muslim world, & unfortunately, all the world's Muslim extremism that we seen today has emancipated from that country as well, thanks to the wonderful monarchy there.

This is something which I never understood and is very unique to Islam. I mean I don't see Vatican city having absolute power over all Christian countries, or India controlling all the Buddhist countries. Why does every Muslim need to read the Koran in Arabic? Why can't the Koran be read in local languages and the Nawaz be held in local languages instead of Arabic? Surely the Prophet(PBUH) didn't expect his followers to bow down to the entity of Saudi Arabia and the culture of that land?

Saudi Arabia controls other Muslim countries on the back of all the monetary help that it provides to these countries, not so much because its the holy land. Which is why you see Saudi having more control over the poorer Muslim countries than the richer ones. Apologies if I offended anyone.
Why would India have any right to control the Buddhist-majority countries anyways?

Buddhism come from the modern-day Nepal.

Not in the mood for this shyte seriously! Ok for your sake PureAryan, why doesn't Nepal control Buddhist countries:hitwall:
Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan

Link : Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan - The Times of India

Was he driver or Diplomat.

ISLAMABAD: A Saudi Arabian diplomat was shot and killed by unidentified attackers in Karachi on Monday, just five days after explosives devices were lobbed at the Saudi consulate in the southern Pakistani port city.

The Saudi diplomat, identified in media reports as Hasan M M Al-Kahtani, was attacked by four gunmen riding two motorcycles while he was driving to work.

The attack occurred a short distance from the Bahrain consulate.

The Saudi Embassy in Islamabad confirmed that the victim was a diplomat.

Police officials said the gunmen intercepted the car and fired over a dozen bullets at the victim.

He was declared dead on arrival at the Jinnah Hospital.

No group claimed responsibility for the attack. On May 11, two men riding a motorcycle lobbed two low intensity explosive devices at the Saudi consulate in Karachi though no one was injured in the attack.

Saudi officials said the blasts caused minor damage to buildings within the consulate compound.

The attacks came in the wake of the May 2 raid by US special forces in the garrison city of Abbottabad that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Saudi assistant foreign minister Prince Khaled bin Saud had urged Pakistani authorities to ensure the protection of the kingdom's diplomatic missions in the country.
This is something which I never understood and is very unique to Islam. I mean I don't see Vatican city having absolute power over all Christian countries, or India controlling all the Buddhist countries. Why does every Muslim need to read the Koran in Arabic? Why can't the Koran be read in local languages and the Nawaz be held in local languages instead of Arabic? Surely the Prophet(PBUH) didn't expect his followers to bow down to the entity of Saudi Arabia and the culture of that land?

Saudi Arabia controls other Muslim countries on the back of all the monetary help that it provides to these countries, not so much because its the holy land. Which is why you see Saudi having more control over the poorer Muslim countries than the richer ones. Apologies if I offended anyone.

The Vatican still has the maximum authority over Christians, but most countries in the West are inherently secular, so they don't have power over nations, but they do have over those that follow Christianity. India is basically a Hindu majority country that has adopted a secular approach as well. The Quran has been translated into tons of other languages, & many people read the translated versions. But obviously, Arabic has a special significance, just as Hebrew has for Jews, or what the Devanangari Sanskrit script has for Hindus, it is not uncommon. Every religion has emancipated & gotten birth from somewhere, whether that's Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism etc. Which is why Jerusalem is a special place for the Abrahamic religions. But no, the Prophet(S) didn't want his followers to bow down to the entity of Saudi Arabia or its culture, in fact Islam started from Saudi Arabia because pre-Islam Arabia had a lot of inhumanity in it. And after the death of the Prophet(S) (& even before his death), Muslims went to other parts of the world to spread Islam, which included Europe, Africa & Asia as well.

Saudi Arabia does control other nations monetarily, but mainly through the historical & holy significance of it. Makkah, the Holiest Muslim place in the world has millions & millions of Muslims that visit the Holy Kabah every year, & non-Muslims are not allowed entry there. What is taught in the Madrassahs of Saudi Arabia is propagated all over the Muslim world. You just need to visit Saudi Arabia to see how all the problems of the Muslim world emancipated from there. The lack of women rights there is appalling.
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