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Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

I go by established stats, not by generic internet comments - blah we have great quality of life etc. Jordans per capita gdp ppp is 9000 against India's 7000, which also makes it a low income country. I don't need to go there to get an idea, stats are enough.
Lol that's pure GDP, Jordanians have a much better life then Indians. Egyptians come to Jordan to work actually because of the much better living quality.
Arabs know very well that it is only Pakistan they can rely on in the end when it comes to their security. Most Arab population know that the protection given to them by the west is only temporary and serving the interests of West. Most people in the west actually hate arabs and despise them but are with them for the sake of national interest. Do you think arabs are stupid and don't know that ???

It is no secret that they bank-rolled our nuclear program and provided aid every time we wanted it.

Ups and downs and some disappointment happens from time to time but the baseline relationship and understanding is always there.

You should read Lt , gen Asad Durranis book. He extensively talks about the role of Arab lobby in Pakistan especially when it comes to their protection. He also hinted how they could have access to nuclear weapons if need arose.

Name of book
Lol that's pure GDP, Jordanians have a much better life then Indians. Egyptians come to Jordan to work actually because of the much better living quality.

Everyone has to go somewhere :lol:. That way SriLankans, Bhutanese, Burmese, Nepalis, Bangladeshis come to India to work. Doesn't mean its great. Same goes for Jordan. It's a low income country, accept it. At this time, Egyptians would go literally anywhere, it's a mess out there.

You tell me , why do they continuously provide aid to us when we refuse to help them against Iran and in Yemen ?
What are Pakistani troops and police officers doing in GCC if they already have protection of the western soldiers ?

The basic understanding is there and Gen Durrani had alluded to this fact in his book.

If Iran develops the bomb , I can bet that these arab countries will come up with a bomb of their own supplied by you know who...

That's the real agenda i talk about... let's do some the required anatomy as usual.

Is it banned for Pakistani policemen and army men to visit GCC? or they are doing some illegal work? explain what you are told or what you wish to change and why?

All world knows, Iran bomb and missile program has roots in Pakistan. May be you shall update your knowledge and read the book 'eating grass'

It's also a public knowledge that GCC is going on full gas, with their nuclear program and we have seen discussion at pdf on this matter.
That's the real agenda i talk about... let's do some the required anatomy as usual.

Is it banned for Pakistani policemen and army men to visit GCC?

All world knows, Iran bomb and missile program has roots in Pakistan. May be you shall update your knowledge and read the book 'eating grass'

It's also a public knowledge that GCC is going on full gas, with their nuclear program and we have seen discussion at pdf on this matter.

Yes I know Pakistan supplied the blue prints to Iran... It had also supplied it to Libya but they gave it up.

I think it was Mirza Aslam Baig who supplied it to Iran as he wanted muslims to have the weapon to protect them against foreign invasions but that idea didn't have any support after his retirement. After him , Pakistan stopped helping Iran.
It had also supplied it to Libya but they gave it up.
Libya reported back to Pakistan.
You can name anyone, but i will always blame head of state and that was Benazir Bhutto and she supplied not only the blue prints but a plane loaded with sample centrifuge.
Army was evidently involved to the extent, that military C-130 was used on numerous occasions, so it was not one sample but whole lot of defense hardware was shipped to Iran.
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Why are you still brain fahrting? This extraction team is in Kuwait to deal with the mess of Indians and save Modi further embarrassment.

It would be extremely embarrassing for the saffron brigade who have banged on pots about China, Pakistan (via Nepal) and tourists from Europe bringing the infection to India, while a hundred infectees of Indian origin sit in Kuwait.
I go by established stats, not by generic internet comments - blah we have great quality of life etc. Jordans per capita gdp ppp is 9000 against India's 7000, which also makes it a low income country. I don't need to go there to get an idea, stats are enough.
Don't embarrass yourself man if you haven't even visited the place. Jordan is a hidden gem of a travel destination. It's damn clean too.
Erm, apparently this would be to look after the shit that Indians themselves have caused in their host country. This is the least India could jolly well do under the circumstances. Or did you think there was some magical reason for this?

The actual problem is too much hi octain which hindutava have been fed by Modi sarkar in 56" chest. Hindutava forgot if the talk shit sitting in Dubai or any where else in any Muslim country they are sitting in India. The reaction in Kuwait or actions taken by GCC in recent days are nothing extra ordinary. Actually this type of shit was not reported to authorities before and hindutava though every where is baap ki jaghir. If you read the law of GCC it is already there and the hate of hindutava got so high that people began to notice it and resulted in actions against hindutava. Those are all hard line Muslim countries at core and there is a massive right wing in whole GCC which will act in their interests. Indians are workers there not owners.
I do find it strange that Indians and Pakistanis are always arguing about who Arabs support more.
I will never understand this obsession with Arabs by Indians and Pakistanis.

In The Netherlands, nobody cares about what Arabs think and many people hate them.
They call them sand niggers, goatfuckers, desert rats, inbred etc.

So, I do not get it.

Can an Indian or a Pakistani tell me why you people always fight amongst each other for the validation of Arabs?
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