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Gunmen attack Saudi consulate car in Karachi, one Saudi dead

That is a very vague statement. Is the Saudi govt. funding madrassas? No

Did the Saudi govt. not hunt down Aq members like dogs and arrest/kill many of them? Yes

Did they not break of diplomatic relations with the Taliban because they sheltered OBL back in in 1999? Yes

Fact of the matter is that AQ was and is anti-Saudi govt. and if you have been following what the SAG is doing in this regard, you would know that they have been tackling AQ militants both ideologically as well as militarily much more effectively than Pakistan.

Why should the Saudi government put their own people at risk when Pakistani authorities are more than happy to sell Pakistani lives for the right price?

Pakistan has become the source of cheap cannon fodder for the Arab governments.
Killing of our diplomat cannot be act of Muslims, says Saudi Safeer.

Lolz, killing of any innocent person cannot be act of Muslim.
Killing of our diplomat cannot be act of Muslims, says Saudi Safeer.

Lolz, killing of any innocent person cannot be act of Muslim.

why the "Lolz" ? he was speaking on the specific criminal act against his innocent diplomat .. I'm sure if the attack targeted inocenet civilians and it requierd him commenting, he would say exactly what you said .
Their use of Salafism as state policy discriminates amongst fellow Muslims as well, whether that's Shia or Sunni, I've seen that myself going to Masjid un Nabvi.

I was in Madinah just 3 days ago, and I don't know what exactly are you referring to .
TTP claimed responsibility i-e why we say Pakistani Taliban have foreign support from abroad.
why the "Lolz" ? he was speaking on the specific criminal act against his innocent diplomat .. I'm sure if the attack targeted inocenet civilians and it requierd him commenting, he would say exactly what you said .
Bcaz now everyday such killings can be observed, we never heard statement of sympathy and / or fatwa for killers being muslim / non-muslim.
TTP claimed responsibility i-e why we say Pakistani Taliban have foreign support from abroad.

Surely TTP has foreign support that is one thing.

But here an interesting development a Saudi newspaper has blamed Iran for killing Saudi national in Consulate attack
The best way to stop the Arab Spring is to focus on a enemy that will invite the US to also intervene -- and of course for Pakistan, a sectarian nightmare - Pakistan is the second largest Shi'ie Muslim nation in the world - but of course, arbi princes and their thrones are more important - it's just reality - unless Pakistanis decide that it does not have to be.
Surely TTP has foreign support that is one thing.

But here an interesting development a Saudi newspaper has blamed Iran for killing Saudi national in Consulate attack

Well, we all know how much Saudi Arabia loves Iran. I don't think Iran has a presence inside Pakistan, but that's just me. Pakistan is infested with extremist Sunni militants (not saying Sunnis are bad), not Shia ones. Shias are mostly the victims of such terrorism.
Maybe it's good to separate Pakistan from Saudi Arabia, after all, that country is the reason for all the problems in Pakistan & the rest of the Muslim world today.

That's a typical Pakistani mindset - can't fix your problems, blame it on others.
Maybe it's good to separate Pakistan from Saudi Arabia, after all, that country is the reason for all the problems in Pakistan & the rest of the Muslim world today.

which country is not responsible for the problems in Pakistan today?......if this forum is considered...except china everyother country creates problem in Pakistan.....is this true? no...sadly it is Pakistan that is responsible for its own misery ....you guys just dont accept that....when you do you will be ale to solve them....till then all you do is blame everyone nd nothing happens
That's a typical Pakistani mindset - can't fix your problems, blame it on others.

Was it not Saudi Arabia that provided its Salafi ideology when the Madrassahs were created in the 80s, for the indoctrination/'conversion' of the people into Mujahideens? It was Saudi Arabia that gave the ideological ammunition for the formation of the Mujahideen, & all the terrorist groups targeting Pakistan were formed from the Mujahideen. So yes, Saudi Arabia is responsible for all the problems inside Pakistan & Afghanistan today, as it formed the Mujahideen. Most AQ terrorists targeting Pakistan today are Arabs.
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